
Mommy, can I go play with the guys. . .?

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HAHAA. . . Before I even start this thing, I know you guys will be like "What the fuck is up with this dude. . ." I DON'T CARE!! HAHAHAAHA
I'm gonna jump my 51st jump this weekend and I am psyched! Why? Because I got so fucked up on my 50th and haven't jumped in x number of years!
See, we got a little extra money from this guy named Bush, and my wife said, 'Ok, I guess you can do your jump thing' because with the family thing going now, we actually got to think budget about LVL IV and gear rentals. I didn't think I'd have the chance until next payday. I know some of you have said "no wife or kids for me, ever," and are looking at this post, "man, he needs to ask permission from his wife? Fucked up!" Well, yeah, that's the way it works. I even have to get a will done. She doesn't have a problem with me jumping, just wants things sqaured away when I go up. I mean, she saw me in hospital after my last jump, I can see where she's coming from. What's so ironic is that she has no problem with me jumping, but won't entertain the remotest possibility of my getting a bike!
But I digress. . . I'm just happy that I'm actually going to get back up this weekend! A little nervous, too, but I can rope that back in, no worries. Yeah, I'm pretty sure. . . . I think. OK. Yeah, I'll admit it, a little encouragement would help too! I can't help it, I was about to burst! I had to tell someone! Quack! QuackquackqauquaquackackackQauck (ever see a duck on the water and everthing seems calm but you just KNOW those little feet are churning away underneath?)

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I can understand. I just started jumping again this year after a seven year break(did the baby thing). I was nervous my first time back up, but after I got down I wondered why did I wait so long. Now we go out to the dz every weekendand and jump and jump and jump......
Just relax adn enjoy.

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What's so ironic is that she has no problem with me jumping, but won't entertain the remotest possibility of my getting a bike!

LOL! I've said the same thing to Merrick...the idea of him getting another sportbike is a little scary, but jumping is fine :) I certainly hope my kids don't want to do motorcross like he did either...I've seen the way every joint in his body pops from it, even his chest!
Good luck to you Duck! I imagine it's got to be frightening for you, but it will go wonderfully and you'll get down smiling from ear-to-ear. It's actually kinda fun to jump again after not having done it for a while cuz it's a rush all over again..."Wow! Now I remember why I love this so much!"
Have fun!!
Merrick's SCR Ceremony

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6 years between jumps 50 and 51, what a weird concept. . . It was nice. I guess I was expecting to be jumping up and down with glee after landing, but it wasn't like that. I was just very mellow, like a quiet kind of wow, where have I been all this time?
Came out of it with some lessons learned, like I need to re-develop a sense of time in the air, 10K to 5.5K went much faster than I remembered, I definately took too much time on my initial manuevers and didn't complete my dive flow. In fact, my JM pulled my ripcord! I looked at alt, saw we were passing 5.5 (man, we didn't get all the flow done!) turned mainside to him just in time to catch his finger pointing at me, then reached for my ripcord. But for some reason (a lingering habit, bad in this case?) I thought, "Wait, I have to wave off" and went back to wave off. Then I reached back for my cord but before I got my hand on it, I was jerked by the deployment of my chute.
Canopy time was great, I've always loved canopy time, very peaceful, but landing was a little rough as I flared low and skipped my ass to my feet. I've got video, it's pretty comedy. But I was a little upset because it's never a good thing to have a JM pull for you regardless of how everything else went. If a JM says pull, then fucking PULL, I just don't know what I was thinking about the wave off.
But the debrief went well. We talked it over and he told me that he understood why my reflex was to wave off. I definitely understood his perspective as a JM, that when he points a finger, he expects only one result. They've got some courses for people that want to develop their RW skills, and we'll do stuff like that knock the rust off of my flying. No question that I need it, and I appreciate the help.
Of course I was expecting to knock out the entire flow with a 1000 to spare. . . What a reality check, "Hey stupid you haven't jumped in six years." I should count myself lucky that I don't have to go through the AFF from scratch.
Usually I get pissed off when I don't do as well I think I should have, as in manic-compulsive. But for this it was, "Y'know, that was still a great time. Think I'll do it again next weekend. Think? Yeah, right. I'm there already."
Thanks for the encouragement. Good to have everyone in the corner. I had no idea how much I missed this. Quack

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