
Calling all Women

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WHO needs to get out of the bathroom???
I know you're not talking about me...because although I am famous for my "shower comment" I don't get to play as much as I would like!
Now Clay on the other hand, I suspect he definitely spends too much time in the bathroom!!! :)Sis
Music should trigger some kind of response... - The Chemical Brothers

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I tell ya.......due to my job I've had the pleasure of seeing marvelous and beautiful things all over the world. But nothing can compare to a pretty girl in a jumpsuit and frap hat. Watching her fly is poetry in motion. If she rides a sportbike that's even better. Give her a Texas/Southern drawl and I'm whippinn' out the plastic to buy her anything. Hold it.....gotta go do something....wacka...wacka...wacka.. (she must have a sense of humor)

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Clay, honey that's the second time you've said that! So, I guess we'll just leave you to your private time with yourself!;)
Sis, I was referring to Clay in the bathroom. I don't think he was showering, but he may need to. You know what they say about cleanliness, and showers are always more fun when there's two!!:S
Robert, I don't have much of a southern accent, but I'll throw in a ya'll every now and then for you.
Anne, sorry no helmet cameras, I can't imagine you'd get a clear picture with all the up and down, back and forth, in and out, singling from the ceiling, bouncing off the walls, that would be going on. Besides you can't participate and not be in the picture, and if you're not participating - you're not allowed.

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Woohoo!! 3 cheers for Deva!!
Yes, I'm dressing up...I changed my costume to biker chick...real leather too ;)
Should be fun!!!!
Speaking of bonfires, I highly doubt we'll get one of those, don't you? After all the craziness last spring with Carter's thing?
Anyway, find me girl! I'm off to the airport right now. See you in a few hours!
Music should trigger some kind of response... - The Chemical Brothers

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Give her a Texas/Southern drawl and I'm whippinn' out the plastic to buy her anything.

Now just hold on a minute there bucko! Keep your plastic in your pants!
Boy...I've never asked anyone to buy me anything in my life.
All women want is to be treated nicely for God's sake!

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Let's not read something bad into my reply. I have never met Freaksister but based on her opinion I purchased a canopy. I would consider that a show of respect. Her sex never entered into my decision. (From reading her postings I decided she could be trusted) I was raised to open doors, pull the chairs out for the Ladies, etc. I have younger women that work for me this very day that get pissed when I hold a door for them. The only thing I can say to that is, "To damn bad. I'm doing it". I truly have respect for everyone until it is lost. I have no idea who you are but be assured I meant nothing bad. If you were here right now, we would go have a beer. Not because you are female, but because you jump. We all have that in common.

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