
Hawaii sets caps on wholesale gas prices

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Bad idea to force prices unnaturally high or low from what the market demands.

California electricity is the perfect example.

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It was a bad idea in the '70s for gas, a bad idea in 2000 for CA electricity markets, and it's just as bad an idea today. The choice you will be faced with is not $3.00 gas vs. $2.39 gas, but rather $3.00 gas vs. no gas.


I don't think this is the first time Hawaii has done this. I remember reading a newspaper article about it a ways back. If it didn't work out so bad last time, perhaps they know better what they are doing than we mainlanders do.

Having spent two years in Hawaii, I would say, state or not, it's a whole different country. (Not a bad thing)

Having lived on other islands, as well, I know that things that work on an island won't necessarily work on a large mainland, and vice versa. Things are just, well, different.

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