
Oh, what a rotten level 5

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Michelle put down the whip!!
To me ya have shown more natural skydiving abilities than,, well me,, did all the right things with your cutaway,, and pulled while stable with plenty of altitude,, on L5,, I had a similiar situtation and pulled low,, got reemed, ya did good girl!! Shit ya think your gonna learn this sport in 4 jumps??? Hello!! But ya show poise when it counts,, You are destined to be a SKYGODDESS,, Have fun Fri!! Relax, arch,, and focus,,

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Michelle, all I can say is, it'll get better. Just wait until you finish that Level 7 and move on to your high solo. All you have to do is jump out the door and do a practice pull, then fly how ever you want. It was the first jump where I didn't have tunnel vision thinking about what I needed to do next and concentrating on my instructor. I spun, I flipped, I tracked, I looked out at the horizon and gazed on Atlantic City and the Ocean, then did a 180 to look upon the Philadelphia skyline and Delaware river.
Then chickened out of my low solo :-) Your posts are great because they express the exact same sentiments, thoughts, and feelings that I have but could never put into words like that. But when you're done AFF and don't have any TLO's and just jump out on your own and fly, then you'll see again with even more clarity why you like to do this. And I can't wait to read your description of it so that I can relive it again through your words while sitting in this dingy basement. I'm so glad we're going through the same jumps at almost the same time. Thank you!
cielos azules y cerveza fría

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O.K. it is deal time for you my friend. First I think that the idea of doing more than one in a day is perfect, especially if you have problems. Next, if you keep having this problem we can go to Las Vegas and I will buy you 10 min in the Wind tunnel. I know that it is not the best around but FL is a long way off.
Just think of it like doing a complicated kick for the first time. A jumping spining axe kick or a jumping spinning heel kick. They all suck because you are trying to figure out what a body needs to do. You practice and visualize the move and the feelings based on what you have done. Right now I am asking you a student with 6 jumps to do that type of complicated movement... right the first time. Now that i have built you up I have a few words of advice. Just feel the wind and the pressure it exerts on you body. Focus on the feeling in you arms and legs. Live in the moment. You will do it and when we toss you in the pool after finishing a 10 point 4 way with Nelson, DiverDave and I you will laugh at the little things that are going on right now.
Remember that even when you don't think that you can do it, I would bet my life on it. Take my vision of you and see how the world sees you.
Ready, Set, GOOOOOOO

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I'm new to the forum but an expert at training for new sports. I do absolutely everything. Anyway, I've found that when I'm totally focused on what I'm doing when I'm doing it, I'm guaranteed to screw it up in huge ways. Snowboarding: doing fine at the start, start actually concentrating and my head's bouncing down the sloap. Rock climbing: like a fly on the wall until I think about what I'm doing and then I'll get the wind in my hair as my head bounces down the mountain. I'd continue, but it's fairly depressing.
I do my absolute best if I think about what I will be doing only until I'm ready to do it. At that point it's time to shut off my mind and let my body act on instinct. Your body KNOWS what to do and when and how. It's your mind that interferes. Just concentrate on having a good time while you're flying. Enjoy the view, see what you CAN do and worry about how you did it later. You'll probably surprise yourself with a textbook jump.
I imagine that some will dissagree with my training methods,but for me (and I can only speak for myself) it works every time.

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I'm super glad that you jumped after seeing those accidents, even if it wasn't a "successful" jump. Something similar happened to me right before my 4th S/L, a guy hooked it in and damn near died (he would have if a few ppl at the DZ didn't happen to be trama doctors). So I know how it can shake you up.
A quick definition of a "successful" skydive. 1. You pulled. 2. You pulled and 3. You pulled 4. You enjoyed yourself even though things didn't go as planned.
Don't get so worked up about stuff that doesn't go as planned, yes it kinda sucks that you had a rought time, but you'll find that probably atleast a third of the jumps that you do with other people end up not coming out quite as planned. Either way they're damn fun. I found that out when I was on a 6 way RW with some POPS, infact I was the only one under fifty. Well, the exit zoo-ed and only a 4 way formed just before pull time. I was kinda miffed (I had something like 23 jumps at the time), but they pulled me aside and said "hey, did you have fun?" I said yes, since I was jumping I *was* having fun, then they said "then don't worry about it." :)If you're truely worried about all of this, then start freeflying. That way you can tumble for 9k and people think you're doing it on purpose. (j/k i freefly) :D
AggieDave '02
Blue Skies and Gig'em Ags!
BTHO t.u.

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OH, but Albi if you guys come to FL I can road trip down and jump with you......please. Pluse we can all go on the SkyCoaster...FUN.
Actually that is very sweet of you to offer Michele that support. I know the tunnel really helped me (even if I am deathly afraid of heights).

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Albi, again you are right on target. When I first tried a spinning back heel, not only did I miss the target, I kicked the teacher - in the knee. Several *years* later, when I took my bb test, I broke a three-board series with the one kick. My axe has always been good (my flexibility), but that spinning heel gave me trouble for a while. I finally realized I knew how to do it when, once in a tournement, I knocked her right out of the ring and the ref called the fight.
With all the wonderful and helpful advice, I will work ever so hard at it on Friday, and again on Sunday. If I am still having those problems, I may well take you up on going to Vegas. And yes, after I have turned a (whatever it was you said) with you three, and climb dripping from the pool, we will laugh long and hard at me. I am the most comical subject I know right now, so it shouldn't be hard. Then we will go have beer!!!!!!!!!!!
Much love - and thanks (to everyone!)

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Hey Michele - Don't worry about it and do not quit. You are doing just fine.
I have 200 jumps and I landed downwind last Friday in front of everybody and planted my face in the dirt and everyone was like, "are you okay?" and I was fine, but talk about humiliating! Some jumps are always going to be better than others and all I remember of AFF was that it was sheer hell (took me 12 jumps), but if you don't give up it really does get better...you'll reach the point where you won't even have to think about what you're doing - you'll just do it naturally...
Good luck!

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