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I had to put this up here because only you guys would understand. I just rolled out of bed and made my way to coffee after a great night and $100 in drinks for my skydiving buddies. It was my FIRST RIG. I can't beleive it is real. I finally won one of the auctions but now I have to wait for at least a week for the seller to get back into town before I can even think about getting my hands on it. This is going to be the longest week of my life.
I have the whole weekend set up for when I get MY rig. Fri, Sat, Sun camping at the DZ; Jumps with Skydive U; my friend's openning A licence jump; and my premere as an owner not a renter.
How did the rest of you deal with the wait?
Blue Skys and Safe Landings

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Congrats, what is it and how much did you pay?
canopy colours?
Details please (you know you want to tell us ALL about it...)
I jumped MY rig for the first time 2 weeks ago, man it is such an awesome feeling! I keep it next to my bed, so when I wake up in the morning I can just roll over and look at it for a while... :)/s

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I am currently waiting for my second rig, third main and it is absolutely brutal...I ordered all the bells & whistles and it is still almost a month away from being here...So its not only your first rig...its every rig that you get, you are going to be excited about...there is a little something that you have to look forward to.
"I'll jump anything!"

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All new never jumped but has one former owner. J3 black, smoke and lemon yellow. Sectre 170, cypress, pd160R. I will have pictures in the next 10 days to 2 weeks and I will post them. I just want to show off my beautiful new baby.
Blue Skys and Safe Landings

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You need to walk around your house with nothing on but your rig to get that "new rig" feeling. You must also "Christen" your rig, your girl/boyfriend might laugh at first but convince them this is an extremely important aspect of our sport, and not to pull the silver handle during the throws of passion.
You must also christen your canopy as well. This is a little more fun, and you don't look as goofy to your partner.

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