
1rst Post at Dz.com

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Hey everyone,
This is my first ever post at Dz.com. Im a static line student. I just did 3 jumps on Sunday so am up to 23 jumps. So far so good accept for the fact that i cant stop jumping. Ive met all jump requirements on my little yellow card aside from a packing class and # of freefalls ... I am going out again on sunday to finish up on freefalls and hopefully My Dz will schedule a packing class soon.. So far my jumps have been great I finally learned the right time to flare on landings.. and am cleared to Jm myself which has made skydiving so much better, I did a 3-way with the owner of my dz and another Jm the other day right at sunset, it was awsome.and nerve wrecking.. i had to jump with the voice i was used to hearing on the radio for the previous 17 or so jumps and now were doing a 3 way while the sun is setting. But all nervousness aside the jump went great.and i was actually able to keep up with them.. and didnt mess anything up.. I am just wandering if the exam for an license is hard and what to expect on it will it just be everything from The 1rst jump school on it . and where do i find something to study from, the sim is like 200 pages long... maybe am just too worried and it wil be a breeze any way i am just rambling on now. ITs nice to have a site for everyone to talk about their jumps and pass on their experiences to all the newbies.

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JOE!!! Welcome!!! I am glad you are finally here!!!
Good to hear about your jump with Jason. He is so awesome to jump with, especially whan you are just starting out!!! I learned so much from him on our first two jumps.
I can't wait for you to get your license so we can jump. Are you a fast faller, slow faller or something in between??
Anyway, welcome and we love to hear jump stories here!
Blue skies,

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I am just wandering if the exam for an license is hard and what to expect on it will it just be everything from The 1rst jump school on it . and where do i find something to study from, the sim is like 200 pages long... maybe am just too worried and it wil be a breeze any way i am just rambling on now

If you are using the little yellow card with all the requirements there is no longer a test for the A license. All the stuff they make you get signed off on that card now substitutes for the test. I think USPA is calling it the "Integrated Student Program". Once your card is filled in and all signed, faxed and you pay USPA, you've got your license.

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Welcome d00d get ready to be poor.......oh wait your on 23 your approaching poverty already aren't you :-P
"If you are using the little yellow card with all the requirements there is no longer a test for the A license. All the stuff they make you get signed off on that card now substitutes for the test. I think USPA is calling it the "Integrated Student Program". Once your card is filled in and all signed, faxed and you pay USPA, you've got your license."
I think they still have the test orally at least thats what my S&TA told me

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I think Snowflake is right. Part of your A dive is an oral exam, consisting of 20 questions chosen from the ISP sections. I think this is officially new as of the last couple of weeks.
So far, I haven't heard of anyone at my DZ (also Joe's) having the oral instead of written, but I could be wrong!
Blue skies,

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Hey! Alriiight, another Archway dude! Glad you made it!
Oh, and yes, the A license test is now oral instead of written, except Jason still gives the written form. At least he did when I took it on sunday. Just be sure to know the BSRs and numerical stuff like cloud clearance, currency, opening altitudes, etc... It's not that hard really.
Looking forward to jumping with ya!

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