
What would you do if this happened to you?

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Probation for naked interviewer

Akbar was nude apart from a clipboard, the court heard
A man who tried to conduct a job interview naked has been sentenced to three years' probation and placed on the sex offenders' register.
Glasgow Sheriff Court was told that Saeed Akbar, a manager at an interpreting and translation company, "had wanted a bit of excitement".

Sheriff Brian Lockhart described the behaviour as "wholly unacceptable".

Akbar, 35, left the interview room and came back in to speak to his female victim naked and clutching a clipboard.

When the job candidate refused to strip as well, he put his clothes on and attempted to continue the interview as normal, the court was told.

Akbar, from Fife, said: "I wanted a bit of excitement that afternoon, that's purely all it was."

'Safety fears'

Passing sentence, Sheriff Lockhart said Akbar's partner had now left him, he had lost his job and his friends refused to associate with him.

Referring to the 25-year-old victim, he added: "I can really understand how the police report describes her as extremely distressed, intimidated and fearful for her personal safety.

"I understand that you now accept that she would not know your thoughts and appreciate that she did in fact, fear being harmed by you in a sexual manner.

I have to take into account the catastrophic effect this incident has had on your life

Sheriff Brian Lockhart

"On the one hand, I have to take into account the distress which you caused your victim.

"On the other hand, I have to take into account the catastrophic effect this incident has had on your life. You have suffered severely as a result of your actions."

The father-of-one, from Dunfermline had pleaded guilty to committing a breach of the peace.

He worked at Alpha Translating and Interpreting Services in Glasgow, which advertised for a translator.

'Role play'

The woman answered the advert and was invited to attend an interview at the firm's Glasgow office the following day.

When she arrived, Akbar - who was held in "high esteem" by his company - asked if she would mind if they took their clothes off.

The £25,000 per-year executive tried to restart the interview after putting his clothes back on, but his victim fled and reported the matter to police.

He initially told police his strip was a consensual "role play" as part of his "tough interviewing technique".

Aamer Anwar, defending, said: "He totally accepts his guilt. It was a serious abuse of his position as he foolishly believed the complainer was interested in him."

What would you do if your interviewer was naked?:S:D

Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.

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for fear of being hurt phyically

yeah, I probably would have fled too for the same reasons but I really started laughing reading the story and probably would in real life, then flee.

Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.

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Exactly- its funny to read about it, but if that happened to me, I have no idea what I would do. Leave- Yes! As fast as I could. Laugh? Maybe. But more likely I would be too disturbed and freaked to laugh about it. And yes, I'd probably report it to the police as well.

Hell, this is America. If I were smart, I'd sue the company for sexual harassment! ;)

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I'm a guy[:/] but whoever does something like that needs medical treatment:S

What was he thinking:S

It was bad news for the women being intervieved >:( and we can only help the dude gets some help.[:/]

So I think the answer is gotta call the cops to get the dude some help and hopefully preventing it from happening to someone elseB|


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