
animals & sense of humor

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I'm bored with work today so I'm posting somthing to discuss.
. I know we have a lot of people on here with pets.
Do animals have a sense of humor?
Cats and dogs will play-fight, so that is some indication of an animal doing a non-serious, play-acting of something more serious.
But how much do they understand comedy, and do they intentionally play practical jokes on people or other animals?
Have you ever seen an animal do something that strongly demonstrates a real sense of humor?
Speed Racer
The problem with the world is that everyone is a few drinks behind

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wow, I only just now noticed that I am finally an "addict" :)I was one of the earlier members of this forum, but so many newer members have pulled way ahead of me.
Don't you people ever work? :D
Speed Racer
The problem with the world is that everyone is a few drinks behind

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Well, I have this dog named Teddy (how original, I know). While Merrick and I were dating, Merrick was wrestling around with Teddy in the floor for a while. When he quit, he just sat there for a bit on the floor and a few minutes later, Teddy walked up beside him, casual-like, then suddenly licked him right on the nose then ran as fast as he could to the other side of the room. It was hilarious because Merrick has issues with his nose...anyone touching it and so forth...and usually starts sneezing if you do. It was like Teddy somehow knew that :)
Sorry...I thought it was cute ;) And I, of course, DO think animals are much more intelligent then most think. They certainly are more loyal and forgiving then most people :)
Hemp/skydiving jewelry pics!

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My teacher's dog deliberately sits on people's legs while they're working out, or takes possession of the student's mats as they are setting up for kip-ups, handsprings, throws, or locking/sparring drills-- if they're lying on the floor stretching, he'll lift his leg and straddle them- when the teacher moves in to interfere, the dog joyfully runs to the next nearest student to tease until he's either tired out, or tied up. :D
I'm really very gentle, no matter what my kung-fu teacher says...

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I have a siamese cat that plays hide n seek... we'll chase each other around the house, and he'll open the cabinet door in the kitchen and hide in there. When I walk by, he'll jump out and scare me. He also does this with passerby's... he'll hide under the car and when people walk by he'll jump out, scare them and run away.

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Not exactly a sense of humor but my parents have Jack Russel Terriers and man do they have personality. One they had was a serious chow hound and loved to ride in the car. He also loved to ride on the gas tank of my motorcycle. Well, one day I had to take one of the other dogs to the vet. When I opened the door this dog jumps right in. I had to kick him out because I didn't want to watch two dogs. He wouldn't come near me for 3 days. I couldn't pet him. If I tried to feed him he just turned his nose up and walked away. He was really pissed off. Finally after three days I realized what he was mad about and sat him on my lap and gave a very long apology. He forgave me and acted normal after our little talk. I wouldn't have thought a dog would hold a grudge that long!
"There once was a man named Enis.....B|"-Krusty the Clown

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my cast must be quite interesting to the kittenes. they love to bite it, claw it, climb on it.. and my poor backpack.. one of the kitties almost went out with me the other night cause he climbed in just before i picked it up to head out.. luckily i found him before i got in the car...
"i can not attest to what i did, just what i remember...."
~me, after one too many

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My parrot, Kiwi, will demand whatever I am holding -- a washcloth, an envelope, whatever -- with whistles and body language. Then, when I give it to him, he'll throw it across the room. So I'll pick it back up and tell him he's bad. So he'll beg for it again, just as sweet as can be. So I'll give it to him. Then he'll rear back and throw it as hard as he can. Then he'll ask for it again. Ad naseum.
Hell, it makes ME laugh my ass off. :D

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