
Don't Get a Cold in Oklahoma

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>This is just one of the many ways that the government is keeping tabs on you personally.

I don't think the government gives a rats ass about how many sudafeds I take aslong as I not buying 90 packages at a time.
Making sudafed a controlled substance would involve the FDA and probably doesn't fit the criteria of a controlled substance. However this product has a proven track record of abuse. How would you fix it?

>And as far as this story is concerned, do you really think that this is going to stop the production of meth? If you have to show ID to buy it you'll do one of many things to circumvent that little piece of "protection"

I think it will certainly slow it down, until the drug companies get onboard and offer the product in a form that can't be abused.

I don't look for the law banging down my door anytime soon.



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I don't look for the law banging down my door anytime soon.

Aww.. That's nice to hear.

Now, those of us who care about our privacy will continue to express our concern over this law, and the others like it.

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You show your ID when you buy booze or any prescription med along with host of other things.

None of you guys have demonstrated how the government is going to use this information against you.

I say the only people who have to worry are the people who are causing the problem. :)

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Hmm only sometimes do I ever show ID when buying alcohol and never have I showed ID buying my prescriptions.

Secondly, when I do show my ID to drink, it is not recorded in some data base. They check my birth date and look at the picture to make sure it is me.

Not bloody likely they can use the information without recording it, wouldn't you say?

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I say the only people who have to worry are the people who are causing the problem. :)

Would you stick to this attitude, if the police came to your home without a warrant, and said they were going to search your home to see if you had any illegal possessions?

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John,you know thats not the same thing as making a cold med more difficult to obtain.

Here in Oregon they are doing the same thing as Oklahoma with out the law. Some cold meds are over the counter you have to ask for them, no one takes your name.

Really what you have is a state (Oklahoma)with a lack of common sense.

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To quote John for you from the very first post.

Pharmacies must keep track of anyone who buys the tablets by collecting signatures and photo identification...


Here in Oregon they are doing the same thing as Oklahoma with out the law. Some cold meds are over the counter you have to ask for them, no one takes your name.

So obviously, they are not doing the same thing in Oregon. Pay attention. Or do you not see a difference between keeping something behind the counter and Oklahoma requiring photo ID and logging signatures?


Really what you have is a state (Oklahoma)with a lack of common sense.

Exactly what common sense requires a database of over the counter medication purchasers?
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I say the only people who have to worry are the people who are causing the problem.



Would you stick to this attitude, if the police came to your home without a warrant, and said they were going to search your home to see if you had any illegal possessions?


John,you know thats not the same thing as making a cold med more difficult to obtain.

I know that it's not the same thing. But I wanted you to answer the question, and you didn't.

The question addressed the attitude that it's okay to give up your constitutational rights, because if you're innocent, you don't have anything to worry about.

Do you agree with that statement? A simple yes or no will do.

If you do it for cough syrup, that just encourages yet more infringements, for ever larger issues...

Draw the line on the smaller issues, and you won't have to worry about it getting to bigger issues.

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