
Possible solution to a gun ban....

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I think you're wasting your time, Paulipod. You've succeeded in flushing out the usual suspects, and I don't believe that they're representative of all gun owners.


Alas, Britannia...how the mighty have fallen...

See, that's desparate. I understand why some people arm themselves in the U.S. If I lived in an exceedingly violent country, and was able to own a gun, I may be convinced. Luckily, I don't. If I'm attacked, I'll fight back, but I don't want to kill anyone.

Some people obviously wear their country's violent image as a badge of pride. Mind you, I still believe that most gun owners see it as a form of self-defence. There are people on here who give the distinct impression that they're desparate for the chance to kill someone, which is what I think this thread was trying to illustrate.

Tell you what, though, I'd love one of those web things on my wrist, like Spiderman. If I'm attacked, I want my attacker to feel like an insect. I'd let him go as soon as he got upset, of course, but then I'm just a weedy Brit.

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I think you're wasting your time, Paulipod. You've succeeded in flushing out the usual suspects, and I don't believe that they're representative of all gun owners.

Actually, myself and the other "usual suspects" ARE representative of the grand majority of law abiding gun owners. So sorry to bust your bubble and not fit the image that the BBC paints of us.


I understand why some people arm themselves in the U.S. If I lived in an exceedingly violent country, and was able to own a gun, I may be convinced. Luckily, I don't. If I'm attacked, I'll fight back, but I don't want to kill anyone.

Some people obviously wear their country's violent image as a badge of pride. Mind you, I still believe that most gun owners see it as a form of self-defence. There are people on here who give the distinct impression that they're desparate for the chance to kill someone, which is what I think this thread was trying to illustrate.

I'll reference you back to the webpages I posted in my prior reply. Please try to keep at least a crack of an open door in your mind when you read them... you might just learn something about the general mindset of the anti self-defense crowd.


Tell you what, though, I'd love one of those web things on my wrist, like Spiderman. If I'm attacked, I want my attacker to feel like an insect. I'd let him go as soon as he got upset, of course, but then I'm just a weedy Brit.

By all means, please invent one!! Just don't expect ME to use one to protect myself until enough bugs are worked out of it (you'll pardon the pun) for the police to use it as their sole protection.
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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Yeah, you see I think that there's a lot of ground between 'shoot' and 'snivel', but continue to be insulting if you like.

I'm not a pacifist, and have had to protect myself on occasions. We don't need to go over the same old ground again, but it's pretty obvious that the presence of guns make shooting more likely.

There's another thread on here about a murder of some hunters. I didn't bother commenting, because I think that it looks like something you couldn't legislate against very easily. There are nutters everywhere, and this was a hunting trip, so hunters have guns.

However, I notice the old 'people kill, not guns' argument being used by some. Well, that's plain silly in that case. He simply wouldn't have been able to kill all of those people without a gun. Our nutters generally don't have guns and, if they choose to attack, we're on a pretty level playing field.

Anyway, how would you draw if I webbed you with my wrist-device? I can tell you're worried.

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..."but continue to be insulting if you like"

And making all us "Yanks" out to be gun-crazed killers ISN'T insulting? And you actually have the nerve to get your back up when someone takes a slap back at you?
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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I think I made the point, quite clearly, that I don't see all Americans as 'gun-crazed killers'. Neither did I take your comments as a slap at me. You pointed to a link that suggested that people who are anti-gun are snivelling weaklings. That includes many of your own countrymen and women, as well as much of the world.

YOUR back is obviously up. I repeat the point. We don't have a gun culture. America does, but I still believe that many, if not most gun owners don't have a desire to kill. I've no reason to believe that YOU do, but you'll have read the same comments on here as me. Some people see no light and shade.

As I said, there's ground between kill or give up. I maintain that most of us occupy that ground.

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ALL Guns must be immediately confiscated and fitted with some form of "Idiot-Detector". The gun will function partially BUT with a heat sensor like those in Westworld to stop them being fired at a warm target!

So all hunting and self defense is thereby impossible?


This sensor can be overriden for varying time periods depending on the type of gun simply by the user holding the grip and then correctly answering 5 random questions designed to ensure he/she is not an idiot.

Right, because I've got time to calmly answer five ridiculous questions when some hoodlum is breaking in my back door.


Stuff like:

Which Country is Edinburgh in?
How many in a Bakers Dozen?
Is your Mother also your Sister?
What is the capital of Germany
Does anyone call you and your cousin "Mummy & Daddy"?

How very European of you. Of course, every one is an idiot who doesn't know random euro-based questions.

So, does that mean you are an idiot if you don't know the capital of New York? Which state Mt Rushmore is in? Why they're called mommy instead of mummy?

OK, so the last one was a joke, but you get the idea.

ps -
UK, specifically Scotland, most specifically lower Scotland
witty subliminal message
Guard your honor, let your reputation fall where it will, and outlast the bastards.

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Which Country is Edinburgh in?
How many in a Bakers Dozen?
Is your Mother also your Sister?
What is the capital of Germany
Does anyone call you and your cousin "Mummy & Daddy"?

OK, so the last one was a joke, but you get the idea.

ps -
UK, specifically Scotland, most specifically lower Scotland

Are you sure with your reply on 2nd question?

dudeist skydiver # 3105

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baker's dozen = 13


Are you sure with your reply on 2nd question?

Yes. I am sure. Look it up.

edit: here, I've done it for you.



So I suppose you wouold've failed his little I-quiz. I guess you don't get to hunt or use your guns anymore.
witty subliminal message
Guard your honor, let your reputation fall where it will, and outlast the bastards.

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I didn't say you in particular made that statement....but that is the general sentiment of the overseas crowd.

The link I posted shows people that REFUSE TO DEFEND THEMSELVES as snivelling weaklings.... care to refute the argument?
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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You see Christel... IT WORKS!!!:)
Surely everyone knows that the answer to #5 is Err... That weren't illegal in Alabama when we wuz married!!!:D:D:ph34r:


Taking the piss out of the FrenchAmericans since before it was fashionable.

Prenait la pisse hors du FrançaisCanadiens méridionaux puisqu'avant lui à la mode.

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