
GWB speech last night

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What do the Palistines want? They want their own country and for the most part want religious freedom. Land is more important to them then anything else.

I'd think that spending time in a Mosque would help enlighten you to others cultures and breaak free of sterotypes, but I'd bbe afraid to let you near a Mosque for fear of you making more people mad...[:/]

Oh if only you knew better about me. You probably can't name a religion or race, (maybe an ethnicity but not easily) that I can not then tell you about a personal freind I have or have had belonging to that group. I have no problem when it comes to understanding and trying to relate with a person for who he or she is. However, there is a difference between understanding why a certains tend to act the way the do and just putting a blindfold on yourself refusing acknowledge any characteristics that different groups of people have. I am sorry I don't play your liberal game but in the end I am confident people will get so fed up with your political correctness that they will start calling spades spades.
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I am confident people will get so fed up with your political correctness that they will start calling spades spades.

Beautiful....you do realize that phrase of calling spades spades is a derogatory racist name for blacks? I think we all understand plenty about you.

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I agree with you Kev and I know there are plenty of examples out there. The school in my post was the same one you mentioned.


09/01 - The Red Hand Defenders¦, associated with the main Protestant grouping Ulster Defence Association, has claimed responsibility for the attack, in which a blast bomb was launched into the middle of a column of Catholic parents shepherding their children to what was their first day at primary school.

The two guys having a beer were killed by a loyalist group. The preferred loyalist tactic is to do a driveby of anyone in a catholic area.
I mentyioned Drumcree as I hate the marching season and the parades commission.

It's sensless bigotry that goes back generations and we could talk about it forever and a day and not fix shit because the people that need to change are in N. Ireland and they're the ones doing it.


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The British do not occupy N. Ireland that is complete crap and I thought you should know. The majority have voted to stay part of the UK (The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) and so N. Ireland is part of the UK. That is what we call a democracy.

With the exception of the 2 kids killed Christmas shopping the other examples I gave all occurred in the 6 counties that constitute N. Ireland. There are plenty more but I was getting mad so I thought I'd stop there. The terrorists are not killing Brits they are killing Irishmen. They are killing people born next door to them that they grew up with.

They (and I gave examples from both loyalist and republican terrorist groups) are carrying out these attrocities on the Isle or Ireland. They are doing it to people that are born on the Isle of Ireland.

There is a political process in place for change and it has happened successfully in Scotland and Wales. For a minority to resort to terrorism instead of politics is the reason that the violence is continuing.

Now you may have written that in your paper but given your previous postings, I strongly doubt it so I'll stand by my previous judgement.


Very interesting and somewhat educational. My paper which I wrote six years ago and don't even have a copy of dealt more with how Michael Collins affected the struggle. Easter Monday and the general post office uprising. I am very much aware that England just at the U.S. has changed with the times and that Imperialism is something that in this day and age in considered bad. For that reason I have no doubts that in modern day if Northern Ireland wanted to leave the U.K. that they would be able to do so. But I would hope that you do not intend to deny that this was not always the case or that resorting to terrorism when they knew they could never defeat the British army was how the stage was set long ago.
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Please state what I have said that is incorrect.


The true motives behind it are the Irish wanting to have their entire country and the British not wanting to give up the occupied territory.

Unionist and Nationalist.

Now please go, read the background I gave you earlier, and stop talking nonsense. Read about the rIRA, IRA CIRA, RHD, OV, UVF, UFF, LVF. Read about the politicial conflict, the economic conflict and the violent conflict.

I notice you mentioned the word "Catholic" six times in your reply, but not the word Protestant once - why this imbalance when referring to a conflict so mired in religious backgrounds?

Oh, and don't start into the you must be "liberal" becuase you don't agree with me nonsense, thats just pathetic.

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I am confident people will get so fed up with your political correctness that they will start calling spades spades.

Beautiful....you do realize that phrase of calling spades spades is a derogatory racist name for blacks? I think we all understand plenty about you.

there you go again playing the typical liberal games. would it make you happier if I said calling things the way they are. Maybe for now it might but I am sure eventually you will find something offensive with that.
Here is and interesting point and something to laugh about. I once had a conversation with a lefty, kind of like Kev over here. This guy was aryan, (you know Northern Eurpean decent blond hair and light eyes) but married to a Mexican (Aztec none the less). Anyway in our conversation I used the adjective Mexican to describe his wife. I was then called by three Aryan white boys into a room so that they could tell me how much of a racist I was for using the term Mexican. (that I had to say Hispanic). Ofcourse being that my lastname is Rodriguez I was able to laugh at that but it wouldn't be as easy for you to get out of that one. And it all stems from your silly liberal attitude not wanting to call things the way that they are.
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Ummm....Mexican is a nationality, spade is a derogatory term. If not using racially derogatory terms to label people is being a silly liberal, than I'm proud to be a silly liberal.

By the way, I voted for more republicans than democrats in the last election, silly liberal that I am. But I guess in your silly bigoted world, it's much easier to just label people with derogatory terms so that you can feel superior.

I have no problem with people choice of language. But it's very clear from the content of your posts that you label people extensively.

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Ummm....Mexican is a nationality, spade is a derogatory term. If not using racially derogatory terms to label people is being a silly liberal, than I'm proud to be a silly liberal.
there is no such thing as a truly derogatory term. Specially when it refers to a group of people. What there is, is people hiding behind terminology and then pointing fingers (as you did here) because of it. For instance when I was growing up there was the Negroid race made up of Negroes. Suddenly for some reason this became offensive. So they were referred to as Blacks. Then wait that too became offensive so now we call them African-Americans. Somewhere along the line they were colored people. All the way through these times people like you (commonly called liberals got involved in the finger pointing accusing people like me of being racist for not using your politically correct term. Now lets look at other terms. Honkey, cracker, redneck or maybe just white trash. These terms were coined specifically with no other intent other than to offend. But I have never heard anybody refer to them as the H-word, the C-word, or the R-word. They never became these horrible words that could ruin somebody's name for using them. The reason is because these words are describing people who are not in constant denial of who they are.

By the way, I voted for more republicans than democrats in the last election, silly liberal that I am. But I guess in your silly bigoted world, it's much easier to just label people with derogatory terms so that you can feel superior.

I have no problem with people choice of language. But it's very clear from the content of your posts that you label people extensively.

If I had a dime for everytime somebody said to me I agree with you just not in public or sent an instant message saying that for that matter I would be a very rich man.
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the problem is not with the word itself, but its context. You seem to label people and attribute qualities to them based on superficial racial and ethnic origins. Your choice of language is just another indicator of your inability to separate genetic or ethnic traits from the character of a person.

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I think that you're digging a hole here, broh...

Liberal games is such a strange statement to make... doesn't conservative games sound funny too? All that name calling only because someone sees things a little more objectively and is willing to put some fault on the administration that we are governed by, rather that covering your eyes with one hand and using the other hand to point blame at the rest of the world while you spin around like a top?

How about calling things the way they are, right?

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I think that you're digging a hole here, broh...

Liberal games is such a strange statement to make... doesn't conservative games sound funny too? All that name calling only because someone sees things a little more objectively and is willing to put some fault on the administration that we are governed by, rather that covering your eyes with one hand and using the other hand to point blame at the rest world while you spin around like a top?

How about calling things the way they are, right

Hey you liberal leftist scum, how dare you disagree with Steel.

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Iraq wasn't planning to attack us; no one outside the pathologically paranoid believes that any more. There is currently far more terrorist activity in Iraq than there was before we invaded. So yes, the US is bad because we used our military power to increase the chance that terrorists will kill americans.
The only possible answer to this is that its just not true.

Which part isn't true? We now HAVE found evidence that Iraq was planning to attack us? Or there were more car bombings etc last year than there are this year?

(drink Mountain Dew)

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I think that you're digging a hole here, broh...

Liberal games is such a strange statement to make... doesn't conservative games sound funny too? All that name calling only because someone sees things a little more objectively and is willing to put some fault on the administration that we are governed by, rather that covering your eyes with one hand and using the other hand to point blame at the rest world while you spin around like a top?

How about calling things the way they are, right

Hey you liberal leftist scum, how dare you disagree with Steel.

Super funny!
I'm just pulling some liberal game of deceit, bait and switch, and finger pointing... "not true, not true, not true!"


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If I had a dime for everytime somebody said to me I agree with you just not in public or sent an instant message saying that for that matter I would be a very rich man.

If I had a dime for every time somebody private messaged ME that they don't agree with YOU, I'd be a very rich man. :)

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Iraq wasn't planning to attack us; no one outside the pathologically paranoid believes that any more. There is currently far more terrorist activity in Iraq than there was before we invaded. So yes, the US is bad because we used our military power to increase the chance that terrorists will kill americans.
The only possible answer to this is that its just not true.

Which part isn't true? We now HAVE found evidence that Iraq was planning to attack us? Or there were more car bombings etc last year than there are this year?


this disscussion is getting tireing. The fact in that far more Terrorist attacks that you are not aware of have been thwarted and stopped before they have occured. After Al queda took the first major step in September 11th two year ago it was quite clear that they were ready to go into high gear with more attacks. To sugest that because the current administration sought out retribution for 9/11 that there is a sudden rise in terrorism is just utterly false. thats it
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>>So yes, the US is bad because we used our military power to
>>increase the chance that terrorists will kill americans.
>The only possible answer to this is that its just not true.

What's not true? That 131 Americans have been killed by terrorists since Bush declared major combat over? Or that it's not true that terrorist attacks are increasing?

In Steel's defense, I guess I'd hesitate to call all of these attacks terrorism. Most are more like guerrilla fighters trying to oust an invading army...or exactly like that.

(drink Mountain Dew)

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If I had a dime for everytime somebody said to me I agree with you just not in public or sent an instant message saying that for that matter I would be a very rich man.

If I had a dime for every time somebody private messaged ME that they don't agree with YOU, I'd be a very rich man. :)

I doubt that
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this disscussion is getting tireing. The fact in that far more Terrorist attacks that you are not aware of have been thwarted and stopped before they have occured. After Al queda took the first major step in September 11th two year ago it was quite clear that they were ready to go into high gear with more attacks. To sugest that because the current administration sought out retribution for 9/11 that there is a sudden rise in terrorism is just utterly false. thats it

Due, you really have no clue do you.

Steel, meet clue. Clue meet Steel.

Geez, there is no evidence that Iraq had anything to do with 9/11.

A 6 month old black, muslim, arab female has a better clue. :S:|

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