
British women at Langar

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I jump regulary at Langar DZ in good old rainy England. Make no mistakes it is the dog's bollox but could be made better if there was some fit birds up for some two way action on and off the DZ. they all seem to be rich daddies girls about 34 years old, any 21 year old ladies care to prove me wrong?

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34 year-old daddies girls???
Lets see I have only started jumping at Langar recently, BUT the chicks there kick ass! (and they would definitely kick yours if you weren't hiding anonymously you chicken-shit). Man, two top pilots who happen to be women (one a chief flying instructor no less, the other a shit hot glider pilot) and a really good rigger who happens to be a woman. Hmmm, you say you jump regularly at Langar? Well then why are you slagging off your fellow skydivers saying things like :

they all seem to be rich daddies girls about 34 years old

This is probably a huge troll and we shouldn't bite, but by the sounds of it, you are bitter because you are not getting any and are hoping that pulling the girls hair and calling them names will get you some attention and a shag.
Posting stuff like this on a WORLD-WIDE forum that you know a lot of Langar skydivers frequent is totally not cool.
PS I will be at Langar tomorrow evening until Sunday - feel free to look me up...

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People don't go there to get laid you loser.

That sounds like Ric "look at me hit 150mph as I de-arch as hard as I can" Kent. If I snap my spine trying to keep up you can expect to pay for my medical bills!
As for the troll, I HOOK TURN ON YO ASS! LOL!

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I don't know about Langar, but if the two DZ's I visited a year and a half ago are any indication, then England is FULL of good-looking female skydivers. Feel free to send your 34 year-old Daddy's girls over to Raeford. North Carolina redneck skydivers dig chicks with freaky british accents.
PS: what's up with the anonymous posting? Hiding something?

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"I jump regulary at Langar DZ in good old rainy England. Make no mistakes it is the dog's bollox but could
be made better if there was some fit birds up for some two way action on and off the DZ. they all seem to
be rich daddies girls about 34 years old, any 21 year old ladies care to prove me wrong? "
u sad sack of shite!
those girls are quite tasty. and don't get me wrong i haven't been jumping there for long but some of those static " mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm that is a tasty burger" liners look kinda nice.
"party till you drop, drink till u bleed !!"
har har
ttfn Moooooooooose

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"'moose, can you remind us again how you got your nickname?"
oooooooooooh how low is that just for the record this rather large moosey looking female who i slipped a bit of my pink picaloe into was not a skydiver she was from the local pub.
2ndly i had beer goggles on which would have made eddy the eagle proud !
3rdly what can i say a moment of weakness i was very very drunk!!
any how she did try hard!!!!!
ttfn mooooooooooooooooooooooose

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I jump regulary at Langar DZ in good old rainy England. Make no mistakes it is the dog's bollox but could be made better if there was some fit birds up for some two way action on and off the DZ. they all seem to be rich daddies girls about 34 years old, any 21 year old ladies care to prove me wrong?

You Brits amaze me.... I guess with that attitude they all ended up at Elsinore! :o Keep sending them over because the Shark and friends will show them some good 'ol SoCal comfort. B| We'll accommodate all the British chicks, licensed or not....
PS> We don't discriminate based on age! Besides, remember the closing flap sequence: BTRL?

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