
Republicans are Happier than Democrats

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from Garrison Keillor:

We're all Republicans now
We're all united and how
For national security
And cultural purity
We're all Republicans now
Down with the income tax
Get government off our backs
Less regulation—let people be free
To work overtime and have two jobs or three
Put strict constructionists back on the courts
Let liberals have it right in the shorts
It's a free country so go and have fun
But not in my backyard cause I have a gun
We're all Republicans
All Republicans
All Republicans now.

We're all Republicans now
We're happy Republicans now
God put us in office He
'S fulfulling his prophecy
We're all Republicans now
So if health care you can't afford
You better talk to the Lord

He brought us to power—it's His Will we do
We're only His Servants when we're pounding on you
He told us to battle and never relent
We weren't just elected, no, we were sent
No matter what happens, we're not to blame
For He has redeemed us from guilt and from shame
We're all Republicans
All Republicans
All Republicans now.
Speed Racer

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Seriously, I think some of the joy is coming from the Religious Right. The more wars we start, the closer we get to the Apocalypse they're all hoping for.

Watch Jack Van Impe & his wife sometime. They're so CHEERFUL about what they see as the impending apocalypse.:S
Speed Racer

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Ignorance is Bliss!

"...data from the widely used General Social Survey (GSS) consistently show that Republicans are better educated than Democrats (on average, they have more than half a year more education and hold a higher final degree)."
Source: TCS Daily

Ah, so its rampant jealousy then


Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. If you don't take it out and use it, its going to rust.

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>Republicans arent the evil, warhungry sonsofbitches the
>media makes us out to be...
>The less government regulation the better!

That pretty much makes you a non-republican (at least lately.) The republicans are the party of big-brother government now.

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Off Course they are.

Lets look at the current republican administration. They don’t care about killing 30 thousand Iraqis, don't care about are solders dying for a lie, don’t care about are health care, don’t care about privacy laws, don’t care about are image in the world, and just in general don’t care for any one but the high ups, there friends oh yea and there true God Money.

They also don’t care a bout the facts, Logic, or what every one else in world thinks.

When you don’t care you have a lot less stress in your life so you can be happy.

And I am not even a democrat.:)
I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain

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When you don’t care you have a lot less stress in your life so you can be happy.

I've tried that. It's not true.

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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I used to lead a quiet life
In fact it was a bare existence
I passed out on many floors
I don't do that any more

Hello my friends
Is everybody happy?
Hey look me over
Lend me an ear
I'm a conservative

I like the small black marks on my hands
I'm a conservative
I like the crazy girls that I screw
Hey I know them all well

And when I run out of bread I laugh
All the way to the bank
Sometimes I pause for a drink
Conservatism ain't no easy job

I smile in the mornings
I live without a care
Nothing is denied me
And nothing ever hurts

I got bored so I'm making my millions
When you're conservative you get a better break
You're always on the right side
When you're conservative

You walk with pride
Pride is on your side
Pride pride pride
Is on our side
Oh boy
Pride is on our side

I like my beer
I like my bread
I love my girl
I love my head

I'm in the clear man
I'm in the dear
Because I'm a conservative
I'm a conservative
I really am

And it would mean so much to me
If you would only be like me
Yes it could mean so much to me

Hey look me over
Lend me an ear
I'm a conservative

-Iggy Pop

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Ladies, gentlemen...I give you the reason.

Democrats are more frustrated because they realise there isn't always an easy answer for life's problems.

Republicans just want to shoot/bomb shit and let people take care of themselves. This is a much more pleasent thing to do. If you're frustrated you can just go over to your buddies, be angry together and rejoice about the fact that the US of A is the most powerful nation in the world and poor people suck.

Meanwhile the democrats are pondering about better solutions which they don't seem to find.

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Ladies, gentlemen...I give you the reason.

Democrats are more frustrated because they realise there isn't always an easy answer for life's problems.

Republicans just want to shoot/bomb shit and let people take care of themselves. This is a much more pleasent thing to do. If you're frustrated you can just go over to your buddies, be angry together and rejoice about the fact that the US of A is the most powerful nation in the world and poor people suck.

Meanwhile the democrats are pondering about better solutions which they don't seem to find.

Most powerful? Uh, look at the dollar lately?

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Lets look at the current republican administration. They don’t care about killing 30 thousand Iraqis, don't care about are solders dying for a lie, don’t care about are health care, don’t care about privacy laws, don’t care about are image in the world, and just in general don’t care for any one but the high ups, there friends oh yea and there true God Money.

They also don’t care a bout the facts, Logic, or what every one else in world thinks.

I agree 100% and it is not all Republicans, it is this particular group of people who have been together for 20 years.....Our government has been hijacked by a handful of people who want nothing more than money and especially Power. I cannot believe how America cannot see, without eyes, what is happening.[:/]

"Some call it heavenly in it's brilliance,
others mean and rueful of the western dream"

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>Republicans arent the evil, warhungry sonsofbitches the
>media makes us out to be...
>The less government regulation the better!

That pretty much makes you a non-republican (at least lately.) The republicans are the party of big-brother government now.

In a way, big government offloading billions to corporations. The goal is to have very limited government that is disempowered, so it appears the gov is huge now that the Repubs have spent us into a 9 trillion $ national debt, but the agenda is to deplete the gov by deficit spending it into the ground, the corps will be left to further control everything since they will have all the power. Essentially the neo-con Fascist manifesto.

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