
1:0:1 for the whole weekend!!

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Well tonights night jump fell through,, but after buckin hay today my sinuses are a mess and eye's itch like hell!! Allergies SUCK!! So probably a good thing,, gotta work the weekend so no chance a jumpin,, But Hay I did get the rig I told ya about,, the Falcon 210 with the Talon container, Raven 3 reserve, and Cypres,, Wahhooo!! hee hee,, the beer was for the first time in a hay field,, gotta have some fun this weekend!! Ya'll jump safe,, I'll be thinkin of ya's!!

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So far for the week I am 0:3:0
I am excited that I got through a whole day of jumping without owing beer. That happens so seldomly! I am looking forward to a few jumps this weekend. It will be hot but clear skies!
There is a POPs accuarcy competition at my DZ this weekend. That should be fun to watch!
I wish everyone blue skies and safe jumps this weekend!!

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I haven't owed beer in ages. I am amazed by all these "firsts" you people seem to have. Of course, I don't jump much these days so maybe that is part of the reason. I also keep my mouth shut about certain firsts so I don't have to owe beer! Like, why bother telling people "that was my first five way!" etc. hehe :)Sis
It isn't brave if you aren't scared...

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Hee HEE!!!! And I had forgotten how much fun it was to buy beer!!! I got to buy beer a couple of weekends ago after my first reserve ride! I was starting to think I would never have one.....WRONG!!!!
"I live with fear and terror, but sometimes I leave him and go skydiving!"

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Well sure enough, I said that and then had some firsts today (all on one jump) my score was 0:2:1...my mouth gets me into trouble doesn't it? Beer-buying trouble that is!
My firsts weren't as exciting as a cutaway...just mild stuff like first jump at SDH (Hinton), first jump from a T210, etc. Weird exits from that 210...there is no step because it has retractable landing gear so you have to sit in the door with your legs dangling out and the person behind you pushes you out. Fun though!
It isn't brave if you aren't scared...
Edited by freaksister on 7/9/01 00:30 AM.

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Well I was 0:9:0 for the weekend....I need to work on the second number. I need to make 30 more jumps by the 17th. I set a goal to hit 500 jumps by 2 year anniversary in the sport. Lets all pray for blue skies for the next weekend...

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0:3:1 myself. The 1 was for my first night jump. Sounds like you might have lived up to your nickname this weekend, huh Mouth? :P

There is a POPs accuarcy competition at my DZ this weekend. That should be fun to watch!

And probably a bit scary too. They had an accuracy competition when I was up in Cross Keys. It wasn't an actual POPS competition, but several of the competitors were qualified for SOS, even if they weren't actually members. They would get so focused on hitting the target they'd neglect other things like flaring. Ouch! Fortunately they were all jumping big accuracy canopies, so no one got hurt.

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Grogs...I gladly opened my mouth about the night jumps with a nationla director there to sign me off and the hay field since the entire load was there to witness it.

Umm... that wasn't exactly what I was referring to. Get your mind back in the gutter!

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The beer was for AFP graduation. The 2 jumps were my level 7 and my high solo. I totally chickened out of my low solo. I did the high Saturday morning and was planning on doing the low right after but got winded out. Then sat all day thinking about it and getting more and more nervous. I can't explain why...but now I'm not anymore. I want to do a couple of just fun solo jumps practicing my exit on each before I do the low solo just for my own piece of mind.
cielos azules y cerveza fría

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1:5:0 for me!! Woohoo, I had a great weekend. I did have a few firsts, but I don't think they were very beer worthy-first time doing a 5-way, first time jumping both weekend days, first time jumping with a hangover, and first time hanging out at the river with the gang afterwards. It was awesome!
"Up high, I feel like I'm alive for the very first time"

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Way to go Chronistin! I had my fiftieth as well! I didn't think I would ever get there! LOL Took me a year! Those last five or six were hell, in the way that they took forever to get to 50! It was like...46...47...48...49..50!!!! Yay! I looked at my total time and I have 31 minutes and 56 seconds of freefall! :)Blues,
It isn't brave if you aren't scared...

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Way to go Chronistin! I had my fiftieth as well!

Hey! nice to meet someone on the same level... Don't count my freefall-time, but except for the 3 static-lines i did i should have about 1 Minute for each jump, so that makes about 47 minutes *g*
way to go, that's right.
and it just keeps gettin' better...
have a nice... whatever!

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Just wanted to join the club.
I hit 50 last week.... am up to 58 now. I seem to be on a roll.
I am also just about to my 1st anniversary of my 1st jump, so Sis it looks we are on a similar slow pace!!
Once my rig comes in, though, I will probably jump more. Right now it is just too expensive!!
Blue skies,

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