
PeTA Morons Click Here

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Ok, a lot of times, I usually like to keep my mouth shut about controversial issues, but this one (and others like gun control, etc.) I feel its time to speak up about.

I saw on a news station this past week, a story about PeTA. It was about them publishing and handing out a comic book, I cant remember the exact name of it now, but it was basically depicting the "male parental unit" as being an avid animal killer if he likes to do things such as fish or hunt (this is issue number two, the first was against mothers who liked to cook chicken). The comic book contains graphic illustrations and states that your family pets are in danger because your daddy likes to kill fish, he will soon turn on and skin your family pets alive.

They are handing these books out to children, some younger than 6. What I want to know is where do they (PeTA) begin to think that they have the right to alienate the family. I can't beleive that they have the audacity to communicate their exagerated crap to children at that age and basically try to turn them against their own parents.

I dont care what you PeTA supporters think, I love to kill animals, I love to eat animals, and it makes my day pulling the trigger on my .308 with a big buck in the crosshairs, or fishing for mahi mahi, or going to KFC to get dinner, etc. etc. etc. Your obtuse beliefs that "animals have rights too" is (at least in my mind) complete bull shit. But you know what, this is a free country and you have a right to your opinion and I respect that. My problem comes in when you start doing things like this comic book, or picketing outside a KFC, Do you know how moronic you appear to be? Aside from the fact that you are made fun of, you are seriously looked down upon from most of the community, at least the intelligent part. Say what you want to, the whole animal kingdon is the same, it is a "dog eat dog" world, and NONE of your crazy pickets or comic books is going to change that. Lions eat meat, tigers eat meat, fish eat other fish, some fishe, tigers and lions eat humans, and we eat deer, shicken, tuna, ostrich, etc.

Normally I try not to be so insulting of others just because of their beleifs (and I have some pretty strong beleifs about others things like guns, see post here "for the same reson I carry a reserve" that I made this past week) but you PeTAs are really getting (for lack of better terms) stupid.

It is one thing to have your beliefs, but when you start targeting children in their developmental years when you can really make a mark on them with unfounded information, that is where I draw the line. It is ok to beleive that you dont think animals should be eaten, but you should not take that and try to impress on children who are for the most part defenseless and unable to think for themselves entirly. I truly do think that most of your tactics are very unethical and in the opinion of the better part of the community, stupid.

Basically, leave kids alone. Voice your opinions, you have a right to, and I encourage it. Just don't take it to the point of obsurdity. (showing up at fishing tournaments and using snorkel and SCUBA gear to cut lines and scare away fish) YOu arent going to change our thoughts, you are only going to PISS us off and make us hate you more than we already do.

Now, if you will excuse me, I am going to go sit down and go eat a bloody rare prime rib. One that came from some animal that lived its short life behind a fence just to go to the slaughter house and end up on my plate. Have a nice day!!!!;)

P- eople for the
e- ating of
T- asty

Blue skies!!! Remember, it is a free country, you can say what you want, make what you want to out of your life, STOP trying to change ours, we have the same rights you do. (sorry animals dont)
"Once you find a job that you like, you never have to work another day in your life"

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You are playing right into their hands. You are falling for the outrageous publicity stunts that serve to get free air time and call attention to what would otherwise be ignored. Don't let them play you for a sucker.

That being said, I used to support them. When PETA was solely against animal testing ( a process that is both cruel AND obsolete) they had a legitimate point. They no longer have that point. They have been taken over by the fringe elements of radical zealots in their midst. Once that happens to an organization, any organization, they no longer serve the original purpose. I suggest you ignore them, and urge others to do the same.
Skydivers don't knock on Death's door. They ring the bell and runaway... It really pisses him off.
-The World Famous Tink. (I never heard of you either!!)
AA #2069 ASA#33 POPS#8808 Swooo 1717

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First off I would like to say that I apologize for the mispelled words and other mistakes in my original post, I was half dead asleep and on about 6 Jack n Gingers.

Secondly, Trust me when I say that I am by no means a sucker. I just like to take advantage of having a place to "vent my angst" and hear other's opinions. Plus it is fun to "make fun" of the people who make me feel better about myself and my friends when I lay down to go to sleep at night and I can say to myself, "Damn its nice not to be a moron"

Happy Turkey day all, safe jumping, blue skies!!!!!!!
"Once you find a job that you like, you never have to work another day in your life"

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PETA is kind of like Jesse Jackson or Hillary Clinton--ya' just love to hate 'em.

Rest assured that according to PETA, not only does Mommy kill animals (see attached), so does Daddy.

At least they like to spread blame around equally. Maybe next they'll do a "Black People Kill Animals" followed up by "Whitey Kills Animals", then do the same for Jews, Muslims, Christians, or whoever.


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Alrighty, I'm not a PETA supporter. I've done my share of fishing and probably eaten more meat than veggies in my lifetime.
However, it is an interesting subject to me that we place the importance of our own species so much higher than any other. That too is perhaps in the nature of any species, certainly lions could care less about any species other than lions.
When an extra thousand seal pelts are harvested on the ice, several animal rights organisations will make a fuss about it and will be dismissed or ridiculed just as quickly by those with opposing points of view.
By contrast, humans are among the most populace species on the planet, some 7 billion strong.
When mass genocide occurs in a country, the world stands in outrage.

Thousands of chickens will be slaughtered today to make KFC meals and I'll be standing in line today to buy.:)But... if I said that I am apathetic to the fact that famine and global epidemics are killing thousands of people every day, would I be called heartless and cruel? If I killed my neighbor for sport would I be called cold-blooded because I killed something or would I be called cold-blooded because I killed a fellow human?

Is it socialy or politicaly correct to care so much more about our own species? Is it critical for the state of the world economy? Is it a religious obligation? Is it a conditioned response? Is it simply instinctive of all species to place themselves above all other? .. to dominate simply because we can?
Is it all of the above and more?

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Pretty much the way I look at that is, "Eat, Or Be Eaten". That rule of thumb can be applied in many situations, such as the people of the United States should stop acting like the super power that we are. We might as well just put ourselves one step further down the food chain. The current line of thinking, and I hate to put it this way but it is true, is making the people of the United States appearing and becoming a bunch of pussies.

Don't beleive me? look what goes on in our childrens schools nowadays. They aren't "allowed" to play dodgeball anymore because it can be harming to other childrens feelings. Parents aren't allowed to punish their own kids without having to woorry about having their kids taking away from them. We are caring too much about what the rest of the world thinks about the US, especially since is anything happens to the other countries of the world (anyof them, yes including France) all they have to do is push the biig red come save me button and the UD will there in two seconds to save their ass. The problem is, we have to be a hard ass to stay a hard ass.

This isnt a total one sided political issue either. Both political parties here are responsible. We have the democrats who are becoming over racially sesitive and the republicans who are trying to make descisions for parents by controling what we hear on the radio or see on TV

It might sound self-centered and ego-tistical to others but, there is no-one, absolutly no-one in this world that could remotely be able to protect others the way the US does. You think it can stay that way if our children can't be properly socialized because fearing for others feelings? I dont think so.

Humans are the superior species. There are no arguments, we are at the top of the food chain, we eat meant, veggies, etc. etc etc. There are no other animals on the face of the earth that are more worth a human life, not even the last exsisting one of a given species. If that species was down to the last one, then it just wasnt meant to be. (this doesnt include people who are criminally poaching) Yes humans can be destructive to species, but we also have the power to bring species back from the brink of extinction. Think any other species would have the ability to do that if we were extinct? No. You think the other species care about us? No. Therefore, I conclude we are superior, and animals just taste so damn good.

Safe and happy jumping, Blue Skies!!!
"Once you find a job that you like, you never have to work another day in your life"

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That being said, I used to support them. When PETA was solely against animal testing ( a process that is both cruel AND obsolete)

Are you talking only about testing of OTC consumables like cosmetics, or are you including medical testing? Because medical testing on animals is NOT obsolete, it is VERY necessary.

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OTC cosmetics. Also, any testing that could be done with human cell cultures.
Skydivers don't knock on Death's door. They ring the bell and runaway... It really pisses him off.
-The World Famous Tink. (I never heard of you either!!)
AA #2069 ASA#33 POPS#8808 Swooo 1717

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Is it socialy or politicaly correct to care so much more about our own species? Is it a religious obligation? Is it a conditioned response? Is it simply instinctive of all species to place themselves above all other?

Every creature in nature kills something else to survive. That's the natural law of the earth under which we live, and therefore, there is nothing wrong with it. It's the way life on this planet works.

For the religious:

Genesis 1

26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness:
and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the
fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and
over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.
27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God
created he him; male and female created he them.
28 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and
multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have
dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air,
and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.

Genesis 9

2 And the fear of you and the dread of you shall be upon every
beast of the earth, and upon every fowl of the air, upon all that
moveth upon the earth, and upon all the fishes of the sea; into
your hand are they delivered.
3 Every moving thing that liveth shall be meat for you; even as the
green herb have I given you all things.

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It's fairly simple, really.

I won't eat animals that I wouldn't kill myself.

Cows don't hurt anything. They are very inquisitive and, with the exception of pissed off bulls, gentle.

Chickens--ugh. Obnoxious and they smell. Quite tasty, though.

Don't kill animals that are cute. I'd have no moral problems with clubbing to death those dickheads that club baby seals. The seals are a lot cuter than the people killing them.

Raccoons and squirrels are really obnoxious, but are cute, so they get a free pass.

Twisted? Yep, but that's just how my thinking is on the topic.


p.s. Muslim terrorists? Not even a little bit cute!

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