
Interesting Republican Tactics

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Ex-Bush Campaign Official Pleads Innocent

By KATHARINE WEBSTER, Associated Press writer

CONCORD, N.H. - President Bush's former New England campaign chairman pleaded innocent Monday to charges that he took part in the jamming of the Democrats' get-out-the-vote phone lines on Election Day 2002.

James Tobin, 44, was charged with conspiracy to commit telephone harassment and aiding and abetting. He could get up to five years in prison if convicted; his trial begins Feb. 1.

Neither Tobin nor his lawyers would comment afterward.

Tobin, who was northeast political director of the Republican Senatorial Committee in 2002, was indicted Dec. 1 after an investigation by the Justice Department. He is free on his own recognizance.

Tobin stepped down as Bush's regional campaign chairman Oct. 15, when state Democrats said in a separate civil lawsuit they believed he took part in the phone-jamming scheme. When he was indicted two weeks ago, he said he would fight to clear his name.

Two other Republicans have pleaded guilty in the phone-jamming operation and are scheduled to be sentenced in February and March.

In 2002, six phone lines run by the Democrats and the Manchester firefighters union were tied up for 1 1/2 hours by 800 computer-generated hang-up calls. Federal prosecutors said Tobin and other Republicans had hired a company to make the calls to disrupt the organizations' get-out-the-vote efforts.

Among the races affected by the jamming was the Senate contest between Democratic Gov. Jeanne Shaheen and Republican Rep. John E. Sununu. Sununu won by about 20,000 votes.
you can burn the land and boil the sea, but you can't take the sky from me....
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And this is suprising exactly how?

Just nice to see it come to light.

Looks like more to come as well:

Democrats Say They'll Assume Watchdog Role

Published: December 14, 2004

ASHINGTON, Dec. 13 - Complaining that Republicans have failed to oversee how billions of dollars of taxpayer money is being spent, Senate Democrats said Monday that they would begin holding oversight hearings of their own, even though they are in the minority and have no subpoena power to compel the testimony of government officials.

"The Congressional watchdog remains fast asleep, and we intend to wake it up," Senator Byron L. Dorgan of North Dakota, who is chairman of the Democratic Policy Committee, said at a news briefing.

Mr. Dorgan was joined, via videoconference, by Senator Harry Reid of Nevada, the new Democratic leader, who has repeatedly said that he would "rather dance than fight" with Republicans. Mr. Reid said that the hearings, to be run by the policy committee, would be "set up as fairly as possible," with Democrats offering Republicans a chance to participate and call witnesses.

"We're going to try to be as fair as they have not been to us," Mr. Reid said. Mr. Dorgan added, "And if the Republicans decide to hold their own oversight hearings, there will be no need for this project."

The announcement, which came on a sleepy afternoon in an otherwise deserted Capitol, amounted to a throwing down of the gauntlet by Democrats, who are struggling to find a voice in Washington with Republicans in control of the White House and both houses of Congress.

When the new Congress convenes in January, Republicans will have an expanded majority of 55 senators, leaving Democrats with little way to get their message across.

Few Republicans were on hand to respond to the Democrats' announcement on Monday afternoon. A spokesman for the Senate Republican Conference declined to comment, saying that officials had not yet been briefed on the Democrats' plans. Mr. Dorgan said the hearings would begin in late January and continue at least monthly, on matters as diverse as the Bush administration's No Child Left Behind Act, contracts for business in Iraq, and abuses at American-run prisons and detention facilities in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Lack of oversight has been a sore point among Democrats, and even some Republicans have said that their party can do a better job of examining issues like the abuse at the Abu Ghraib prison outside Baghdad.

Still, there are questions about how much Democrats can expose by holding hearings, particularly given the lack of subpoena power. Mr. Dorgan insisted he was not worried. He said the policy committee, created by law in 1947 along with a Republican counterpart, had the authority to hold hearings and have witnesses.

"Frankly," he said, "my experience has been there are plenty of whistle-blowers who are very interested and anxious to find a forum in which to tell their story."
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So I assume he's guilty until proven innocent. Being tried by the media is much different than a court of law. And don't throw a blanket over Republicans like that. If this guys guilty he deserves what he gets.
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Funny I never see you bring up anytime a Democrat does something bad.

It must suck to hate to lose that bad.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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Funny I never see you bring up anytime a Democrat does something bad.

It must suck to hate to lose that bad.

Well, maybe the loss happened because of tampering?? There are two Repubs in that story that have admited guilt to it.

With all of the pride the Repubs have been taking in this election and previous ones, its nice to point out that there have been illegal activites about it.

Besides, haven't seen too many stories lately about a Dem screwing up. I, however, have defended Republicans, if that counts.

Also, whenever one party is in power, the other side tends to be a bit noisy to compensate for that loss of power. For instance - look at how the Repubs rasied a stink for eight years while Clinton was in office. Since this forum wasn't online during that time, there is no way for you to know what I was saying back then.
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So I assume he's guilty until proven innocent. Being tried by the media is much different than a court of law. And don't throw a blanket over Republicans like that. If this guys guilty he deserves what he gets.

Check the article again - two in there pleaded guilty already. They are just trying to figure out if there was another involved.
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Besides, haven't seen too many stories lately about a Dem screwing up

Maybe you have not looked hard enough?
Would you post it if you did?
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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Besides, haven't seen too many stories lately about a Dem screwing up

Maybe you have not looked hard enough?
Would you post it if you did?

Yup, I've looked (I have news alerts emailed to me so I can keep up to date), and yes I would post it. Got any off the top of your head you can mention, with links?

BTW - nice way to take attention away from the two republicans that did admit guilt.
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BTW - nice way to take attention away from the two republicans that did admit guilt.

Not trying to..If they are guilty, fry them.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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Besides, haven't seen too many stories lately about a Dem screwing up

Maybe you have not looked hard enough?
Would you post it if you did?

Politic's again:|

It's a dirty business on both sides:| Live with it. It's not going to go away.


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Politic's again

Hey, he could have easily had the thread title read "A few jackasses interesting tactics"

But he wrote one that makes it political.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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Well, maybe the loss happened because of tampering??

Boy:oyou could be right! It almost happened 4 years ago in Florida:)
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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Politic's again

Hey, he could have easily had the thread title read "A few jackasses interesting tactics"

But he wrote one that makes it political.

It was republicans trying to illegally halt the voting process against democrats. That by default made it political, not my subject line.
you can burn the land and boil the sea, but you can't take the sky from me....
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It was republicans trying to illegally halt the voting process against democrats. That by default made it political, not my subject line.

See it was a few jackasses that were republicans. They don't represent the republican party anymore than this http://www.dropzone.com/cgi-bin/forum/gforum.cgi?post=1389666#1389666 fits all dems.

You started this post with the intention of not informing the masses about a few jackasses, but slandering a party.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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You started this post with the intention of not informing the masses about a few jackasses, but slandering a party.

I think both sides do agood job of giving themself a bad name. Besides, talking about two people that have admitted guilt is not slander.

I do feel, however, that there are too few politicians that are not jackasses. I don't care what side of the fence they sit on.
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I think both sides do agood job of giving themself a bad name



Besides, talking about two people that have admitted guilt is not slander.

No, but making it seem like a Republican ploy is.

If you had said " A few jackasses did a bad thing" that would be different. Instead you said REPUBLICANS, not two jackasses or two guys.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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Instead you said REPUBLICANS, not two jackasses


Isn't that redundant???

I know you Dems can't count from the last election, but there are more than 2 republicans;)
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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Isn't that redundant???

I know you Dems can't count from the last election, but there are more than 2 republicans;)

There are? And here I thought Thing 1 and Thing 2 were the only ones in that party.

fyi - I'm not a Dem.
you can burn the land and boil the sea, but you can't take the sky from me....
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There are? And here I thought Thing 1 and Thing 2 were the only ones in that party.

fyi - I'm not a Dem.

Its called a joke.

And I am not a republican.

However, given the choice of killing innocent babies before they are born and letting murderers live, or letting unborn kids live and killing people who have killed others....

I'll vote save the kids and kill the people who knew better.

That kinda lumps me in with the Reps.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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LOL just because of your opinion of two social issues you lump yourslef in with the republicans? Many people lump themselves when they think it is "them" lumping themselves. Does that make any sense? I find myself in the middle of the road with liberal social opinions and conservative economic opinions. What party would you lump me in?

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LOL just because of your opinion of two social issues you lump yourslef in with the republicans? Many people lump themselves when they think it is "them" lumping themselves. Does that make any sense? I find myself in the middle of the road with liberal social opinions and conservative economic opinions. What party would you lump me in?

Again look up "joke".

I am socialy liberal....If you were to really peg my "politics" I would be Libertarian.

But being that I live in a State where my vote could decide who runs the country, I have to vote for who I like that actually has a chance
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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