
Hurricane Katrina Racism

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yep, I admit it.... anarchy would be closet to it. you expected something civilized?, what happens next is what happens next...

Like I said, I dont give a toss. Your wanker commander in chief will manage to fuck it up anyways.

I'm sure, because he makes all of the decisions... right? at least your prime minister seems to think so... LOL!!!

"'Someday is not a day in my week'"

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yep, I admit it.... anarchy would be closet to it. you expected something civilized?, what happens next is what happens next...

Like I said, I dont give a toss. Your wanker commander in chief will manage to fuck it up anyways.

I'm sure, because he makes all of the decisions... right? at least your prime minister seems to think so... LOL!!!

i know this may come as a shock to you... but somebody has set up another account to look like me ;) you're not actually arguing with me anymore :D
drive it like you stole it and f*ck the police

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yep, I admit it.... anarchy would be closet to it. you expected something civilized?, what happens next is what happens next...

Like I said, I dont give a toss. Your wanker commander in chief will manage to fuck it up anyways.

I'm sure, because he makes all of the decisions... right? at least your prime minister seems to think so... LOL!!!

My prime minister has been sucking your presidents penis for longer than i care to admit.
Official forum retard... word to your mother, hommies !

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yep, I admit it.... anarchy would be closet to it. you expected something civilized?, what happens next is what happens next...

Like I said, I dont give a toss. Your wanker commander in chief will manage to fuck it up anyways.

I'm sure, because he makes all of the decisions... right? at least your prime minister seems to think so... LOL!!!

My prime minister has been sucking your presidents penis for longer than i care to admit.

I guess this means we're closer than cousins.:)
Do your part for global warming: ban beans and hold all popcorn farts.

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>But the state's demographic information suggests that whites in
>New Orleans died at a higher rate than minorities.

I look forward to the day when the right wing does not play the race card to win arguments. (And yes, the left wing often does the same.) "Hey, look at those idiot blacks who are complaining that they were ignored - 9% more whites died! Those whiners."

WTF billvon, now the right can not even respond to fucked up accusations with out you saying the right is playing the race card?:S
The left played that card and you know it!

Nice try....

If your post was spoof?.....well, it wasn't funny.....
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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>now the right can not even respond to fucked up accusations . . .

The right can do whatever it wants. The battles it picks are telling.

There will always be groups whining about this or that. There were people of all colors complaining about the aid (or lack thereof) after Katrina. Why make it a race thing? (other than to bash some groups that are disliked by conservatives.)

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what a great state and city that was... <<<<<

A couple a 100 years ago or so.....when the French had control of the Louisiana territory, they realized how low New Orleans was below sea level. The fact is that it's lower now then it was then. They sent Jean Le Fitte (the Pirate) up the Mississippi river to find higher ground to relocate the capital. He was told when he and the Indians scouts find high ground to drive a red stick to mark the new sight. In french Baton Rouge means 'red stick'. The money that was supposed to build levees a majority went in to the pockets of politicians. The steel supports for the levees were supposed to be 17 ft. in length and driven to the ground. They did an test the other day, and found in some places they were only 10' ft. Hum I wonder why they cut it short, maybe to use the money they saved to pay off the politicians and the inspector was probably paid also.

Some of Louisiana state laws date back to Napoleonic rule (Napoleon Bonaparte) They are outdated, but perfect for corrupt politics. When the oil boom hit in the early 70' may companies and investor realized they would have to find other places to locate their corporate offices because of all the dirty politics, hence they set up shop in Houston, Tx.

The corrupt politicians make a great deal of kickbacks from goverment contracts and underhanded dealings off of the poor blacks. The Federal goverment hands over alto of money each year for lowincome projects that go strait in the pockets of the politicians. There is no differance between Mobster and police in New Orleans, The oppressed blacks make money for them, and also give them a perfect group to place the blame on.

It took something like Hurricane Katrina to show the
world how shitty a place New Orleans can be. I lived in New Orleans for a year in 98', I learned fast not to trust the police, If you want a New Orleans police man to help you, you have to pay him. There is a lot of underhanded shit that go on there that no one will ever see.

Every year for New Years eve there is at least one person rushed to the hospital from falling bullets. Yeah in the middle of the city the thugs come out and ring in the new year by firing their guns in the air. They are the one who were firing at the rescue workers, they want them out, so no publicity and they cam remain in the shaddows, the rest were probably just for fun. An electrical worker was on a pole with his climbing spikes, A couple of blacks pointed a gun at him and made him drop his wallet.

The Black Mayor of New Orleans is begging for the citizens to return to the city, but I think the refugges have gotten a taste of how much better it is elswhere, and realize their goverment checks will reach them where they are. Personaly I hope they stay gone. I'm a skydiving Instructor, but I was an Electrical contractor for 10 years befor I started jumping. At least once a week I get a call from some scroundle down in the city to hook up these goverment travle trailers, an I'm going to get a check from FEMA. I not going to fall for that scam.

Also I want to say that in 1960 Black people were given the right to vote, and attend schools. It's going to take a few generations for them to catch up.
You can't take an uneducated slave, who was raised by uneducated parents, and just say ok now your equal, compeat with the rest of us for jobs, when the only thing they know is lie, cheat, steal.
I'm sure this is going to piss alot of people off, but it just the facts about here in the south.

Someone dies, someone says how stupid, someone says it was avoidable, someone says how to avoid it, someone calls them an idiot, someone proposes rule chan

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You can't take an uneducated slave, who was raised by uneducated parents, and just say ok now your equal, compeat with the rest of us for jobs,....



when the only thing they know is lie, cheat, steal.

now I don't know about all that...... other things were done to pass time by.

"'Someday is not a day in my week'"

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>now the right can not even respond to fucked up accusations . . .

The right can do whatever it wants. The battles it picks are telling.

There will always be groups whining about this or that. There were people of all colors complaining about the aid (or lack thereof) after Katrina. Why make it a race thing? (other than to bash some groups that are disliked by conservatives.)

Yes, the battles picked are telling so, help me out with your logic
1) Katrina hits
2)the libs, minorities and dems say Bush and his admin caused multipel things to happen to kill minorities
3)A statistical looks says it aint so
4)you accuse conservatives of playing the race card.

Who started this:S
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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I look forward to the day when the right wing does not play the race card to win arguments... "Hey, look at those idiot blacks who are complaining that they were ignored - 9% more whites died!"

I wasn't about winning an argument.
It was about setting the record straight.

It's not about left and right.
It's about right and wrong.

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And what else is new John? People who were there and protested, most likely were the ones participating in the looting, and playing the race card.

"most likely"B| .... nice...[:/], you must understand and realize the state of destitution that poor place is in right now, as a matter of fact... research the word destitution. Connect with what these people are going through.. the mental anguish and trauma the victims of the hurricane are going through. They've thrown out all logical reasoning needed to function in "our world" so to speak, in order to deal with their current situation. Stealing from your neighbor is unacceptable by all means... at least for me, but for them and people in poverty around the world they steal for survival... as ***ANY ORGANISM*** does when confronted with danger or certain death... it's called instinct.

You think the Bayou was dangerous b4!?...

How do I know? I was there days after katrina hit, but of course it was later deemed to be a GWB fault issue, and the attempt of the Federal Government to destroy the levees in order to target the black population.

nother media circus people are buying tickets too... I walked out on that showing... >:(

Apparently you were not there, as you have contributed with no facts or any relevant comment.

My unit arrived in the convention center, what we foung there was not an issue of survival as there was plenty of food, water, make shift hospital by naval personnel froM the IWO JIMA. I'm not talking about race even if you keep insisting on it, but there were some people there that were a problem, don't call it survival because a 52 inch plasma TV is not a matter of survival, at least IMO. Or countless looted goods left all over the place, and including the bodies of people shot, one of which an older man, in wheel chair who seem to be about 70 YO, shot in the back.

Call the latter as however you may please, but you think this is a matter of race, to me is a matter of the actual person that acts wrong, regardless of color.
"According to some of the conservatives here, it sounds like it's fine to beat your wide - as long as she had it coming." -Billvon

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your right... I was not there, nor would I go there... and you and your unit were there doing what they were told... be greatful your not somewhere else... or experienced such losses as the victims of the hurricane... you sound like barbara bush when she said "they're living conditions are better than what they had before..."

.. hero, next time you see a problem, you might want to find out why there is a problem in the first place before categorizing the people your sworn to protect and.. SERVE! I've always believed you cannot provide ample aid in an assembly line type fashion with such high numbers. Then again, there is no other way.. and as for the corpses shipmate, people die.. perhaps not in the method you'd prefer, nevertheless.. there are many forms of death, get used to it...

"'Someday is not a day in my week'"

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Also I want to say that in 1960 Black people were given the right to vote, and attend schools. It's going to take a few generations for them to catch up.You can't take an uneducated slave, who was raised by uneducated parents, and just say ok now your equal, compeat with the rest of us for jobs, when the only thing they know is lie, cheat, steal.
I'm sure this is going to piss alot of people off, but it just the facts about here in the south.

Sure and I've got a great bridge in Brooklyn for ya'. The 14th Amendment in 1868 established their right to vote.

As for the "...going to take a few generations..." thing, you have GOT to be kidding!!! Immigrants come to this country all the time and find success well within their own lifetime.

You've got some incredibly low expectations of black people, IMO.

Of course, who could blame you--being from the South and all. [there's no icon for eyes rolling way the hell back in my head]


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Also I want to say that in 1960 Black people were given the right to vote, and attend schools. It's going to take a few generations for them to catch up.You can't take an uneducated slave, who was raised by uneducated parents, and just say ok now your equal, compeat with the rest of us for jobs, when the only thing they know is lie, cheat, steal.
I'm sure this is going to piss alot of people off, but it just the facts about here in the south.

Sure and I've got a great bridge in Brooklyn for ya'. The 14th Amendment in 1868 established their right to vote.

Oh yes, that was effective... NOT.



PS it was the 15th Amendment. Don't they teach anything in schools these days?

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Also I want to say that in 1960 Black people were given the right to vote, and attend schools. It's going to take a few generations for them to catch up.You can't take an uneducated slave, who was raised by uneducated parents, and just say ok now your equal, compeat with the rest of us for jobs, when the only thing they know is lie, cheat, steal.
I'm sure this is going to piss alot of people off, but it just the facts about here in the south.

Sure and I've got a great bridge in Brooklyn for ya'. The 14th Amendment in 1868 established their right to vote.

Oh yes, that was effective... NOT.



PS it was the 15th Amendment. Don't they teach anything in schools these days?

My daddy was a lyin', cheatin', stealin' slave guy--you can't expect me to know everything! Give me a generation or three to catch up!;)


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Being back in the 1860's Rosa Parks must have realy old when she died, wait they didn't have busses in the 1800's. SO ..........wait I forming a conclusion........ah yes, your both wrong. Black people couldn't vote, ride up front on busses, had to drink out of other water fountians, and yes ...couldn't go to school until the 1960's (nighteen sixty):P

Walt it would really help if you could post some conclusion, and it would give some credibality to your post. So go on....... explain it. Why aren't most of the black people in New Orleans, and the rest of the south highly educated, rich and never received a goverment check. I'm realy interested in your answer, and while your at it could you please tell us your solution on fixing the problem.

Someone dies, someone says how stupid, someone says it was avoidable, someone says how to avoid it, someone calls them an idiot, someone proposes rule chan

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Being back in the 1860's Rosa Parks must have realy old when she died, wait they didn't have busses in the 1800's. SO ..........wait I forming a conclusion........ah yes, your both wrong. Black people couldn't vote, ride up front on busses, had to drink out of other water fountians, and yes ...couldn't go to school until the 1960's (nighteen sixty):P

Walt it would really help if you could post some conclusion, and it would give some credibality to your post. So go on....... explain it. Why aren't most of the black people in New Orleans, and the rest of the south highly educated, rich and never received a goverment check. I'm realy interested in your answer, and while your at it could you please tell us your solution on fixing the problem.

Why? I don't know.

Whose fault is it? Who cares. It's irrelevant.

Whose responsibility is it? Personally, I'm thinking the individual has a lot to do with the direction his or her life takes by the choices made.

Solution? Everyone has the solution within himself or herself. To take a bunch of individuals and lump them into a "born to lose" category like you have done is, in my view, a large part of the problem. Making excuses for people doesn't solve anything as far as I can tell.

It's ludicrous to expect high performance out of people when you put such low expectations on them.

Both of my parents came from very poor upbringings--one from the deep south (Louisiana), the other from North Dakota. Neither of them made it past high school.

They didn't think their childhoods gave me any excuses, though. They expected me to at least try to do something with my life.

So what is so very different about black people that the same "rules" don't apply to them?


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Why? I don't know.

You obviously don't care enough to find out, otherwise it would be clear.

Whose fault is it? Who cares. It's irrelevant.

................, yes, let's just all forget... certainly has nothing to do with the way america is now... most certainly isn't part of american heritage and culture... lets forget why there are black people even in america.

Whose responsibility is it? Personally, I'm thinking the individual has a lot to do with the direction his or her life takes by the choices made.

R u kidding me!?!?!, fuck breaking your post down..... do you honestly think any man would make the WRONG choice on purpose??? Realize, America systematically PRODUCES based on geography... from doctors to engineers to drug dealers and prostitutes.. It's a system thats WORKING!!! financially and globally, it's what secures your so-called "freedoms", our new administration is very new from previous methods and models generated by past presidential parties... which most certainly doesn't cater to just middle-american intrests anymore... Im rambling now...

your whole poor boy adventuring on his own growing up to lead the way sounds like some hollywood, story book bs.... granted it has happened, it is very rare, (news flash: not everyone accomplishes his/her dreams).

"'Someday is not a day in my week'"

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Why? I don't know.

You obviously don't care enough to find out, otherwise it would be clear.

That's a really arrogant statement. If you think you have the definitive answer, then let's hear it. I'm going to step out on a limb here and speculate that your view is something that we've all heard 5 zillion times before and has had zero effect.


Whose fault is it? Who cares. It's irrelevant.

................, yes, let's just all forget... certainly has nothing to do with the way america is now... most certainly isn't part of american heritage and culture... lets forget why there are black people even in america.

Or better still, let's do like you want and live in the past. Let's let the past be a sound reason for carrying on the hate and resentment for the next 1000 years.


Whose responsibility is it? Personally, I'm thinking the individual has a lot to do with the direction his or her life takes by the choices made.

R u kidding me!?!?!, fuck breaking your post down..... do you honestly think any man would make the WRONG choice on purpose??? Realize, America systematically PRODUCES based on geography... from doctors to engineers to drug dealers and prostitutes.. It's a system thats WORKING!!! financially and globally, it's what secures your so-called "freedoms", our new administration is very new from previous methods and models generated by past presidential parties... which most certainly doesn't cater to just middle-american intrests anymore... Im rambling now...

Yes, I DO think people make wrong choices on purpose. I think every time someone ingests drugs or alcohol they are making a wrong choice on purpose.

I think if someone drops out of school not for financial reasons, but because they are bored, they are quite likely making a wrong choice on purpose.

I think there are quite a few examples, but you get my point. I have made a shitload of stupid choices, but it is very clear in my mind who was responsible for that--me. Why is anyone else different?


your whole poor boy adventuring on his own growing up to lead the way sounds like some hollywood, story book bs.... granted it has happened, it is very rare, (news flash: not everyone accomplishes his/her dreams).

I did not grow up poor--my parents did. The point was they didn't let their childhoods be used as an excuse for my lack of motivation or effort.

And BTW, I think as soon as ALL Americans realize that what is going on today is class warfare instead of racism, then we'll be able to do something about it.


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And BTW, I think as soon as ALL Americans realize that what is going on today is class warfare instead of racism, then we'll be able to do something about it.

At the White House level, I think that is true.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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That's a really arrogant statement. If you think you have the definitive answer, then let's hear it. I'm going to step out on a limb here and speculate that your view is something that we've all heard 5 zillion times before and has had zero effect.

5 zillion times means that it most likely pointing to truth, and I would call affirmitive action "affect"....


Or better still, let's do like you want and live in the past. Let's let the past be a sound reason for carrying on the hate and resentment for the next 1000 years.

first off, I don't hate... not people anyway, if I sound discerning, don't mind it... its just how I am. secondly I don't use slavery as a tool for revenge or animosity.. but I am not just going to be like, 'oh well'... I have my own personal convictions which I am entitled to.., mostly tward people who hate black people based solely on the reason that they're black.. (oh yeah, they exist), and the hate didn't get here by itself... however I am unscathed by racial hatred... because it's silly, inane, and vulgar.. and and I CHOOSE not to deal with the immaturity.


Yes, I DO think people make wrong choices on purpose. I think every time someone ingests drugs or alcohol they are making a wrong choice on purpose.

I think if someone drops out of school not for financial reasons, but because they are bored, they are quite likely making a wrong choice on purpose.

I think there are quite a few examples, but you get my point. I have made a shitload of stupid choices, but it is very clear in my mind who was responsible for that--me. Why is anyone else different?

drug addiction and alcoholism are ADDICTIONS... just as smoking is... all of which is highly regulated and distributed within our culture... for PROFIT!!! dare I say 'control method'... or maybe everyone is so illiterate that they can't read the warning labels printed on EVERY SINGLE PACK of cigarettes literally telling them they are going to die if they smoke the contents. Maybe smoking is the right choice, no? perhaps the right way would be to die.... no?

for people dropping out of school because they're bored.... we'll that is just ridculous... why is school boring? school should be exiciting... school should be exhilirating.. I mean come on, your learning right?.. inner city programs and poor cities cannot provide the funding used for such stimulation... they can barely afford ample and up to date reading and writing material, let alone a teacher that can perform....
of course they're going to drop out... it's a waste of time.. I would personally like to be out selling drugs making money, or turning tricks, making money, in other words learning.... (stimulative learning).. if I was in that position anyway... that is until it's time for me to goto prison...


I did not grow up poor--my parents did. The point was they didn't let their childhoods be used as an excuse for my lack of motivation or effort.

And BTW, I think as soon as ALL Americans realize that what is going on today is class warfare instead of racism, then we'll be able to do something about it.


we'll at least we can agree on that..., hey, we voted for the government that teaches people to spend money... they've gone as far as to program viable ones to spend money they don't have... lol! so then chief,... it's seems we are in transition then... as racial warfare graduates to social warefare... sorry, sorry... class warefare. As long as your government interprets citizens as consumers your fighting a lost battle... basically you make money... you spend it, and you get taxed for it... and with that, take a glance at the taxation brackets... and tell me... who you think is going to come out on top. Slavery ain't no forget and forgive shit..., but I refuse to have history repeat itself... no matter which side I come out on...

"'Someday is not a day in my week'"

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