
What happened to Italian freefly champ in Australia

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You might want to post this in the general skydiving forum where more Ossies who come to this site might see it. Gives you a better chance of someone who might have info seeing it.
When people look like ants - pull. When ants look like people - pray.

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You might want to post this in the general skydiving forum where more Ossies who come to this site might see it.

Some facts would be helpful, too, you could begin by naming a dropzone or place as the case may be. I'm a yank who's planning on visiting Surfers Paradise over my winter break with a little jumping tossed in and I'd appreciate knowing who and where to avoid assuming your accounts are factual.

Blutarsky 2008. No Prisoners!

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Agree, knowing the skydiving scene down here I don't think "abuse" would happen at a DZ here. It might be a attack somewhere not skydiving related (during a night out?). Very little help in your posts to find some info for you and might infer something sinister about the "scene" down here which probably is not justified.
When people look like ants - pull. When ants look like people - pray.

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This one's serious .:|

I heard she was the target of real low -lifes who couldn't handle her with out hurting her.:|

Can you post some facts? if you dont want to post names and places then PM me....
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The reason I asked without giving TOO much specific information is that I wanted to check first rather than just come out and repeat some-else's malicious rumour.
All I really know about this is what I've been told ... hence the ?????

Vested interests have swept this under the carpet.

Apparently she was not the only victim and from what I hear it was some edge-dwellers with some bad connections that did this. OZ has real psych cases like anywhere who prey upon innocents for various reasons.

Thanks for the pointers and yes it is being worked on here too. None of us need the 'real' cookoos getting too close . B|

Please don't let this put you off a trip to OZ....it's beautiful over here ..most of the time.
Ciao Baby,

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As always, theres two sides to every story and I was at that event.

As such I think its more than a little harsh for people to call us aussies a bunch of 'rough' 'psychos'.

Edited to add: My fellow sisters, please use a little care when you post, the ramifications in the real world can be quite serious sometimes.

"I wouldn't recommend picking a fight with the earth...but then I wouldn't recommend picking a fight with a car either, and that's having tried both."

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>Do you really think that someone would get away with mistreating
>a woman at a women;s skydiving event with a couple hundred
>women present?!?

It has happened before, at DZ's with large numbers of women. I have no idea what happened here, but being close to 'the skydiving community' does not confer protection if it happens away from the public eye.

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inreply to-'As always, theres two sides to every story and I was at that event.'

Perhaps you can enlighten us as to at least one version (yours) of events .
inreply to 'As such I think its more than a little harsh for people to call us aussies a bunch of 'rough' 'psychos'.

From what I heard the lady in question was the one that received the harsh treatment.
Are you saying it was at the hands of 'rough' psychos? ? ?
As indicated previously I requested this thread be removed to protect the lady in question.
Once again I apologise if my desire to find the truth has caused her any extra burdens.

As for what truly happened to her.... we're none the wiser... are we.?

Any serious ramifications will hopefully (and karmically) find their proper owner(s).:)

I hope she's OK and with those that are capable of caring for her adequately.

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