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I am legally of age i can now buy beer for you guys *and the hevens opened up and and God said it was good* :D
Can't wait till this sunday do a couple lvls and have a beer at the end of the day Wooohoooo :)*Watchs for the flying cream pies*......i know how you people think, any excuse to pie the hell of another skydiver!! I will be watching my back ;)
Remember when Sex was safe and skydiving was Dangerous?

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I am from Opelika, AL. Being from the sticks has nothing to do with whether or not you skydive. I was just picking anyway. There are actually very few people that get around to jumping at that age. This, of course, is mostly a money issue. I was lucky enough to be able to start at 17 (over 20 years ago) because by dad is a DZO. Normally, every DZ will have one or two kids aged 16-18 who jump. The people we normally get in your age range are college students out making a tandem with a group of their friends. Very few of them have the cash to stay with it, but come back later in life and take their lessons. My dad's DZ is 12 miles from Auburn University and 3 miles from Tuskeege University. There MIGHT be five up-jumpers there who are in school full-time.

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