
President Bush may have been the guy who saved NOLA.

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September 02, 2005
Why Was New Orleans Evacuated?

A number of our readers have been highly critical of state and local authorities in Louisiana. However, it must be acknowledged that they did one important thing that saved countless lives: they ordered the mandatory evacuation on Sunday that caused most people to leave the city. This mandatory evacuation order was a departure from past practice, when evacuations in the face of approaching hurricanes have always been voluntary.

So what prompted the order that prevented Hurricane Katrina from being a natural disaster of unprecedented magnitude?

The mayor called the order unprecedented and said anyone who could leave the city should.
Gov. Kathleen Blanco, standing beside the mayor at a news conference, said President Bush called and personally appealed for a mandatory evacuation for the low-lying city, which is prone to flooding.

The City of New Orleans and its residents owe the President


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The City of New Orleans and its residents owe the President

Not going to happen with this crowd. Bush could decelope the cure for all cancers and people would scream that he's doing it to help his rich buddies in the drug industry.
If you find yourself in a fair fight, your tactics suck!

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The City of New Orleans and its residents owe the President

Not going to happen with this crowd. Bush could decelope the cure for all cancers and people would scream that he's doing it to help his rich buddies in the drug industry.

Hi Rookie

Can we agree that FEMA screwed up in responding to this disaster.

We know the media screws up skydiving incident reports and even some skydivers don't get it right:o

The quote you responded to in this thread is from "Thanks to (blog) reader Debbie Eberts.":S is Debbie (BLOG Chick) correct[:/]


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The mayor called the order unprecedented and said anyone who could leave the city should.
Gov. Kathleen Blanco, standing beside the mayor at a news conference, said President Bush called and personally appealed for a mandatory evacuation for the low-lying city, which is prone to flooding.

Yes, because I'm absolutely certain that among the other god-like attributes some people give GWB he also is a genius when it comes to meteorology.

If GWB ever made that call, it was under the advisement of NOAA and the rest of the U.S. Weather Service. THEY are the ones that saved lives. GWB could have, at best, only added a marginal amount of emphasis to what was blatantly obvious from looking at the tracks and photos NOAA provides.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Can we agree that FEMA screwed up in responding to this disaster.

From what I have seen and heard----YES as far as I am concerned it has been a major cluster fuck. Everything from communication to logistics has completely collapsed.
If you find yourself in a fair fight, your tactics suck!

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Can we agree that FEMA screwed up in responding to this disaster.

From what I have seen and heard----YES as far as I am concerned it has been a major cluster fuck. Everything from communication to logistics has completely collapsed.

Hi Rookie

I googled the bio of the head of FEMA. He's a lawyer [:/] IMO The wrong dude for the job.B|

I'm not going to throw stone's at the dem's vs republicans this isn't the place or time for that.

Very sad

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I googled the bio of the head of FEMA. He's a lawyer IMO The wrong dude for the job.

I'm not going to throw stone's at the dem's vs republicans this isn't the place or time for that.

As most probably know I vote on the more conservative side of things but that means nothing here. I dont give a damn what the director of FEMA is, Lib, Conser, commie. In my mind from the performance he has done so far I would give the bastard a mop job. Why is it that the news people can get in and out everyday but semi's that are full of water and ice and food cannot go there. A friend of mine drives truck and he has been in Lafayette for 36 hours now with ice but he was told to stop and wait for instructions. He told me that almost the entire parking lot of the truck stop is full of trucks hauling for FEMA with supplies but they all were told to stop and wait. He is really pissed and very frustrated but what can you do.
If you find yourself in a fair fight, your tactics suck!

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Hi Rookie

I agree with you 100%:o

CNN websight has a timeline of what they were reporting in NO and what the head of FEMA dude was saying. It looks like they were speaking in different lanquage's:S

It will be interesting to follow the Dudes career after the dust/water settles.


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Bush is currently being blamed for the mess on the gulf-coast. If he made the call to evacuate then it shows that the he and his administration were proactive. I doubt anyone believes Bush pulled the info that he based his decision on out of his ass. But thanks for assuming we're idiots.


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>If he made the call to evacuate then it shows that the he and his
>administration were proactive.

True. And I did hear that a gas pipeline was repaired today. Why does the liberal media continue to harp on all the dead people, bloated bodies, and dying children? All they do is criticize. Why can't they report all the good things that are going on, like the brave oil companies fixing the pipelines? From what you hear on the news, you'd think New Orleans was some sort of big disaster. Why are they so negative?

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The mayor called the order unprecedented and said anyone who could leave the city should.
Gov. Kathleen Blanco, standing beside the mayor at a news conference, said President Bush called and personally appealed for a mandatory evacuation for the low-lying city, which is prone to flooding.

Yes, because I'm absolutely certain that among the other god-like attributes some people give GWB he also is a genius when it comes to meteorology.


Wow, your hate of the President is clouding your post so much you look...uh...kinda dumb?

Fact is, EVERYBODY got their info from the weather guys, me you, GW, everybody.

Brilliant statement there bud.

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>If he made the call to evacuate then it shows that the he and his
>administration were proactive.

True. And I did hear that a gas pipeline was repaired today. Why does the liberal media continue to harp on all the dead people, bloated bodies, and dying children? All they do is criticize. Why can't they report all the good things that are going on, like the brave oil companies fixing the pipelines? From what you hear on the news, you'd think New Orleans was some sort of big disaster. Why are they so negative?

Hi Bill

IMO the reason some of the media ("Liberal":ph34r:)are so "negative" is because they were in NO for the four days after the hurrican hit and witnessed the Human suffering and the deteriating conditions first hand and FEMA reporting to the outside world Help is on the way!.

These reporters had witnessed disasters all around the world so they thought they knew what to expect. The disconnect between FEMA and NO was a major FUBAR.:S

I'm a human being and am horrifed what we saw via the wonders of T.V.

When the final death toll comes in we'll see if the "liberal" media had a reason to be "so negative".

The death toll from the Tsunami couldn't be prevent due to the lack of advance warning imo a large number of the death's in NO could have been prevented if FEMA had their act together.

History will be the judge of what happen in NO back in 2005. We'll see if the "Liberal" media enters into the equation[:/]


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Why can't they report all the good things that are going on, like the brave oil companies fixing the pipelines?

Boy the oil company is your favorite punching bag. First people bitch that the cost of gas is going up because the pipelines were cut. They they were bashed because they were not working fast enough to get back online. Now they are the bad people because they are getting systems back online while people are still starving on NO. Who the hell do they think they are. No matter what they do the libs are never happy. To them they are enemy #1.
If you find yourself in a fair fight, your tactics suck!

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True. And I did hear that a gas pipeline was repaired today. Why does the liberal media continue to harp on all the dead people, bloated bodies, and dying children? All they do is criticize. Why can't they report all the good things that are going on, like the brave oil companies fixing the pipelines? From what you hear on the news, you'd think New Orleans was some sort of big disaster. Why are they so negative?

Interesting gibberish. Wait, no...just gibberish. If you care to make a point, you should first start with having a point, then you should probably construct carefully worded sentences.

(To be fair, I do understand your point. It's just happens to be immature and asinine. I am not arguing that all is well and good because an evacuation order was given, but you know that. Yet, you would rather drag the discussion into a simple exchange of canned opinions.)

Thanks for keeping the standard low, Greenie.


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Fact is, EVERYBODY got their info from the weather guys, me you, GW, everybody.

Sorry you didn't smell the sarcasim but you eventually did understand the point. GWB, even if he did make a phone call, did nothing special, simply followed the advise of others.

Let me tell you absolutely that had I been in New Orleans in the period of time in question his phone call would have made absolutely no difference to me because I'd already have been on my way out. If a Cat 5 is that obviously is heading in my direction, I'm not going to be waiting for a phone call from the President before leaving.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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it was under the advisement of NOAA and the rest of the U.S. Weather Service. THEY are the ones that saved lives.

So, GWB is responsible for FEMA and DHS, and their "failures", but not NOAA and their "successes"?

All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing. - Edmund Burke

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I wrote "...thanks for assuming we're idiots".

In other words you made a post out of stating the obvious. I assume because you believe that the average DZ.com visitor wouldn't realize the obvious.

By the way, did Carly Simon ever write a song about arrogant, condescending half-wits?


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So, GWB is responsible for FEMA and DHS, and their "failures", but not NOAA and their "successes"?

DHS is Cabinet Level so yes, it reports -directly- to the President. The President created the DHS which includes FEMA, but FEMA is only a part of DHS and is separtated from the President by 1 level.

NOAA is 1 level below the Department of Commerce so it does NOT report directly to the President.

Just for the record, I didn't say GWB was responsible for the failures of FEMA or even the DHS on this issue, simply that he should not be given credit for the work done by NOAA. Where the F did you get the idea that I had?
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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I wrote "...thanks for assuming we're idiots".

In other words you made a post out of stating the obvious. I assume because you believe that the average DZ.com visitor wouldn't realize the obvious.

Again, you assume too much. -I- made a post in responce to a quoted article. I assume the person that wrote the article is an idiot. I did not at any time assume anyone on this web site believed GWB "saved" New Orleans by making a phone call but if you took that bit personally enough to respond then yes I had to assume you assumed I was writing about you and others like you.


By the way, did Carly Simon ever write a song about arrogant, condescending half-wits?

Seriously? That's the best you can do?
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Umm, congress created DHS... and the blame comment was not directed specifically at you... and for the record, I didn't see where GWB took any credit at all.

All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing. - Edmund Burke

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>Boy the oil company is your favorite punching bag.

No, they're really not. They're just one of a thousand companies in the US trying to make a buck or two.

>First people bitch that the cost of gas is going up because the
>pipelines were cut.

Not bitching about that. I could care less about the price of gas.

>They they were bashed because they were not working fast enough
>to get back online.

Again, it doesn't affect me much how fast they fix it. For the sake of people in the south I hope it doesn't take forever, but it's really up to them how fast they fix it.

>Now they are the bad people because they are getting systems back
> online while people are still starving on NO.

Again, not that important to me. Good that people have jobs and are fixing things though.

>Who the hell do they think they are.

People working for their families, like anyone else. Heck, some of the people bitching about them probably have energy stocks in their 401k's and are thus part of the problem.

>No matter what they do the libs are never happy.

Not sure who 'the libs' are, but I'm a liberal, and oil companies don't upset me one bit. Heck, I bought my second batch of solar-PV from BP Solar.

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Umm, congress created DHS... and the blame comment was not directed specifically at you... and for the record, I didn't see where GWB took any credit at all.


And for the record . . . didn't say that anybody said he did . . . if you reread the thread maybe you'll see what I did say.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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First people bitch that the cost of gas is going up because the pipelines were cut.

If prices were raised because the pipelines were cut then when they are fixed can we expect them to drop back down??

Gas companies didnt raise gas prices because the lines were cut, they raised prices because they are opportunistic and whenever they can they take a situation and turn it into a financial windfall for themselves they do. (just like the average looters in the streets) The gas companies are making RECORD profits and there is no end in sight. And what a coincidence the majority of the bush cabinet is made up of former oil ceo's.

I'm sure your a nice guy and have your OWN perfectly just reasons for supporting bush, but to defend oil companies, you just sound foolish. They ARE responsible for using our/your world as a trash can and all in the name of making more money. Dont get me wrong I have a car, and I love avgas + jeta I know the companies are a necessary evil but when given any opportunity they DO take advantage.

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