
new and interesting poll

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Au naturel
Lots of make-up and very savvy clothes
flexible; dressed and/or made up when the event calls for it
everyone has their own idea about beauty - let's just jump!
You ascribe to the Mac theory of beauty: if you're not a model, then you're automatically ugly

Please add your comments to the post if there is not an option you would choose.

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Would you do me a favor and point out just where the Mac theory stated that if you are not a model, you are ugly?? I can't seem to find it...if I overlooked it, please notify me of it's location...did I miss something??? Inquiring minds want to know...tee-hee...not trying to piss you off but isn't your poll a little biased??

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From your post:.....I did really want to take it here, but... might as
well go for broke. What's to be said about girls who get offended by
guys who aren't attracted to ugly chicks? Note who did NOT get
offended: Mandy and JKA... two girls that know they're excluded
when I mention ugly chicks.
And weren't you the one who said that when a person resorts to insults in an argument, it shows they are intellectually bankrupt (or something to that effect)?....
Peacemaker or troublemaker (neither role which I claim...your label, not mine), I sign the post proudly
Queen of Assumptions

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hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha at me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
At least one of the choices isn't "computer literate....."
And as I can't edit it, and make it work, just made a huge gaff........ so shall I delete it, start over, or just leave it the way it is?????????????

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I don't think he said you were ugly Michele just that we (skyckicks in general were not much to look at--imho ugly) with the exception of Mandy and JKA. Thank God JKA bought my old jumpsuit so at least I know my body size is not what offended. Must be the fact that my makeup gets on my main when I pack?!?!

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Those names don't count because they are relevant. If you are debating politics, and someone calls you "jerkoff", then they lost. When I call you "Assumitron 6000" and "Queen of Assumptions", those are fun ways of pointing out that you are making assumptions, hence the root word "assume". I also went on to detail what assumptions you had made, and their invalidity.
- Macaulay

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even though i havn't had the experience :( i would think that waking up next to a girl in the morning and even with out makeup she looks awsome and you just wanna kiss her.
Remember when Sex was safe and skydiving was Dangerous?

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you forgot to add low maintenance, doesnt want a long term realtionship, in fact , prefers one nighters, no we cant talk, cuddle or cook breakfast, because we'll both be gone way before then so we can get to the dz early, foreplay is acceptable, but not required.
you know - classy chicks like that :S

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i would think that waking up next to a girl in the morning and even with out makeup she looks awsome and you just wanna kiss her.

Mmmmm. Head back, mouth open, little girl snoring sounds. Limbs strewn everywhere, hair totally wrecked, bad breath, tangled in the sheets.
When it's love, she's a vision any time.

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couldn't delete - kept getting error message. So I guess it stays. Sorry about the no submit button. If HH wants to delete this, feel free.
MacDoggySteve, (and don't cry about the name - remember your relevancy statement...) I believe you are simply interested in earning a title other than "enthusiast". And I think that speaks for itself.
ciel bleu-

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Mmmmm. Head back, mouth open, little girl snoring sounds. Limbs strewn everywhere, hair totally wrecked, bad breath, tangled in the sheets.

Have you been peaking in windows again? You forgot the part about breast hanging out of sleepwear, and panties in a bind! :S

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