
suicidal parachutists?

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I CAN'T TAKE ANY MORE!!!!!!!!!!!! I wasn't a suicidal Parachutist when this thread started (Sometime just after the internet was invented!) but I am rapidly becoming one! PLEEEEEZE Ying just let it die already! It's like some kind of creul and unusal punishment seeing it keep popping up like a floater in the Hudson!

When an author is too meticulous about his style, you may presume that his mind is frivolous and his content flimsy.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca

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maybe this thread is serving just one purpose:

telling the world that due to intellectual superpowers the inventor (ying) is unable to get laid properly ------› somebody help this poor soul :P
The universal aptitude for ineptitude makes any human accomplishment an incredible miracle

dudeist skydiver # 666

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try to find out what it means

Not trying to be rude, but I don't care enough to look it up. I have to say I've never seen a swirlie, but I've given and received quite a few noogies growing up.


how many times do i have to explain it to you?

How many times do I need to explain to you that it's a joke. I keep bringing it up out of humor. A year from now, if you're still around, I'll probably still be bringing it up. Not because you are 'intellectually lazy', but because the statement is funny.:D No, I didn't 'miss you', because I haven't thrown anything back at you... your imagination is bordering on paranoia.


it’s your subjective opinion

Yes, it is a subjective opinion. I don't know who's quote this is, but 'Sometimes you can't see yourself clearly, until you see yourself through the eyes of others'. It's just something to think about.


I only dissect arguments but that’s what discussion is about. If your arguments aren’t dissection proof it means there’s something wrong with them.

You've dissected the definition of 'suicide'. That's what has everybody so frustrated. It's not the argument that people are taking issue with, it's how you distort (ie dissect) definitions of words in the argument. Your argument fails one of the most basic logical constructs in philosophy. This has nothing to do with conformance in society - the constructs date back to Aristotle.

You couldn't get the square peg in a round hole, so you made the hole square, and still argue that it's a round hole. When we all look at you like you're crazy, you claim that we're not using our imaginations - and state that the hole is still round, but has only taken on a square appearance....:S


First thought that came to my mind when i read your confession was that you must be good in bed.

Thanks, I'm flattered! The sheep don't complain much either. Actually I'm pretty sure they enjoy it - they've been getting easier to catch.


Even exchanging swear-words and offensive phrases involves the intellect. So there’s no way for this sparring not to be intellectual, i’m affraid ;)

Even picking my nose requires a certain level of intellect. So yes, technically you are correct.

Shhh... you hear that sound? That's the sound of nobody caring!

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You couldn't get the square peg in a round hole, so you made the hole square, and still argue that it's a round hole. When we all look at you like you're crazy, you claim that we're not using our imaginations - and state that the hole is still round, but has only taken on a square appearance....:S


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You couldn't get the square peg in a round hole, so you made the hole square, and still argue that it's a round hole. When we all look at you like you're crazy, you claim that we're not using our imaginations - and state that the hole is still round, but has only taken on a square appearance....:S


That is the greatest analogy ever! I guarantee shes going to come back and say "no, you don't quite get it.".
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You couldn't get the square peg in a round hole, so you made the hole square, and still argue that it's a round hole. When we all look at you like you're crazy, you claim that we're not using our imaginations - and state that the hole is still round, but has only taken on a square appearance....

'The truth is, there is no spoon!'
When an author is too meticulous about his style, you may presume that his mind is frivolous and his content flimsy.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca

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Word Wars: Epizode XIII

Narrator: Previously on WORD WARS.... The horror continues! Already a dozen of our brave heroes – Michele, Happythoughts and Justinb138 among them – have faced the ignominious defeat! But the Dreadful Ying is still strong and now the remaining warriors will have to double their efforts to protect the www.dropzone.com forum from the brutal invasion! But instead of planning how to effectively strike back, Unformed gave himself in to the paroxism of nervous laughter and Skyrad started to doubt whether the victory is possible at all. Now everything seems to be in the hands of Jeiber! Will he manage to attract the attention of the Enemy and save his side-kiks from Ying’s Viciouos-Though-Masked-As-Polite riposte?? Stay tuned!

Jeiber: Ying, I give you one last chance! Leave this forum while you still can.
Ying: Ha! You’ll need something more than that to defeat me, Jeiber!
Jeiber: If that’s what you want.... But you have been warned! I’ll use an old technique which is the legacy of the Ancient Masters. No-one has managed to resist it so far.
Ying: WHAT? Did you say the Ancient Masters? It can’t be true! Their knowledge’s been lost for centuries! You COULDN’T possibly possess it!
Jeiber: In a moment you’ll find it out for yourself!
Ying: Oh NO!! NO, please, it’s not fair! DON’T do this to me!!
Jeiber: Too late! You had your chance to retreat! Now you’ll meet your doom! ULTIMATE ANALOGY, haaaa!
Ying: AAAAA! You’ll pay for this!

Narrator: Two ruthless warriors has clashed. Is this already the end of this horrible confrontation? Is Jeiber’s attack going to be be successful? Don’t miss the next epizode of WORD WARS!

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Word Wars: Epizode XIII

That's actually pretty creative, especially for someone who's native language isn't English! Justinb138 is right though - you have some issues! :S :D

I figured you'd tear my last post apart, with all my weak attempts at humor and all... Hopefully this is the end of this 'train wreck'.

I have to confess, I'll be watching for you to start another thread, though! ;)
Shhh... you hear that sound? That's the sound of nobody caring!

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WTH, you mean Yings typed out this entire thread without any pants on! :S

Anyway, I think I've figured out how this thread works, its not about the actual argument, it's all about the art of the debrief. No matter how poor your performance has been a good enough debrief can persuade people you did well.

I can just imagine Ying coming down after a not so good 4-way. "Well, first of all you three all left early so the exit was buggered, and y'know that flip twist thing I did when I left? Yeah, that was me uh... checking our seperation, yeah, 'cause, uh, you guy's all left so early, see. And then when I dived into you and the formation exploded, well I was coming in fast to save some time and your three way should have been much more solid and don't even get me started on the tracking I had to be on risers to avoid two of you....

And so on. And so while Yings argument has convinced no one, if he says he's won enough times everyone stops arguing with it.

Good tactic actually, I might have to try it some time:P
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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WTH, you mean Yings typed out this entire thread without any pants on!

:D Actually, I think ying is Dogbert and everyone arguing with her doesn't have any pants on. :P

Sky-div'ing (ski'div'ing) n. A modern sport that involves parties, bragging, sexual excesses, the imbibing of large quantities of beer, and, on rare occasions, parachuting from aircraft.

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Actually, I think ying is Dogbert and everyone arguing with her doesn't have any pants on.

Fair enough, I sure don't. Could be because I've got a boobie site running in the other window though....

Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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WORD WARS - epizode XIV ;)

Feuergnom; guess you’ve watched too many German movies lately :/ You say i post here because i don’t get laid properly? Wonder if you dared to repeat it to my boyfriend. I mean standing in front of him :) I truly pity you if you REALLY associate thinking with the lack of good sex. But be careful – if you were to be judged the way you judge others then whenever you said anything that didn’t expose your intelligence to ridicule, it would be a prof of your sexual frustration. But never mind such irrelevant details ;) Let me ask you, WHAT exactly you meant by saying i don’t get laid properly:

1. My fiery temperament and my unbridled apetite for sex? ;)
2. The alleged lack of physical closeness with a man?
3. The alleged lack of sex that involves vagina and penis?
4. The alleged lack of orgasms as such?

And by the way – if your penis/ vagina could talk, what would it say in a few words? :)

Skyrad; come on, there are hundreds of threads here. Can’t you just ignore this one if you can’t stand it? And if you can’t – don’t worry. I’ve got a feeling that my opponents get more and more tired so it probably won’t take long till i stand alone [ and explicitly victorious ;) ] on this battlefield of ours ;)

As far as the spoon is concerned; it’s good you accept the fact that there is no spoon. But do you know WHY? ;) In case you’ve already reached toward the keyboard to write that the Machines got us all connected to the Matrix and so on; i mean the other, less spectacular explanation.

Unformed; you’re right. At least partially – there are some truly great hash-ists among Polish skydivers ;) But in my case it’s not the hash but probably the fact that my father would put the speaker to my mum’s belly while she was pregnant and play modern orchestral music to the still unborn me. I have a suspicion that it was not without the effect on the development of my brain – hence my activity on your forum. But not only that :) Do you think i should sue my dad? ;)

Jeiber :))))

If you don’t care enough to make a research and find out what PENIS IS WALKING AROUND ME means then WHY you think that i care about all those swirlies, noogies and throwing spirals you mentioned? If you stuffed your posts with Conrad-alike words then i’d surely check them but teenager slang? Come on!

Call me humorless but i don’t see anything funny in talking to a non-native speaker deliberately using slang words and idioms she doesn’t understand and then accusing her of intelectual laziness. You play unfair and then try to mask it as jokes. It’s the tactics of the desperate ones who find no merithorical arguments to present.

You mentioned nose picking; well i don’t think it requires the activity of the same brain areas as reading with understanding, creative thinking and writing if you mind such irrelevant technical details ;)

About treating others with superiority; you can’t be serious. The fact i don’t agree with you does not automatically mean that i’m patronising you. I’ve already stressed i don’t consider myself better than you. If i did i’d call you fools ignorants and so on. Instead of that i’m patiently explaining what i mean. I answer everybody. I don’t say, cut out the bullshit. I say, yes, what you say is very interesting, but it seems you haven’t taken into account such and such factor. Does this really fit your concept of patronising attitude?

You’re right – I’ve dissected the definition of suicide but since it is the central concept in our discussion the dissection was necessary. It’s good to establish the definition of the terms which are the basis of polemics. If you don’t do it you usually end up talking about something different than your opponent and this makes the duel practically endless.

Sex with animals; i don’t believe you could possibly abuse those poor sheep. Instead i see you relieving the sexual tension in noble full contact fights a la Fight Club. But then the first rule of fight club is you don’t talk about fight club. No wonder you mentioned the sheep ;)

And finally the Freudian hole and peg analogy; i like it very much :) But why didn’t you take it to the extreme? Why not the ultimate peg with a triangle as its horizontal section? It’d be so nicely perfidious – especially the triangle is the symbol of yoni (famale sexual organ) in Tantra and peg is traditionally associated with fallus :) Imagine those two in one :) I’m not going to digress any further, because the vaginal aspect of penis is a whole differnt story, but please oh please – can we have a triangle peg? :) Since you haven’t said NO let’s go back to our analysis ;)

The circular hole might stand for the (so called) Reality and the triangle peg might be the common understanding of language. The false assumption you made is that i try to fit the peg into the hole. I don’t need to do this. I know without checking that the triangle peg won’t fit the round hole (unless we use a hammer or the peg is smaller than the hole). I describe the Reality. You insist that it’s different than what the language suggest. I tell you, put away that triangle peg – it’s useless. Find a round one instead. But you clutch on it tight and won’t let go. No, you say, the peg is OK – there’s something wrong with the hole!

I’m asking you now, what’s more likely – that there’s something wrong with the (so called) Reality, or that the language, especially understood litterally, reveals serious imperfections? I think the later.

The symbolics you used in your analogy seems to confirm that. The circle is said to be the perfect shape in the two dimensional world. Yet on the other hand, the triangle, although at first it seems to be the antithesis of roundness, is nothing but a rigid, simplified circle. What i say is the full version including all, and if not all then most, aspects of the problem, while what you say is the simplified, zipped form. See what your subconsious had smuggled into your consious? Somewhere deep inside you agree with me not even realizing that ;)



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