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NEW YORK, NY (DPI) - In a poll sponsored by The Daily Probe, 92% of
American men responding not only approve of the drinking habits of
First Daughters Jenna and Barbara Bush, but resoundingly encourage
such behaviour. According to the poll, conducted by research firm
Goldfarb and Associates, 54% of American men think the girls, both
19, should get "pissed to the gills," while 26% want them to "get
righteously fucked up" and 12% strongly feel that they should "get
completely, absolutely wasted and get their hot little bodies over
here, like, pronto, yo."
The attractiveness of the girls seems to play highly into the
male's desire for the twins to get smashed. "Let's face it," said
respondent Aaron Malloy, a 23 year old mailroom clerk, "I've got a
shitty job, I'm not too bright or attractive, and I come from a
poor family. There's, like, zero chance of either of them would
ever even *look* at me if they weren't totally hammered. I say tank
'em up, and keep 'em tanked." Similar remarks were recorded from
most of the respondents in the 18-35 year old demographic. While
desire played a part with older respondents as well, 16% of
respondents in the 40-55 age range also confessed that they would
use the opportunity of a drunk Bush daughter "to try and get a
killer tax break."
Of the 8% of respondents that did not approve of the twins drinking
habits, 4% were clergy members, 3% homosexual men, and 1% members
of the Bush family. Meanwhile, members of the Kennedy family have
invited the girls to visit their compound for "a wicked cool 4th of
July weekend."
Speed Racer
"De plaene!! De plaene!!"

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I hate to say this, but isn't that one Bush girl a bit on the plump side? Not trying to be critical, but the point here is: (Most) American men like their girls with about as many curves as a pencil! With the exception of huge breasts! See here, I expect to get flamed for this post too, so bring it on, I couldn't give a fuck less. Anyway, just thought it was interesting, that supposed article...where did it come from anyway, Speedy? You should always credit your sources! I bet it was the European equivalent of "Maxim" or "FHM." LOL When I am at my cousin's house, I read his copies of those. I especially like the articles entitled "Sex Tips She Wants You To Know But Won't Tell You" etc. etc! Most of them are SOOOO lame or men already know them. I mean come on guys, if you are reading those articles, you have either 1) a shitty sex life or 2)stupid frigid girlfriends!
Not to say that "Cosmopolitan" knows what the fuck they are talking about either! Good God, they have those same articles! "Sex Secrets He'll Worship You For" etc. JUST FUCKING ASK THEM WHAT THEY LIKE! Geezus!
UH, Ok I am getting off on a tangent here! I just crack up at the things the media says! I think I need to skydive...right, so...I am off to talk to myself about SUVs and the sexist media!! Cheerio!!
Sis (where did my brain go? Oh yeah, to Jose Cuervo's house!)
The road to hell is paved with good intentions-but sometimes,good intentions are all we humans have.

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European equivalent of "Maxim" or "FHM

sis i hate to tell ya but there are european versions of these mags. ask skreamer, he's probly seen the "english" versions of these same titles!
as for the article, i'm glad i wasn't the only one scoping out the first daughters durring inaguration ceremony. just one question though, how the hell could you get caught drinking underage as these two chicks did? i mean they are the daughters of the leader of the free world (we all know there is no other countries outside of the u.s.) they probly have some influence of some kind. i mean if i was them (actually we won't go there).......... but any good 19 year old would know that you can't use a fake id you gota have the "hook up", ya know that one young senetor that has a crush on them, he could hook em up in a second. but fake id's are just lame, i mean if i saw they were the daughters of the president and wanted some BEER i would't hesitate to give it to them, now if i saw on the id that they were mary-lou and maybaline clampet(ya know thier fake id names) then i might think diffrently about it..... now of coure though, if they were back in texas they could just go to the nearest cornerstore and pick up some 40's and an ak47 and not even have to worry about an id, (we all know that you can get guns at any age in texas, right sis? ?? ) .... ... ....... ... ....
p.s. please no one take me seriously....and if ya do, well, oh well....

"if dreams are like movies, then memories are like films about ghosts"-counting crows

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Come on now...Clinton couldn't get a freakin' blow job in the white house without everyone knowing about it. How do you expect those kids to get away with buying alcohol in public with a fake id.
Personally, I think absolutely nothing should be printed or reported about them in the media. Yeah, their dad decided to put himself in the public eye, but they didn't. Leave 'em alone to get hammered like pops on their own. Someone should just give them a professional sports team and an oil company or two to run into the ground and they'll be on the way to the presidency themselves, just like pops.

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Freaksis, my father emailed that article to me and I don't know where he got it from.

Most) American men like their girls with about as many
curves as a pencil!

I always get into this discussion with women. I'll try to explain it one more time. That broomstick, waif look is not the MALE standard of beauty! It is the MEDIA AND FASHION INDUSTRY'S standard. There's a big difference.
Most men actually like curvy women. I remember in high school there was this gorgeous girl that half the guys in school had a crush on (including me), but she would never have been able to make it as a model or movie actress. She was in great physical shape, but she had hips & a butt that were too curvy & legs that were too short to be acceptable by the media, even though actual guys thought she was hotter than a Mexican's lunch. We men notice this all the time: There are all different "types" of women out there, meaning, all different ways for women to be attractive to men, but the media has only focused on one type.
A lot of women get confused about this because all they see in movies & magazines are skinny women. The media does not care what real men like, they are following their own agenda. The media gets its tips from the fashion industry, and the fashion industry doesn't like curvy women b/c they gotta put more pleats & seams in the clothing. And yes, it's true that many of the people running the fashion industry are men, but what sort of men? Let's face it: heterosexual men are useless when it comes to fashion decisions. We don't have a clue whether that top "goes with" that skirt. And given a choice, a gay fashion designer would prefer that a woman looked more like a slender 18-year-old boy, because lean bodies are what they find attractive. Hence the skinny, curveless look.
That may be an over-generalization, but for whatever reason, the media is not asking actual men what they like. And I think that most men would say that the majority of female models and movie stars are too skinny for their taste.
Speed Racer
"De plaene!! De plaene!!"

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that the majority of female models and movie stars are too skinny for their taste.
ah men to that i personly like skinnish women but the stickfiguires you see walken around nowdays yuk you just want to force feed them maccas or somthen

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that the majority of female models and movie stars are too skinny for their taste.
ah men to that i personly like skinnyish women but the stickfiguires you see walken around nowdays yuk you just want to force feed them maccas or somthen

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Cool, OK guys, WAY TO GO!
I just wanted to get some of you out of the woodwork to defend your tastes! hehehe
After I typed that other post I realized I had been over-generalizing as well, but decided to leave it alone and see what happened!
You guys rock! To H&A! (hips and ass) the new version of T&A! Nothing wrong with the original, though...guess we could make it...HT&A...kind of like S&TA, but different! LOL Hips Tits and ASs!
OK off to spend Father's Day with my dad. Won't tell him about this porno/skydiving site!;)
The road to hell is paved with good intentions-but sometimes,good intentions are all we humans have.

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we could make it...HT&A...kind of like S&TA, but different

where do you come up with this stuff???? i love it!!!! now if my dz had more than 3 females to try and give this new title to......

"if dreams are like movies, then memories are like films about ghosts"-counting crows

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