
Want to buy a plane

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Hi, all!
I need to buy a plane for my DZ, located in Russia. It must be smth like Pilatus Porter - for 6-8 skydivers. It must be ready to jump plane.
But I don't know - where I can do it and how much it will cost.
Is anyone can give me an advice?

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I know the Ukraine sends their Lets to the UK every summer free of charge (the DZ pays for servicing, crew wages etc, and their flight crews get flying time). Maybe you should send them a friendly request to lend you something for the summer. I have no idea who you would have to contact or how the arrangement gets made, but it is an option you might want to consider. They might have something smaller than a Let they would let you use on a similar scheme to the UK DZs.
Just an idea.

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Hey Dutchboy, do you really think that you could fit 6-8 skydivers into a 206? A King Air is a little big for only 6-8 jumpers and the expense would probably outweigh the earnings. Never jumped one but what about a Beaver or something like that. Maybe a Porter?
Safe landings,
Alex D-23912

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Porter was my first choice. But I can't find it cheaper than 400K$. I have a little more than 100k$ for this purchase. So - now I think about leasing. In this case - may be Porter will be good idea.
What do you think about Cessna 208?
And what is Beaver?

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cessna 208 is a caravan,and will run you us$600.000 to a million plus,they are probably the lowest maintenance plane around and can take 17-18 jumpers at a pinch.and at 600k your looking at atime out engine.
a c206 (6 jumpers)or a porter are your best shots,but there may be others .

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Hi AndyGrom,
Waht about an AN-2!? OK they're not the fastest or climbiest 'planes in the world, but for you they're local & probably a "best alternative" to a Porter (which has to be the best DZ aircraft bar none?). I heard of one DZ which got an AN-2 for a week & apparently instructors had to be physically threatened before thay'd get back into a Cessna after it went back:D.
WHile the BN-2 (Islander) in either piston or turbine form is an adequate aircraft, I'd reccomend that you avoid multi-engined aircraft like the plague. Unless you're operating a large operation with several aircraft available & maintenance on site then a multi can easily break the operation. First they're more expensive to run, and 2 engines means there's twice as much to go wrong! Take the example of 2 DZs: One runs an Islander which takes 10 skydivers per lift, the other runs 2 C-206s - 2 times 5 skydivers per lift. Lift capacity (all being well) is the same... UNTIL... Say an engine fails (yes it happens). The DZ with the Islander has just lost it's entire lift capacity, while the DZ with the 2 C-206s has lost HALF it's lift capacity.
So... my suggestion is to go small - if not a Porter / Beaver / AN-2 then 2 C-182/C-206/Cherokee-6.
Mike D10270.

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do you really think that you could fit 6-8 skydivers into a 206?

We used to put six jumpers in a 206 on every load. Of course it was a very sweet 206... I've jumped others where the pilot or owner didn't want more than 5 jumpers on board. Possibly something to do with engine size or horsepower? I'd think the max. weight would be the same regardless but I honestly don't know that much about airplanes! ;)
pull and flare,

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Thank a lot to everyone!
1. We already have AN-2 - it's really great plane to drop 10 skydivers from 4500-7000ft, but we need more :)
2. We already have Mi-8 helicopter, which is great for 30 jumpers from 13500ft - but very expensive for 10 skydivers onboard - minimum load is 16 people onboard.
3. Also - we have Mi-2 helicopter to drop 6 skydivers from 9000ft - but it is very slow (20 min)
So - we are looking for small and fast plane for the 6-8 passengers delivering to 12000ft.
As I understand - best choice will be Cessna 182/206 for 6 people onboard and Pilatus Porter/Cessna 208 for 8 and more peoples. Am I right?
And where I can find this planes in Europe (best - in Eastern Europe) for leasing? Is it principally possible or I'm great dreamer? :)

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2. We already have Mi-8 helicopter, which is great for 30 jumpers from 13500ft - but very expensive for 10 skydivers onboard - minimum load is 16 people onboard.
3. Also - we have Mi-2 helicopter to drop 6 skydivers from 9000ft - but it is very slow (20 min)

Where is your dropzone?
How much are your jump tickets (plane and chopper)?
Where is the nearest international airport?
Do you have accomodation on your DZ?
Have you ever met a nice South African?
Seriously man, I still have a lot of sick leave to use (abuse?) and would love to come out to Russia and get some East/West perestroika action going. (man, my visa is going to suffer a double malfunction this year!). Your DZ has TWO choppers??? WOO-HOO!!!
komrade skreamer

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Seriously man, I still have a lot of sick leave to use (abuse?) and would love to come out to Russia and get some East/West perestroika action going.

You are VERY welcome! :) Aerograd Kolomna
We really have two choppers and the plane. And our DZ will be base for National 100-way record jump in August - so in this time will be own more choppers - I think 2 or 3 Mi-26 helicopters.
And it's all very great, but we can't find this fuc... (sorry) small plane, which we need very much. And no one have any idea about it :(
I have an idea - you can arrive on your own Cessna-208, gift it to our DZ and you will get free jumps forever :)

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you can arrive on your own Cessna-208, gift it to our DZ and you will get free jumps forever

Only problem is I can't fly and don't own a plane, but for free jumps to infinity and beyond, I am willing to steal one and have a go at flying it to you guys...:D
Had a look at your site, bit difficult with the babelfish translation. How much are your jump tickets for the choppers? What is your nearest international airport?

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Had a look at your site, bit difficult with the babelfish translation. How much are your jump tickets for the choppers? What is your nearest international airport?

Babelfish translation is very funny. Really international version is under develop now.
We located near Moscow (about one hour by car). Jump ticket costs $6 to 12000ft;
We are listed in Dropzone catalog - here . May be you dont know, that Moscow is located in Asia :)If you really want to come - mail to [email protected] - we will help you to organize your trip.
(See also Big Russian Boogie - start of june - information)
PS: Somebody can help me to buy this plane............ I hope....

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