
a early nominee for asshat of the year????

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Anything comparing or calling my beloved country to nazism just make me mad then hell.
Thats all i will say my head hurts to much from being mad at this idealistic professor who is using his position as a professor to throw his views on too impressionable young college students.



i apologize for the bad grammar, spelling and a half thought out speakers corners post.

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idealistic professor who is using his position as a professor to throw his views on too impressionable young college students.

Even at Texas A&M which is a fairly conservative school and has been since day one in 1876 (example, uniformed student body, the Corps of Cadets sent 18,000 folks to WWII and there were none, not a one, campus protest/rally against the Vietnam war), we have our extreme-liberal profs that do their damnedest to spread their opinions. Extreme liberal in the true since of the word, a handful of them are socialists and believe fully in Marx.

We also have some extreme conservatives and right wing folks as well.

Honestly, I think someone would have to be an idiot to be warped by a prof pushing extremist views, but then again, I guess quite a few idiots are warped by extremist views instead of forming their own opinions.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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Someone once said that free speech is good because it makes it easier to identify the idiots.

This guy is a worthless POS who's not worthy of the freedoms he's got, but at least we know that any further opinions of his can be safely ignored.
There is a fine line between 'hobby' and 'mental illness'.
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From the asshat-in-question:

""I owe no one an apology."


There was an article posted that included that viewpoint of one Hamilton undergrad. That kid's father died the WTC attacks. This son of a bitch called his father a little Eichmann. That doesn't call for an apology?

According to this asshole, everyone in the WTC who wasn't janitorial was a little Death Camp overseer?

I haven't got the words to describe this man. And since I've stopped wishing ill on people, all I can say is I hope he gets EVERYTHING he deserves.
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Guard your honor, let your reputation fall where it will, and outlast the bastards.

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Yeah,I second that nomination for Supreme Ass-Hat of the year;)

And if any of his students swallow that crap he is foisting on them then they deserve each other:S

I was thinking about signing up for one of his classes just so I could be disruptive and get some use of my tax dollar:P
Marc SCR 6046 SCS 3004

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I second your nomination.

Ward Churchill is a fraud, and his ivory tower is starting to crumble.

He claims to be of Indian heritage, as if that gives him some kind of protected status immune from criticism. Well, it turns out he ain't no Injun.

And he claims to have acquired his views from seeing U.S. soldiers killing babies in Vietnam. And he was never in a combat role.

The guy is a fraud, in both his claims and his ideas.

Instead of his wish for America to be "relegated to the dustbin of history", it is Ward Churchill who will soon be in that forgotten dustbin.

See this: http://www.anncoulter.org/

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This Churchill guy is an nut and an a-hole. Unfortunately it isn't the first time people like him have come out of the woodwork. During the 1930's there were some pretty overt sympathizers of the Nazis right here in the USA.


Extreme liberal in the true since of the word, a handful of them are socialists and believe fully in Marx.

well, if they're Marxists, they are NOT extreme liberal in the true sense of the word. Extreme left-wing, maybe. But a Marxist is not a liberal at all.
Speed Racer

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