
Insults for all nationalities

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What the hell does the queen do?Suck the life out of the britts?The queen is as useless at tits on a bull.

No kidding. Oh wait, Spec....she is the "figure head" of the country. However, she has practically (if that) no power over anything or anyone there. BUHAHAH!!! Makes me like the Bush just a little more. He doesn't take shit and he isn't afraid to admit it.

What say we all just agree to keep skydiving.

I dont think there was an arguement about that, was there?? Either way, count me in, Marc!! At least there is a common bond between all of us here that is stronger than political bullshit. Keep to the skies!!! :)--------------
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Wow - I posted this at the end of a long shitty day at work because a friend sent it to me and I thought it was hilarious, I never thought it would produce this kind of response. Why did I think that - because it takes a pop at lots of nationalities including my own.
Also, for your info - I'm British but I'm seriously thinking of moving to California so I can Skydive more (did u think there would be another reason?). I spent last Christmas out at Elsinore and met some great Yanks (one of them even owned a gun but I won't start that thread again) and I'll be going out there again this year.
Lighten up people - life's too short to take yourself seriously.

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Ok, boys and girls, we haven't had a good argument since ... yesterday!
Tell ya what ... someone pick a hot topic, and we can beat each other up all over again ...
The bad news is - I won't get to jump this weekend. The good news is, the wife and I are going to the "Mt Washington Music Festival", where, over the course of 4 days, various bands play outdoor concerts on the slopes of a great ski mountain. Across the valley are snowcapped mountains and beautiful ice fields. Then, Sunday evening, I'm taking a 4 hour train trip back home, along the east coast of Vancouver Island. I guess if you can't go skydiving, this is the 2nd best way to spend a summer weekend... oh yeah, we are good friends with one of the bands that is playing (I even received a credit on one of their albums a few years back), so it is gonna be one big party backstage!!!
For those of you who aren't jumping, where are you taking your guns this weekend???

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I wish I was jumping this weekend. I am going to sit around the house today and look at skydiving gear on the internet until about midnight. Then tomorrow, I have to work in the AM shift at work. When I get home, I am going to look at gear until about midnight and dream. On Sunday, I'm going to get up and look at gear until I have to go to work.
*sigh*......i have not being able to jump.:(
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I'm with ya Mountainman.....I'm working 4-12 this weekend both days. To make it worse I have to go down to the DZ and get my new reserve put in. I probably wont even have time to get in a jump! Maybe I can bribe Wendle to work faster.....no wait....I dont think I want him to hurry while changing out my reserve.
"I've got pieces of corn in my crap bigger than him" -Fat Bastard

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I think it would feel like borrowing a used condom

It may feel the same, minus the gooy feeling. Unless someone just "biffed it in" right before you used it. Muhahah!!
Well....just throwing that out there. I dont even know what my own gear feels like yet, so I dont know. Well, you better call him just to "remind" him that you'll be in today. Maybe that will get his ass working on it.
Good luck!!
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Sadly I can't jump this weekend either... no time what with the process of moving in to school early(already mostly done) then helping to move 600 freshmen into my dorm. Damn, WHY did I volunteer to be a guide for move in day...
Wait, I remember... I thought it'd be a good way to meet chicks... hah! Now that it comes down to it, I'd rather skydive...
Oh well, if you can jump this weekend, then funnel an exit for me, hmm?

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