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I am sure there is enough video around about young white people spewing hate. As a matter of fact, isn't their a little music group comprised of twin blond girls singing about how the white race is superior?

I guess that is proof that white people teach their children hate...:S

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I am sure there is enough video around about young white people spewing hate. As a matter of fact, isn't their a little music group comprised of twin blond girls singing about how the white race is superior?

I guess that is proof that white people teach their children hate...:S

When the government does the teaching, and the government shows it as propaganda on goverment operated media, that is a big difference.
People are sick and tired of being told that ordinary and decent people are fed up in this country with being sick and tired. I’m certainly not, and I’m sick and tired of being told that I am

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With the rise of Hamas to power in the Palestinian Authority (PA) and the nuclear threat posed by Iran and its renegade president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, supporting Israel is suddenly back in style.

But now with terror groups and sovereign states threatening Israel with total destruction, Israel is enjoying support from countries like it hasn’t seen since before the 1967 Six Day War.
So what’s changed? The western world is now united in the view that Hamas is unquestionably a terrorist organization and that the threats made by Iran are unacceptable.

What makes the Iranian situation unique is their pursuit of nuclear weapons and the threat that would pose to Israel, Europe, and western military forces in the region. Because potential Iranian nuclear weapons also threaten the interests of other nations, those nations show their support for Israel, against the calls for its destruction, as a way of attempting to neutralize the emerging Iranian threat. Sadly, if it weren’t for Iran’s nuclear development, the comments by their president would most likely be simply dismissed by the majority of nations and leaders as nonsensical ravings, a low priority in a world full of conflict. While there are some countries that condemn the outrageous anti-Semitic comments for what they are, these true friends of Israel are in the minority.
by Will King
Correspondent Israel Mosaic Radio CommentaryNew

I am all for supporting Israel as long as possible:)

Mother to the cutest little thing in the world...

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Very true. Also remember that Israel has won every war the Arab nations have started. In the six day war Israel lost around 1000 troops while the Egypt, Syria and Jordan lost over 15,000. They cant face that fact and bitch and whine about Israel. Israel has shown a lot of restraint with these Arab nations. I remember someone saying Israel was pretty close to using nukes in the Yum Kipper War, IMO they should've used them against one country as an example.

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No John I don’t think every Jew is a target.

Darius, a sincere question. Do you see any jews as innocent of the atrocities you believe have occurred?


Yes the ones who are not in Israel, The ones who are in Israel but will not allow there loyalty to there religion over take there loyalty to the humane race.

As I have mentioned before: I don’t care if the Israelis are Jewish or whatever. It is the things they have done witch are wrong in my book not there religion.
I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain

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1. On other peoples land


2. Have broken human rights laws by torturing prisoners and use of assassination tactics.

and its peaceful neighbours (including your home country) are a model for civilized free societies, right?


3. Israel is the inventor of preemptive attacks

I have no idea what that means, or how it is relevan to anything, care to explain?

"Carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero."

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Really! Ever seen what the Israeli teenager say about the Palestinians. I actually remember a US TV special interviewing a few.

The reason for hate in the last 50 years is obvious. Getting killed and treated like shit might have something to do with it.

That’s for the Israeli and Palestinians.

If you are bringing the religions in to it.
Explain this. Islam accepts Christens, and Jews.

Jews believe they are the choose people the only chosen people. What does that mean? Why are they the only chosen people?

To me that sound like it would breed hate more then anything else? If you fundamentally believe you are better then every one else then there is a problem.
I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain

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Also don't forget Israel is the only real democracy in that entire region.

actually, the palestinians are pretty democratic too. but sadly they have chosen Hamas as their elected leadership...

"Carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero."

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When the government does the teaching, and the government shows it as propaganda on goverment operated media, that is a big difference.

Pop said muslims, I didn't know muslims had a single government.

OK, I was generalizing. :)

Certainly is true of some specific countries, Saudi Arabia and the Palestinian Authority at least.
People are sick and tired of being told that ordinary and decent people are fed up in this country with being sick and tired. I’m certainly not, and I’m sick and tired of being told that I am

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In Reply To

I remember someone saying Israel was pretty close to using nukes in the Yum Kipper War, IMO they should've used them against one country as an example.



*that* would really have encouraged the peace.

NEGATIVE.. that was something we were very afriad of at the time.

Our forces had an elevated alert at the time... the B-52's were ready to go at a moments notice as were the guys in the missile silos. We had a steady stream of MAC aircraft delivering supplies to Israel to replace losses they had taken in equipment.

It was assumed if they launced the Soviets would support their client states... Egypt/Syria and attack Israel.. and we would be forced to counter.. it was a VERY TENSE time for those of us on active duty.

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When was the last time a Jewish teenager strapped on a suicide vest, walked into a cafe and blew himself up? I've seen many documentaries where Palestinian kids, under 10yo, are donning mock suicide vest. I remember seeing on TV a crowd of Palestinians cheering and dancing when the played a recording of the jets hitting the WTC. Who seems to be breeding the culture of hatred now.

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I have responded so many times to all the same questions.
But no matter what you say and what you show people twist things to make them selves sound right.

You can search posts I have where I have shown links to articles diaries any thing you can think of.

My response is this.

Do you think all land should be given to the people who were there first? If your answer is yes then a lot of countries need to start moving. If you think the spoils of war should be kept to the winners then we will have war forever.

If you are lacking in common since and can not see the difference between an on going war and what happened 3000 years ago then your on your own. I always bring up Cyrus or Korosh as it is properly pronounced to show how stupid it is to say oh the Jews were there 3000 years ago so the people who did live there 50 years ago have no rights. I really don’t need a lesson in history specially when it comes to my own country.
I am sick of people who always see the pain of one side.

The Jews yes they have goon threw a lot, but that does not excuse them from tutoring Palestinian youth?
The sympathy most of the world feels for what the Jews have been threw does not give them a license to attack who ever they want when they want. It does not mean they are allowed to brak and nor respect basic human rights.
If you were in a concentration camp you have my sympathy but that does not mean you are allowed to bring pain to others. It is that simple.

Every thing I post no matter it being against the Israeli government or if our own troops who have committed a war crime is for the same reason.

It is to see the other side. Loyalty is a great thing but as long as it does not blind you.

Looking at others and seeing them as your self not lower because of there religion or the color of there skin. I am sure no on sees them selves as a racists but if you can easily say oh 9 Palestinians kids have been killed oh well, but then have a strong reaction to one Israeli child getting killed then wake up you are a racist.

All human life must have the same value. No one should be above the law. Simple concepts that we all can agree on but many fail when it comes to action.

To flex. I am not the president of Iran, and I have explained plenty of time how elections are run in Iran so don’t give me that shit. I don’t view you as the Israeli police who torture children so don’t view me as a murdering thief who unfortunately is the president of Iran.

I am done with this thread.
I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain

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The sympathy most of the world feels for what the Jews have been threw does not give them a license to attack who ever they want when they want.

What gave Israel's enemies the license to attack after the UN created Israel? At least they announced their intention to destroy Israel if the UN did it.
People are sick and tired of being told that ordinary and decent people are fed up in this country with being sick and tired. I’m certainly not, and I’m sick and tired of being told that I am

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When was the last time a Jewish teenager strapped on a suicide vest***

I couldn’t let this one pass. They don’t need to there army is very capable of murder.

As mentioned a 100 times before. In my book if you kill inocent children you are guilty no matter if your method was a bomb from an F15 or a suicide bomber.
I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain

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When was the last time a Jewish teenager strapped on a suicide vest***

I couldn’t let this one pass. They don’t need to there army is very capable of murder.

As mentioned a 100 times before. In my book if you kill inocent children you are guilty no matter if your method was a bomb from an F15 or a suicide bomber.

Israel and its enemies are/have been at war. It is a slowly simmering war, but still a war.

Innocent children get killed in any war. Your position seems to be completely pacifist, as any war will result in innocents killed.
People are sick and tired of being told that ordinary and decent people are fed up in this country with being sick and tired. I’m certainly not, and I’m sick and tired of being told that I am

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BIG HUGE difference......

and you should KNOW better Darius

Hamas and Islamic Jihad and all the other terrorist groups do not target the Israili leadership OR the Military, the SPECIFICALLY target CIVILIANS..... buses... cafes... etc....

The innocent children killed by the Israelis are ALMOST ALWAYS accidental while trying to get the LEADERSHIP of those groups.. or the asshats who are making and sending the bombers....to SPECIFICALLY target children and civilians.. I would say that makes the difference. A HUYGE DIFFERENCE.

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