
10 year certificate

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Woo Hooo!!!
Checked the mail today (yes, I know it came yesterday, what can I say, I'm lazy), and instead of a pile of bills I found a big ol' envelope from the USPA. Inside was a real nice letter from Chris Needels thanking me for my [radio announcer voice]"outstanding contribution to the sport of skydiving" [/radio announcer voice] and my 10 year membership certificate!! :)Damn, now I really feel old....
pull and flare,
I am a nobody.
Nobody's perfect.
Therefore, I am perfect!

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Congratulations on keeping up on your membership, as I'm not sure how long USPA would allow it to be lapsed, before you would be put back to the zero point!
I received my 20 year certificate in May 2000--Signed by BJ Worth
Dave Brownell
Mesa, AZ

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Cool, Lisa ! So......you started jumping at 18 ?
Let's see......in ten years I'll be....WHOA ! Definitely too old for all these PLF landings ! And by then, it will be known as the U.S. Wingsuit Association, as the sport will have bypassed 'chutes altogether....
The "Endangered" PLF King

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Congrats bytch & DB!
Man, here I am 36 and just getting started. By the time I'll get my 20 year certificate I'll be... lessee, 37, 38, 39... real damn old!
<> You 21 year olds don't realize how good you have it! Why, when I was your age we didn't have airplanes! We jumped out of trees with bedsheets. And we were grateful! ;)
Blue Skies!

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From one Lisa to another.....YOU ROCK girl.
I'm with Zennie in that we were glad to get those sheets and jump out of trees. By the time we hit 10 years we will need automatic landing devices so PLF, Zennie and I can land without breaking a bone!!! PLF...please don't break anything before it is developed.

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Thanks for the congrats all!
Nope sharky, I'm gonna be in San Diego for a seminar all weekend, Friday morning through Sunday night. I'm bummed that I'm gonna miss the dz.com record... but you really wouldn't want me on it anyway, I'm sooooo rusty. :)pull and flare,
I am a nobody.
Nobody's perfect.
Therefore, I am perfect!

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I'm not sure how long USPA would allow it to be lapsed, before you would be put back to the zero point!

Well, whatever it is, it's more than five! They sent me a 12-year cert, and I wasn't even a current member!
Congrats, Lisa. I'm dying to hear about all those "contributions"! ;)

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