
Couldn't settle for just the hanging harness...

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Noone could settle for the hanging harness for Safety day! There was 3 reserve rides yesterday, either tieing or beating the record at my DZ. Two were on one load! Wmblaine had one. As far as I know all the mains were recovered , I think a few freebags and handles took the plunge. Everyone is safe and the riggers are happy!-LOL
D.Chisolm C-28534
[email protected]

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No reserve rides at Skydive Atlanta yesterday (that I know of). My first jump of the day, had the worst landing of my skydiving career. At about 10 ft my left arm cramped and I pulled down the left toggle. I was so surprised by this that I didn't do the right thing (pull down the right one). Just sorta froze in that position. Did a full 180 between the last 10 ft and landing. Hit the ground with my left arm first, didn't PLF. It was instant pain in my left elbow. I only did one more jump that day because I wanted to be sure the injury wouldn't effect me. I did managed to get through the jump and landing fine, but it hurt like hell so I didn't do anymore.

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We didn't have any reserve rides, but we had a girl land pretty hard and scare us all. She flared too late and landed butt first, thankfully in a big soft muddy puddle, and made one hell of a splash. I knocked the wind out of her and scared her, but she's ok. If it wouldn't have been so wet and the gound so soft, she'd have some broken bones for sure. Other than that, that's it. A nice day of skydiving and a great safety day at the drop zone.

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This wasn't at Spaceland was it?
Me and another girl both slid out in the mud on our butts when we thought the wind had shifted and landed crosswind. Gave the folks by the beer line a nice show. I'll be I slid 50 feet. I looked like the Swamp Thing when I got up.
It was either that or hook it. Of course, judging the wind better would have avoided it entirely, but given those two choices I think we both made the right one.
Blue Skies!

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Hey Cyberskydive...No fair spreading shite about me on the forum!!:)So what if yesterday, SAFETY DAY, I had a cut away AND a REALLY hard landing on tarmack during the night jump. This is no REASON to give me shite, is it? (he says as he invites MORE):)Yesterday being safety day at Monroe we had 3 cut aways throughout the day - 2 on one load!!!:D
(anyone else have similar things happen yesterday?)
Thankfully we went 3 for 3 with canopies and unharmed bodies, but it was interesting how many people were trying to practice their safety procedures on the "special" day for it.
The night jumps were AWESOME (my second - and I only have about 80 jumps in total)!!!!!!!!!:)The barbie was a real winner though, everybody had a great time, especially cyberskydive!!!:D
P.S. I still feel "a little bad" about your container, but I will get over it!!!!!!!:)P.P.S. Yeah, I am officially off Newbie status
NZPF A-2584
Edited by wmblaine on 3/11/01 05:53 PM.

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Well Iw asnt going to mention my rig!! LOL or specifics, but since you ask wmblaine had his fun little reserve ride so I let him jump mine for night jumps. Where he promptly tried a night gauntlet in the parking lot with no injury to himself or anythiing else thankfully (thankfully he is ok and my rig didnt get ripped aapart-LOL) To our surprise there was not a single scuff mark on my container! I think we were both really happy abouty that!
SO I hope your over it now Blaine cause everything is cool! B|
I did have quite abit to drink and I had a blast! Maybe I was a tad too toasy and a little overboard! LOL But suffice it to say I was glad to be there for the first time in a while! AND with some of the coolest folks on the planet! Damn I need to get out more-LOL
as for everything else............ no comment :D
D.Chisolm C-28534
[email protected]

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Only one cutaway at Kapowsin on Saturday but, it was an intentional. Low clouds prevented everything except hop-n-pops from the c-182 although they did a really cool emergency exit drill form the twin otter from about 4000 ft.
All 20 jumpers out in less than 20 secs. I was watching from the ground and it looked like a military combat drop. They also shot video of it from from the 182 which was very cool.

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We had one cutaway at Skydive Dallas on safety day. It was on the first load of the day, too. A high time jumper cut away from spiralling line twists. As far as I know everything was recovered, and of course he took sh!t about it all day after that.
Other than that we had a couple hard landings in the mud, but nothing too serious.
Blue, safe skies

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ahhh, that must have been Raymond, right? I forgot he cutaway Sat. I was still asleep so I missed it. Oh yeah, and I was one of the hard landings in the mud. I flared too late and landed feet first and butt slid a foot or two...new jumpsuit has a dirty ass! LOL
And just for those of you who haven't heard this before, hopefully you have: Don't jump if you are congested or have a stuffy head/nose. I have had a head cold since Friday, and it started getting worse Saturday. I jumped and my left ear, which was plugged up, decided to pop and it hurt BAD! I was deaf in that ear for over two hours! Thank god I didn't burst my eardrum. I learned my lesson on that one.
Blue Skies,

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And just for those of you who haven't heard this before, hopefully you have: Don't jump if you are congested
or have a stuffy head/nose. I have had a head cold since Friday, and it started getting worse Saturday. I
jumped and my left ear, which was plugged up, decided to pop and it hurt BAD! I was deaf in that ear for over
two hours! Thank god I didn't burst my eardrum. I learned my lesson on that one.

Say what? Seriously though I have opt-out more than once cause of head colds and stuffyness from allergies. It can be more serious than most think. I remember having one ear that plugged up and everything sounded muffeled for 6 or 7 hours and a headache to boot. In extreme cases bloody nose or your sinuses draining through the path of least resistance...through the corner of your eye or even a ruptured eardrum which can take weeks to heal! I regularly have to pinch my nose and blow out after I get under canopy to help my ears to equalize pressure or sometimes they will start to hurt.

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