A Country Divided...

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I've spent the past few months watching the various posts and replies on this form. Realizing that we are a very small group of people, I still submit that we can probably say that the opinions expressed are a good indicator of our Country as a whole. A Country divided...

Religion, Politics, Liberals, Democrats, Republicans, Left, and Right...

Divide and Conquer...

What I see is a pretty substantial community divided to extremes on issues that inevitably have a common ground. As long as we take sides, intellectual pot shots, and retaliate with our intellect in general, our Country will remain in turmoil.

When negotiating, as soon as you place the other side on defense, the negotiating is over. Both sides must walk away feeling as if they too won.

I believe that we have been led to many of our differences by design. Power and money hungry leaders who know the art of war, and the way to remain in power while pitting the general population against itself.

I voted for Bush because I believe that he was the lesser of two evils. I'm tired of playing Russian Roulette with our future.

Can we come to a common ground and unite as a Unified American Party, or is it too late? Can we turn our intellect towards a workable common goal, and save our Country?

It will take someone a lot more intelligent than I to answer this question.

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It's too late.

It'll never work. UNLEESSSSSS. Nope, that won't work either

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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If you can mediate even the potshots taken on this board, then I'll follow your lead and try to work it locally.

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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I think we need new leaders to start emerging with vision that are not from the old guard that all people can find some common agreement upon... Eh I know they exist but I think those leaders might be too smart to get involved.

It's going to take an amazingly charismatic person(s) with the ability to unite people, and a passion for cutting through the BS and smoke screens that have been spread around for years. Even then, it will only work if we choose to unite and work toward a common goal.

Maybe I had better wake up now...

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I've spent the past few months watching the various posts and replies on this form.

A fun thing to do.

I will become concerned when we quit talking. This community via the internet is worldwide. Everyone is invited to express their views and opinions. I love reading the views from outside the US. INSIDE the US we have all states, religions, backgrounds, creeds and colors represented. This is certainly a recipe for passions to be exposed. I try and remember something my first Skipper told all of us newbies: "You can learn something from everybody". Sometimes that is hard to do but I try.

Unified as a nation? 911....I remember the moon landing, everyone was pretty proud of that.....Pearl Harbor I'm sure of.

Politics? Becoming ruthless. Used to be ex-Presidents would stay quiet when they were out of office. That has gone away. I do not see it becoming more civil.

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Politics? Becoming ruthless. Used to be ex-Presidents would stay quiet when they were out of office. That has gone away. I do not see it becoming more civil.

I guess that I didn't correctly communicate exactly what I'm looking for.

While we are all taking extremely hard stances on our beliefs, I think we've taken our eye off the ball. We're more concerned with "besting" each other so that our side wins, than we are with actually facilitating a future which will keep America the greatest country on this Earth.

The old saying "We have met the enemy, and it is us" comes to mind.

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<< keep America the greatest country on this Earth>>

Now that's funny .... see what you did? You've worked hard over a few posts to unite a people of a micro-level by alienating everyone else on a macro-level...:S


Chivalry is not dead; it only sleeps for want of work to do. - Jerome K Jerome

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<< keep America the greatest country on this Earth>>

Now that's funny .... see what you did? You've worked hard over a few posts to unite a people of a micro-level by alienating everyone else on a macro-level...:S


I knew when I wrote that line that those on here from other countries may take offense, but it was in no way meant to be offensive.

As citizens of the US, we need to believe that our country is, or has the potential to be the greatest. If not, we'll never do what's necessary to achieve that status. It's probably also good to look at what the word "greatest" entails.

I have no hate for any other country. If you guys want to be the best, you'll do what ever is necessary to make that happen too. As a matter of fact, both your and my country have worked together to become what we are today. (now there's probably others on here who are going to really feed off of that last line)

My entire post is about speaking with one voice. In order to do this we have to stop letting certain "issues" cloud our minds causing us to concentrate on singulars.

Example- I voted for them because they were against Abortion, or I voted for them because they were for gay marriage.

I know that we follow what is important to each of us personally, but there has to be a bigger picture. A little give on each side to turn this ship around.

Edited to add:

I'll tell you what I believe to be the number one issue. We're running out of oil. Who ever controls the oil, controls the world. Religion, Race, and Sexual preference issues are used as smoke screens to take away from what we should really be paying attention to.

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Please dont take my laughing as a sign of me taking offence.. That line of yours just went a long way to prove a point that a lot of us inferior nations, had long suspected:P

Chivalry is not dead; it only sleeps for want of work to do. - Jerome K Jerome

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Please dont take my laughing as a sign of me taking offence.. That line of yours just went a long way to prove a point that a lot of us inferior nations, had long suspected:P

That line of mine isn't a secret. I do believe that America is the greatest country on this Earth. If my belief offends you, it's proof that a lot of people look for anything, no matter how small to feel offended. You're aloud to laugh, feel offended, or do anything you like, in this country anyway...

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As citizens of the US, we need to believe that our country is, or has the potential to be the greatest. If not, we'll never do what's necessary to achieve that status. It's probably also good to look at what the word "greatest" entails.

Why do you WANT to be the "greatest" nation. Why are so many of us so hell-bent on alienating us from the rest of the world by touting our superiority???

I think it'd be swell if we'd acknowledge that we aren't so damned special, and certainly no more special than the rest of the world's people.


Also....you must remember that Arkansas is the greates state in the Union, and the Hogs have the greatest fans.

A conservative is just a liberal who's been mugged. A liberal is just a conservative who's been to jail

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joking aside, it would be awsome if we could all unite and agree. but the one thing that has made this country great (and allowed it to be horrible at the same time) is that we arent unified, the arguments, the discussions, the clash of ideas, the differences in opinion, the two parties (though there ought to be 4) is what allows us to continue emproving and to continue doing what is best for everyone.

The problem that i find with current politics (and politics in all of our history) is that the division is almost equal but just one sided enough to virtually silence the other half. We are able to argue and debate and comprimise, but when it comes to the final say what ever the right wants, the right gets, because we have shifted just passed the balance point to give them virtually sole power. This has happened before when the contry swung just far enough left to allow the left to get whatever it wanted, the reason that we are able to progress is during those short spurts as the power is changing hands to be balanced and actually progress.

Sometimes the right is right, sometimes the right is wrong, sometimes the left is right, sometimes the left is wrong; thus if one side holds majority power, we are doomed to only get at best a 50 % correct score (assuming those things that are neighter right nor wrong, still arent correct) 50% correct is not a way to progress. So when we have a balence between the right and the left we have the ability to be right 100% of the time (virtually impossible but still capable).

One thought, one party, one methodology will eventually lead to tyranny, that is inevitable, bickering and arguing is the only thing that allows us to stay free. Yet with our "majority rule" stance, we have majority tyranny any time either the left or the right have enough say. Yet when we have a good balance we have a efficient democracy and we progress, this is why we have times of economic stagnation and regression, and we have economic booms (economics deals with the same left right power strugle), times of political termoil, and time or political rest.

p.s. the 4 party thing, this is the best solution, assures that no group would logically ever have a 51% voice. the 4 parties would be the socially and economicaly conservative, the socially conservative economically liberal, the socially liberal economically conservative, and the socially and economically liberal (republican, church, libertarian, democratic respectively). Currently we are locked into being one or the other, totally liberal or totally conservative, when in fact there are two parts to being either liberal or conservative. Being able to chose any of the possibilities would cause the progression of this country to go to heights never before seen. taking an approch from all angles to find the best one is beter than looking from one side or the other. Not to mention it would likely lead to people having to be more politically savy in order to know who they are voting for, and would, i think, lessen the "i voted for the lesser of two evils" idea.

Who aggrees with me?

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Let me guess.. Junior in college? Excerpt from mid term paper for Poly Sci 334.

It all sounds good man but it would never work. Because of our free market economy one party will always have more resources than another party. (Money, power, women, fried rice -- whatever..)

The same thing would happen only there would be 4 parties instead of 2.

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i have to admit you are a psychic, im a junior in college

i understand the resouces argument, i just think that if people had more decisions about who to chose the threat of majority tyranny would be less likely, even if one of the four controled 40% and the other three only had 20 % a piece, that dominant party still cant make all the decisions, it still has to "bargain" with atleast one other party, assuring a more balanced policy making process, every decision would require atlest some discussion instead of blind passage.

Maybe its eutopic, but i think any change in that area of politics would be better than what we have now.

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<< America is the greatest country on this Earth.>> O.K ... prove it.......

I'm not going to go sideways in this thread because of your indignation over the fact that I have a lot of pride in my country.

The history, the people, and their actions make a country what it is. There's probably very few people that post here that's ancestors did not have a hand in building this country. The name "America" brings to mind, and heart FREEDOM, and OPPORTUNITY. Two things that have been sought after for hundreds of years, and are still sought after today. An ideal that many have given their lives for, and will continue to do so. A country built by diverse peoples from all over the earth. A country which allows us to realize our dreams, the only limitations being ones we impose on ourselves.

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Hi Mr ROK,

I guess that your phsycic abilites aren't as good as the previous poster.. There is no indignation on my part. I do believe that you started the thread drift by asserting that America (A continent by the way and not a single country:P) is The Greatest. a boast that I simply asked (albeit tongue in cheek) for you to rationaise..
So, your freedoms and opportunities are better than say.... the French, Germans, Spanish, Aussies, Kiwis, us Brits etc.... using what measurements?

<> - Some of whom were already there and thence cast aside (I guess that when they fought back they'd be considered insurgents nowadays:P) and others who didn't want to be there in the first place but had to work to actually build that Great Country.

Good talking to youB|

Chivalry is not dead; it only sleeps for want of work to do. - Jerome K Jerome

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As citizens of the US, we need to believe that our country is, or has the potential to be the greatest. If not, we'll never do what's necessary to achieve that status. It's probably also good to look at what the word "greatest" entails.

Why do you WANT to be the "greatest" nation. Why are so many of us so hell-bent on alienating us from the rest of the world by touting our superiority???

I think it'd be swell if we'd acknowledge that we aren't so damned special, and certainly no more special than the rest of the world's people.


Also....you must remember that Arkansas is the greates state in the Union, and the Hogs have the greatest fans.


If taking pride in America, my country, and presumably yours is politically incorrect, so be it. If endeavoring to stay a great nation, working to correct issues, and build a stronger future for our children lables me, by you as being "hell-bent on alienating us from the rest of the world", you're wrong. America wouldn't be what it is today without the help and blood of others.

We are going to "politically correct" ourselves back into the stoneage.

If you don't have pride in this country, a deep pride which will allow you to shout from the mountain tops how you feel, regardless of what others think, I suggest you start working right now to change it. You, as an American (again I'm making the assumption) have the power to change it.

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If taking pride in America, my country, and presumably yours is politically incorrect, so be it. If endeavoring to stay a great nation, working to correct issues, and build a stronger future for our children lables me, by you as being "hell-bent on alienating us from the rest of the world", you're wrong. America wouldn't be what it is today without the help and blood of others.

We are going to "politically correct" ourselves back into the stoneage.

If you don't have pride in this country, a deep pride which will allow you to shout from the mountain tops how you feel, regardless of what others think, I suggest you start working right now to change it. You, as an American (again I'm making the assumption) have the power to change it.

Just to throw another pointless 2 cents in, can anyone answer me why we have to categorize our selves by a nonsensical imaginary boundary laid out on a map. I understand having pride in which ever group you wish to stand for, by why no something with more REAl cohesion like religion, or language, or culture/customs, or better yet why not work to be proud to be a human instead of working to rise abouve other humans that may be less fortunate and shout about being prod to be an american, yeah its great to be patriotic, but y try to raise up one group of people instead of all of them, whether you believe it or not we ARE all created equal and we SHOULD all have the same opporotunity to succed and prosper, just like we cant choose what color we are born as, we cant choose at what lattitude and longitude we are born, why should that become a factor in our ability to live life to the fullest.

Ok carry on now

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The US is the greatest country in terms of resources, power etc.... We are also free to do what we want... That makes it the best deal in town.

I think its the best place to live but others may not agree.

Why do we have to be the greatest nation? We dont have to be.. We just are. Theres no disputing that. Whether its the best place to LIVE is debatable.

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we ARE all created equal and we SHOULD all have the same opporotunity to succed and prosper, just like we cant choose what color we are born as, we cant choose at what lattitude and longitude we are born, why should that become a factor in our ability to live life to the fullest.

Ok carry on now


We ARE all created equal. Unfortunately, there are those who live in places that do not facilitate freedom, or the right to rise above that which is imposed upon them by their "leaders". We don't control the world, but we do have the power to control this country and make it a place for those who wish to share in our freedoms, to do so. Do you realize how awesome that is?

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Hi Mr ROK,

I guess that your phsycic abilites aren't as good as the previous poster.. There is no indignation on my part. I do believe that you started the thread drift by asserting that America (A continent by the way and not a single country:P) is The Greatest. a boast that I simply asked (albeit tongue in cheek) for you to rationaise..
So, your freedoms and opportunities are better than say.... the French, Germans, Spanish, Aussies, Kiwis, us Brits etc.... using what measurements?

<> - Some of whom were already there and thence cast aside (I guess that when they fought back they'd be considered insurgents nowadays:P) and others who didn't want to be there in the first place but had to work to actually build that Great Country.

Good talking to youB|


You are correct. My intention was never to lessen the achievements of any country. If I could change the word "greatest", to one of the greatest, I would. Unfortunately my pride, passion and patriotism are stronger than my ability to be politically correct.

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