I have Angered Da Whuffo

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Uneducated my ass! I would bet cash money(no better yet) jump tickets that you are far more educated with regard to the safety issues relating to skydiving than some ego-driven(I have a degree I am better than you) buttwipe. I guess it is okay because you know what he will never know. HA! You get the last and best laugh! LOL

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. So she calls a friend of hers, puts him of the speaker phone, and proceeds to have him relate a story of someone he knows who just came out of the hospital after a skydiving accident.....seems the wind was suddenly wrong when this unknown man landed, so he blew it and got hurt. It was the wind, mind you, according to this unmet whuffo (and it may have been, too, but it didn't sound like the wind from the way he described it - more like a low turn).

OK, I think there was some confusion up there, maybe on my part. The guy who told you not to do it on the phone & called you "uneducated" was himself a whuffo, NOT the guy who had the skydiving accident.
Anyway, people who say shit like that know deep down that they just don't have the balls to do what you do. so instead of admitting that, they rationalize their "decision" not to skydive as being sane and intelligent, and by contrast, skydivers are crazy and too stupid to appreciate the risks.
This is similar to impotent old men in positions of authority throughout history, trying to enforce a cultural policy of extreme sexual repression. They try to use moral or religious justifications for creating a stigma against normal sexuality, just because they can't get it up :)I definitely think there's a parallel here!
Speed Racer
"I think I think, therefore, I think I am, I think!"

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A word here...I haven't dated a whuffo since I started skydiving, but a LOT of guys (whuffos) I meet who find out I jump really dig it! Some of them tell me I am crazy, etc. but a lot of them want to go (they say, anyway, I have yet to see one do it) and they seem to be attracted to a woman who is brave and "ballsy" enough to skydive! There is this guy at the liquor store I always go to who told me yesterday that he has been trying to call 1-800-skydive since I first came in the store while he was working. (Got the # off my Skydive Dallas T-shirt.) I had to tell him that unfortunately, the 1-800-Skydive # doesn't work from our area. It calls Skydive Miami...which is a bit out of the way! Apparently the # only works from the Dallas/Fort Worth area! Anyway, blah blah blah, I know, I am wordy! Point is, some guys really come onto me using skydiving as an excuse, apparently...especially at bars when they are loose! LOL
As far as relationships go, however, I don't think it works very well with a whuffo unless maybe you live pretty close to a DZ. My ex-whuffo and I are really good friends, and we have discussed the fact that while we were together, he was jealous of all the time I spent driving out of town each weekend to skydive, while he sat at home and looked at the walls. That was his fault, of course, because I invited him and he wouldn't go! Anyway, who could blame someone for being upset about that? you're supposed to "BE" with someone but you drive 350 miles to spend each weekend half-undressed with a bunch of testosterone-overloaded men? right....
whatever, i am blabbering again. i really need to jump. over and out.
It isn't brave if you aren't scared...

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I'm trying for some trash here

You won't get any trash here. She runs a cleaning business :)Besides, her only flaw is that she refuses to jump until she gets her motorcycle license... Tonight we (practice) ride in the high school parking lot again. Last time she BIF'd (Bike In Freefall) going about 10-15 mph... lost a little skin and broke a footpeg. She wears the bandages proudly :)1111,

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You should have started her earlier. I had my first bike at 10. So long ago I don't ever remember crashing. OK there was that one time 20 years ago when i lost it on a gravel road and knocked myself out before the Sr. prom. I went anyway. Let her be proud....just do it quickly so you can move on to bigger and better things.

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I walked out on the conversation at the point where he thought it was appropriate to tell me "you are really uneducated, obviously no college, did you even graduate high school?" and he wasn't joking......

What strikes me as hilarious about that comment is that the majority of skydivers I've met are highly intelligent, whether they went to college (or even graduated high school) or not. Stupid people usually don't last long in this sport if they ever make it past the first tandem - either Darwin catches up with them or they realize they are in over their heads and throw the gear into the closet.
btw I would've slapped the shit out of him. But then I'm just a bitch ;)
pull and flare,
I don't think much, therefore I might not be

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I walked out on the conversation at the point where he thought it was appropriate to tell me "you are really uneducated, obviously no college, did you even graduate high school?" and he wasn't joking......

It was late last night & I didn't have time to respond, but I absolutely cannot let an ignorant comment like that stand unanswered.
I'm not one to toot my own horn, but in this case I think it's appropriate for the purpose of making a point.
If your "friend" believes that relative lack of education qualifies him to spout off on the intelligence of those who choose to participate in our wonderful sport, you may want to remind him that there are several of us here with advanced degrees.
I graduated in the top 10 of my high school class (out of 450). I attended the University of Notre Dame where I got my bachelors degree in psychology. I attended Southern Methodist University Law School, where I graduated a member of the legal honor society.
I practiced law for five years, quit for personal reasons and became a software developer. I have written software for the International Space Station and currently am a developer at Enron Broadband Services.
But like I said, I'm not the only one with advanced education. Ramon works with computers, Ann works in the medical field. I know one guy at our DZ who is an anesthesiologist, another who is a veterinarian and two guys who work in radiology. Adam Rosen is a resident in orthopedic surgery. And, finally, one of the members of Deguello, Mary Ellen Weber, is an astronaut who has been up on the space shuttle twice. She has a bachelor's degree in chemical engineering and a PhD in Physical Chemistry.
So, if he'd like to intelligently debate the topic, maybe he should choose someone more on his "level" rather than taking a condescending attitude. Send him my email and I'll be more than happy to oblige.
Blue Skies!

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I agree with you. And I will also say this this man is someone who I have never met; he is not my co-worker, but a client of hers. There are many very educated people in this sport, and many more are just flat out intelligent people. In my limited experience in jumping, I have discovered that this sport does not forgive "stupid", and demands every cell be in satori, or present, totally focused. And a sheepskin diploma is not what you make a canopy out of. I have no college, but the experience I am having in learning to fly is comparable, in my mind, as a few crash courses (no pun intended) - in psychology, physics, and in mental discipline. I appreciate your offer to debate the topic with him, and while there may be some mysogeny on his part and he may deal better with a man (you man you), I like you too much to subject you to that blithering idiot.
Lisa and Mouth - he was on the speaker phone. I figured that engaging in a battle of wits with him would have been unfair, so I simply excused myself, and declined the temptation to battle, allowing him to be left talking to himself. I hope he found some good answers. They wouldn't have come from me.
(I will say, tho, that while a woman, I have yet to "rule" anything - lol! Both of you, however, RULE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!THE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!SKY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!).
Ciel bleu -

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There are many very educated people in this sport, and many more are just flat out intelligent people. In my limited experience in jumping, I have discovered that this sport does not forgive "stupid", and demands every cell be in satori, or present, totally focused. And a sheepskin diploma is not what you make a canopy out of.

Too many people confuse education with intelligence.
Sorry to go on a rant. But that kind of elitist crap just burns me up.
Blue Skies!

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