
Hurricanes are Bush's fault

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There are now billboards on I-4 blaming the hurricanes on Bush. They read, "Global warming equals worse hurricanes. George Bush just doesn't get it."

This campaign is co-sponsored by the Scientists and Engineers for Change and Environment2004. The NAACP National Voter Fund also has their filthy hand in this hysterical smear attempt.

A spokesperson for the billboard campaign said, "Because President George W. Bush has ignored the threat of global warming, Floridians can expect to be hit by increasingly destructive hurricanes."

Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. Have we officially hit rock-fucking-bottom with these last-minute attempts of a hail mary pass by the liberals?

Fucking funny.


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OK, I guess I'll just jump right in then.

Conservatives are so short-sighted that as long as they, individually, get what they want today, then fuck the future and fuck what's going to happen in 10, 20, or 50 years, to their children, grandchildren, or other countries.

"Hey, I got mine" is the new conservative motto.

Isn't it fun when both sides play this entertaining game? Man, what other childish bashings can we come up with?

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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In about ten years, we'll be seeing the GOP attack a future democratic president thusly:

You KNEW CO2 emissions would cause these climate changes and you did NOTHING about it? How incompetent can you be?

As I've said in the past, science deniers are going through the five stages of denial with respect to climate change:

1. There's no such thing as climate change!

2. OK, the climate is changing, but we have nothing to do with it!

3 OK, maybe our CO2 emissions do have a tiny effect, but the climate would have changed anyway; it always does.

4. OK, maybe we're accelerating the change, but maybe the changes will be good, and it's too late to do anything about it anyway. We can grow grapes in Maine and the Jersey beaches have never been more popular!

5. The storms, droughts and famines are all the liberal's fault for not addressing climate change sooner!

When I was first aware of the issue, most deniers were at stage 1. Now they're between 2 and 4, depending on how dogmatic their rejection of the science is.

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Oh wow! I totally see the logic.

Science is currently pointing to the sun's temperature increase to it's current, highest point in the last 60 years as the culprit for so-called global warming (remember, it was global cooling in the 70s).

George Bush has a Divine Mandate from the Great Author of All That Is and Ever Will Be--GOD. GOD, in her careful planning of Bush's ascension into power and eventual Sainthood has caused this increase in sun temperature, in order to create a brighter cast on He who will lead us to the Holy Land.

Obviously, it is George's fault, silly.


Girls only want boyfriends who have great skills--You know, like nunchuk skills, bow-hunting skills, computer-hacking skills.

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>You have a crystal ball? Wow!

Yep, some of us do. For example, my crystal ball told me:

If I went to college I'd be able to get a good job
This forum was going to get especially rancorous around election time
We were going to lose a shuttle at some point
Michael Jackson was just going to get creepier and creepier
Arpanet was going to be big

My future predictions are:

We will have a democratic president some time in the next ten years
Climate change will become a bigger deal as it affects more people, and people will want to blame someone
The oil will run out
People will still be short-sighted and not look further ahead than the next election

If any of us are still around here in ten years, we'll see how I did.

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Shame on you Wendy, shame, such potty mouth from a pretty intelligent woman like you ;)

Actually, conservatives are VERY much aware of the future, that's why Kerry is such a concern.

I personally have 4 kids and 2 (soon to be 3) grandchildren.

I prefer living in the United States of America where we are free to do things, than to say, the United Nations of America.

Bush certainly has his faults, poor debater, got us into this Iraq mess (which I was and still am totally opposed to) among other things.

Kerry on the other hand has nothing but empty promises, er, no PLANS. I haven't heard him say how he is going to implement all his plans, have you?

As for all the lawyers (on both sides) waiting to pounce on election night, that is just sickening to me. The election in 2000 and all the idiots in Florida that couldn't, didn't see how they were voting has apparently set a precedent for all future elections.

And last but not least, I have respect for those people that don't flip out and get rabid in both major political parties.

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Kerry already has 10,000 lawyers ready to call voter fraud the moment he gets beat. 2,000 of those lawyers are in Florida.

The Republicans already have 10,000 lawyers calling vote fraud. Bush's "legal fund" is bigger than Kerry's.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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>Volcanos produce an average of 130,000,000 tons of CO2 each year.

And have been since life began; life adapted to that amount of CO2. Now we're adding 7,100,000,000 tons (7.1 gigatons) of extra CO2 a year from man-made sources.

To put that in perspective, that's like saying you shouldn't worry about getting 54 inches of rain in your area because you got an inch of rain last week and it was no big deal.

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Interesting number there.

More interesting stuff for ya.

According to the US DoE's 2000 report on greenhouse gasses, the pre-industrial baseline concentration of CO2 was 288,000 parts per billion. Since then, the DoE's estimate of man-made CO2 addition was 11,880 ppb, while naturally occuring CO2 created an addition of 68,520 ppb.

So, according to the DoE, by 2000, nature created six times more CO2 than man.



Girls only want boyfriends who have great skills--You know, like nunchuk skills, bow-hunting skills, computer-hacking skills.

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>So, according to the DoE, by 2000, nature created six times more CO2 than man.

Uh, no. CO2 is not static, and normally nature does not generate a net amount of CO2. Plants take IN C02; they do not create it. So does limestone creation. Fires give off CO2, as do volcanoes. Until we entered the picture, intakes pretty much balanced releases; CO2 levels remained below about 300 for hundreds of centuries until the 20th century. Now they are well above 350 and approaching 400ppm. Why? Because we're releasing gigatons of CO2 more than the environment can handle.

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Until we entered the picture, intakes pretty much balanced releases...

Hmmm, how do ya know that? Because we're here?

Before we entered the picture, we only know what we can glean from rocks and fossils. Historical documents? Yes, but they only give you a small piece of the puzzle.

What the environment can handle is subjective at best. Only our ego makes the environment about us and by us, to sustain us. In a bright, instant flash from the sky, or a violent eruption from within it could all change. It has before. It will again.

Remember. We're just passengers.


Girls only want boyfriends who have great skills--You know, like nunchuk skills, bow-hunting skills, computer-hacking skills.

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OK, I guess I'll just jump right in then.

Conservatives are so short-sighted that as long as they, individually, get what they want today, then fuck the future and fuck what's going to happen in 10, 20, or 50 years, to their children, grandchildren, or other countries.

"Hey, I got mine" is the new conservative motto.

Isn't it fun when both sides play this entertaining game? Man, what other childish bashings can we come up with?

Wendy W.

I thought you were above making generalizations. :o
You just blew my image. :P

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>Before we entered the picture, we only know what we can glean from
> rocks and fossils.

And ice. We have direct records back to about 1920, and they show the steady increase. Ice cores mirror that in recent years, and can be used to extrapolate backwards.

>What the environment can handle is subjective at best. Only our ego
> makes the environment about us and by us, to sustain us. In a
> bright, instant flash from the sky, or a violent eruption from within it
> could all change. It has before. It will again.

Now that I agree with 100%. My objective is to make sure that _we_ are not what causes the next cataclysmic change. It still may come in the form of a meteor or a sudden significant change in solar output; we might even hit an interstellar dust cloud that we never expected. But we do well to not screw up our environment in the meantime. We do need it.

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