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Columbia University geologists William Ryan and Walter Pitman wondered what could explain the preponderance of flood legends. Their theory: As the Ice Age ended and glaciers melted, a wall of seawater surged from the Mediterranean into the Black Sea.

• During the Ice Age, Ryan and Pitman argue, the Black Sea was an isolated freshwater lake surrounded by farmland.

• About 12,000 years ago, toward the end of the Ice Age, Earth began growing warmer. Vast sheets of ice that sprawled over the Northern Hemisphere began to melt. Oceans and seas grew deeper as a result.

• About 7,000 years ago the Mediterranean Sea swelled. Seawater pushed northward, slicing through what is now Turkey.

• Funneled through the narrow Bosporus, the water hit the Black Sea with 200 times the force of Niagara Falls. Each day the Black Sea rose about six inches (15 centimeters), and coastal farms were flooded.

• Seared into the memories of terrified survivors, the tale of the flood was passed down through the generations and eventually became the Noah story.

It's interesting...the origin of the "Noah story" revealed. It doesn't even mention rain...
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>the origin of the "Noah story" revealed.

Here's another interesting recent discovery -

As recently as 13,000 years ago, a subspecies of human (Homo Florensis) lived on an island in Indonesia. They were three feet tall and pretty hairy. Now, if the Noah story can survive 7000 to 12,000 years, it stands to reason that myths about these people might survive as well. And it seems that almost every culture out there has a myth about gnomes/hobbits/fairies - some sort of small half-human creatures. The myths are especially prevalent on nearby islands. Interesting to think that a lot of the myths we hear today might have more of a basis in truth than we used to think.


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of those words, i suspect that 'hemoriod' is the only one you grasp the meaning of...so perhaps i should forget you asked, but really

Not true. I also know what the word spoon means.


What do you expect to find when you look for 'god'? are you really looking?

Why would I want to pre-suppose the answer before I start looking for it? Forget it, this is going nowhere.

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>For example, the ark story. I don't buy it. Maybe it rained. Maybe there
> was a flood. Maybe it took weeks for the water to subside. However,
>this happened back when they thought the world was flat.

It looks like there actually WAS a flood of biblical proportions around 12,000 years ago.

of course there was... "biblical proportions" just happens to be significantly smaller than its adherents would like you to believe.....
Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.

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of those words, i suspect that 'hemoriod' is the only one you grasp the meaning of...so perhaps i should forget you asked, but really

Not true. I also know what the word spoon means.


What do you expect to find when you look for 'god'? are you really looking?

Why would I want to pre-suppose the answer before I start looking for it? Forget it, this is going nowhere.

your not presuposing an answer, you are defining the parameters of the search... God is many things depending on perspective and veiwer.. but your right, with your attitude your search will go exactly nowhere..

you cant expect to find anything if you cant be bothered to look....
Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.

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The poor Mormon's have it even worse though - only 200 (I think?) of them will get into Heaven, if I understand that correctly.J

Thats the JWs, bro. And they think it's 144,000 people.
....so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who knew neither victory nor defeat."

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your not presuposing an answer, you are defining the parameters of the search... God is many things depending on perspective and veiwer.. but your right, with your attitude your search will go exactly nowhere..

How do you know your perspective isn't generated by a brain meme, or a chemical imbalance or just good old wishfull thinking? And since when does the existence of anything depend on the attitude of the observer? Of course if god is a figment of your imagination, then attitude is crucial.

You were quick to jump on Sinker when his story didn't add up and call pajarito blinkered when he didn't buy into yours. Surely if god is dependent on perspective as you claim, then their perspective is just a valid as yours or mine?

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