I have Angered Da Whuffo

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Okay, I don't think I am sick but my whuffo girlfriend thinks I have lost my mind.
This morning she walks into my bathroom and I hear this loud "What the F@CK". Me, being a guy, I think oh SH@T no TP. So I jumped out of bed and go running to the door to tell her that there was more in the cabinet. All of the sudden the door opens. And I ask "whats wrong?" She points to the World Skydiving 4-Way Championship Draw, which I had taped to my bathroom mirror. Believe it or not she was actually pissed off at me (and skydiving I guess).
Now the question - Is that a reason to get pissed?

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Honey...she just doesn't understand and nothing short of converting her will make her understand. Realize that most of the chicks here are diehard skydivers who think there is no other perfect date than to pack up and head to the DZ for the weekend. (OK that said...remember dinner and sex while you are there.) You show that pic to any of us and we would jump on it and probably you too, but now you have to convince the whuffo to go with you, that she will have a good time, and that everyone won't be looking at her like she is nuts for being a tree.
OR, you could leave her home and go have a good time. :-)
So, were you planning on taking her or leaving her....that may be what she is worried about.
OK, so I'm not a family counselor but you have to admit dual "religion" relationships are difficult at best.

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I don't get it . . . what was her problem??
Let's try this: I'll send you a picture of a scantly dressed babe and you can tape that to the mirror and see how that goes over! I'm betting the skydiving going to start looking better, but then that's just me and what the hell do I know!

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It would be a much better world if all the skydiv'n women were not already taken. I am on the verge of ending my relationship because of conflict with skydiving - I think about skydiving 24-7 and I like my life that way. So what if I am a bit overboard, it makes sense to me to take some like skydiving so very serious.

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Watch it pal...you think just because we are chicks we don't take skydiving seriously. I still get the same rush as you do. I'm at the DZ every weekend (even when I have my girls). Most of my friends are skydivers and we hang out during the week. If they jump anything larger than a 182 during the week I'm going to try and be there, so don't think just because guys eat sleep and drink it we can't either. Also, there are as many single chicks at our DZ as attached ones.

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Hey Mouth-
You totally misunderstood me if that was not a guy/gal comment, it was more of an insane overboard skydiver/current whuffo girlfriend statement. She is starting to give me grief all the time - I can't have a conversation without skydiving coming up, I can't ride in the car without mentioning the sky/clouds or wind, and I always want to watch skydiving videos ( just yesterday I asked if she would like to watch my last couple of jumps - her reply "I have seen them already".
I actually hope, one day, to find a female skydiver who gets just as hyped up as I do. Where do you live Mouth? LOL

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O.K., so.....as a single woman, and someone who has recently discovered skydiving, it is the same way for me (very third word is about diving somehow, even if no-one understands the comment....). And, as a girl, it really bothers the men I know that I do something like this. I had been really causually dating someone, but he told me that he thought I was taking too many risks. It occurred to me that the real risk was going out with him again, so I didn't ("You are the weakest link...bye bye...). As for the pictures, I am waiting for a really good one of me, 'cause there's this empty space on my office wall that needs one of skydiving.
I find it unnerves the guys I talk to when I tell them about skydiving. I am lucky, and have a group of friends who, while never willing to jump themselves, are totally willing to listen to my tales, thoughts, cravings about this sport. It's funny, there are three guys who are walking around my office with broken arms from playing softball or volleyball, but they think I'm the dangerous one...lol. As a strong, independent woman, this only freaks them out more.....too bad for them!
Trees - they give you shade, but they are only launching points for the birds. (sigh)
Ciel bleu -

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High five to Michele!!
I had one recently propose to me that we shouldn't discuss skydiving unless he specifically asked about it! Now, I have to be truthful and confess it was mostly because I was ribbing him about being a whuffo! Hey, what use was he to me if he didn't have a sense of humor and couldn't take some ribbing??

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Yeah, but Ardnaln, that's because you're not a whuffo.
It might be hard on any relationship, especially if you're dating someone who is the type who gets angry that the boy/girl friend has a passion that doesn't revolve around them.
But I can imagine that if you're a female skydiver dating a male whuffo, with some men you might have the additional male ego thing to deal with. You're doing this brave, gutsy thing that they don't have the balls to do, so they feel emasculated. (oooh, big word!! :o!!)
Speed Racer
"I think I think, therefore, I think I am, I think!"

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I feel Aviation Induced Divorce Syndrome in your future...
Top Ten Reason Skydiver Chicks are better than Wuffo Chicks
10) A good date is sitting around watching skydive videos, even if it's your student jumps
9) Who else is going to get you extra altitude?
8) 60 second "kiss pass"
7) You can ramble on about skydiving, and they'll join the conversation
6) Spending the weekend at the DZ is encouraged
5) Money spent on new rig instead of ring/vacation/flowers is acceptable
4) No more money wasted on flowers to say "I'm sorry" - nothing says "I'm sorry" like jump tickets
3) They're easier to shop for birthday/christmas/etc
2) Vacations planned around jumping are not only acceptable, they're encouraged!
and the number one reason Skydiver Chicks are better than Wuffo Chicks:
1) Skydiver chicks are better in bed

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SORRY I didn't mean to get on one of my male bashing tangents. I'm not down on you it just seemed like you guys are the only one with the problem and trust me chicks deal with it too. But it is like several people have pointed out:
1. whuffo males are extremely intimidated by a sky chick
2. whuffo males DO NOT want their chick doing something "dangerous" (so I guess that leaves out driving in a car and sex....NOT)
3. whuffo males are jealous of all you sky gods and the time we spend with you
4. whuffo males do not understand that jump tickets (though we don't use them where I jump) and gear are perfectly acceptable ways to spend the plastic....who needs new clothes I want another jumpsuit
5. whuffo males have never done a kiss pass
I personally love all the guys at our DZ...I can always count on lots of hugs and kisses from our guys which makes skydiving that much more fun. Skydivers in general (male and female) are just wonderful people. If whuffo's don't like that every conversation revolves around jumping, every video has me as the star, and every free second is spent thinking about jumping then they need to get a life. I like mine.

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Morning, Mouth
I didn't think you were male bashing - of course, I am a woman, so maybe I don't see it....but nonjumpers find it wasy to bash us (men and women) without a second thought. "Nuts" "not for me" (well, who asked ya', anyway???), etc. If we said that to them for something they hold dear, would the s*&t fly then!
I had a conversation with a co-worker and her sister last night at the office - turns out her sister wants to tandem (yeha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!), but my co-worker thinks I am trying to kill her sister. So she calls a friend of hers, puts him of the speaker phone, and proceeds to have him relate a story of someone he knows who just came out of the hospital after a skydiving accident.....seems the wind was suddenly wrong when this unknown man landed, so he blew it and got hurt. It was the wind, mind you, according to this unmet whuffo (and it may have been, too, but it didn't sound like the wind from the way he described it - more like a low turn).
I walked out on the conversation at the point where he thought it was appropriate to tell me "you are really uneducated, obviously no college, did you even graduate high school?" and he wasn't joking......
I didn't try to explain to him that while I appreciated his concern for my welfare (sarcasm here), and while I acknowledged that he just would not have been able to ever jump out of the plane, he has absolutely no right to pass a judgement on me for doing something he would never do......and he doesn't even know me......and frankly, I don't want to know someone like that, either (no great loss).
So, I jump today. And I taste the freedom, and fall in love again, with the sky and with life, and to heck with this unknown man and his thoughts that I am uneducated.....I will be free, for a short time, free.....
just my thoughts here.....
Ciel bleu

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Morning, Michele.
It is good to hear someone with my point of view that if you don't like what I do don't look and shut the F&#K up. It is none of anyone's business what I do (except maybe my children and then I don't ask permission...I tell). I happen to have 2 degrees so education has nothing to do with jumping...I think it is uneducation about skydiving that keeps others on the ground.
Can you imagine never feeling the wings of the wind on your face as it caresses you in free fall? Never scanning the horizon for exotic conopies? Never experiencing the thrill of success when a jump goes right? Never suffering the agony of defeat when you screw up only to be guided by those wise jumpers who encourage you to go back up and try it again?
Funny thing is I was so scared after my cutaway that a freind took me out of the Casa after crying all the way to altitude, but I never even thought about not going. Once I was out it was like being set free all over again. I almost quite once because of something very discouraging that was said to me, and I was miserable to the point of tears. I will never allow anyone to do that to me again until I'm simply too old to jump...guess then I'll have to hang around tell war stories and drink with the kids.

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I walked out on the conversation at the point where he thought it was appropriate to tell me "you are really uneducated, obviously no college, did you even graduate high school?" and he wasn't joking......

He really said that?! Wow. You know, one of the things that I didn't realize when I first started skydiving is how much thought and concentration it really *does* take. Good grief, just figuring out the spot (without GPS of course) makes my brain cramp, and I don't consider myself unintelligent (although slightly lacking in common sense sometimes *G*). Skydiving has actually taught me patience and about mind/body connections. A lot of my problems in my student progression stemmed from trying to get my body to do what my mind was trying to tell it to while still paying attention to other things at the same time.
Gosh, I could go on and on, but I believe I'm preaching to the choir here. I don't know how many jumps this 'gentleman' got before his accident, but perhaps it's best if he NOT continue skydiving if he's considering doing so. Nothing scares me more then someone who doesn't take accountability for their mistakes so they may learn from them. If it truly was out of his control, then I apologize, but I've always been told that you usually get hurt because of a combination of several things you did wrong. I'm sure there are exceptions, though....
Anyway...don't let these people stop you from doing what you want to do. There is nothing wrong with those who don't want to skydive saying so...hey, I am not particularly interested in scubadiving either, but I'm not going to tell someone else they are stupid because they enjoy it! How silly is that?
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