
Jumping without a license at new DZs?

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At my DZ if you don't bring beer for a first your shunned and stoned!
Well now...I hope nobody stones me! Anyway..I may be traveling to Houston for business purposes...and I too do not have a license yet but will be cleared from student status next week hopefully. I would love to jump in Houston. I am a USPA member and if I don't have my license, will there be a problem jumping at Houston?

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We had a bit beer last weekend. Someone brought a case of Budwiser in bottles. Most people just stopped drinking when the Bud was all that was left.
You'll be hard pressed to find anything lower than a Heini at my DZ. (That's a Good Thing)

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Lessee.....I pay my debts.....
On July 28th, the day I graduated, I brought Heineken (2.5 c-bottles), Corona (2c), Corona lite (1c) Bass(1c), Sam Adams (1c), Smirnoff Ice (6pack), Mike's Hard Lemonade (1c), a bottle of Myer's Rum (for Ed), a bottle of Tequila, and a bottle of Southern Comfort (was requested by someone else - can't remember).
And a good time was had by all.......
"What of the dreams that never die? Turn to your left at the end of the sky".
~e e cummings~

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To sum up the responses and rebut:
I should get a USPA membership.
I should call the DZ at whatever state/city I am going to visit and talk to someone regarding my current progression and what I need to do to jump there.
Rental equipment is almost always available.
I will probably need to do a hop & pop or coached jump to demonstrate my currency and skills.
Beer is always appreciated.
For the rebuttal: I can't get 'just get' my license today because I am not ready to pack my own rig. I can't 'just deal with the cold' because my cold weather dz doesn't fly after October 31.
Thanks for the help!

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Hey don't dis American beer!>:( Sure, we still have a lot of that watery, barely-yellow mass-produced crap, but since the eighties we've got beer in the USA that's as good as any in the world! Right up the road from me is the Frederick Brewing Company, and they make some damn tasty beers!
(Part of the reason I'm moving to downtown Frederick! I want to be within staggering distance of the pubs!)
When I buy my house I plan to start brewing my own. Then, if I can ever afford to skydive again, I'll bring cases of homebrew for all my "firsts"! I figure if I buy my barley malt in 50lb bags, it'll cost me less than 50 cents per beer! :)Speed Racer
The problem with the world is that everyone is a few drinks behind

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Say Michele,
What's the deal with bringing drinks to Perris?
I once made the terrible, unforgiving mistake of trying to walk into the Bombshelter with a can of Bud in my paw :) but having her tell me that I had to leave the can outside wasn't terribly enjoyable >:(
Also, when I brought a case of beer for my AFF graduation, Tim recommended that I threw the bottles in an ice box, put the ice box next to my tent and run back and forth between my tent and the terrace, if I wanted to get somebody a beer.
So, what's the Standard Procedure for bringing drinks? You'll probably understand that I'd much rather blow 10 bucks at the Stater's (or whatever that store is called) for a case of Bud, than buying seperate bottles at the Bomb Shelter, after happy hour...
Maybe it's just me though. I live in Holland (need I say more...) and have no grasp whatsoever of Californian liquor laws :D

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Speed Racer,
Fredneck Brewing is pretty good. You will also be a lot closer to the DZ at Chambersburg.
When you move, let me know. I have some homebrew equipment, and have been looking for a partner in crime for the brewing. Like many things, it is more fun when you don't do it alone. Unlike some other things, I'm willing to brew with other guys. :D
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Hey, Alphons!
What we did was fill two ice chests, put them on the wheelchair access ramp of the school, and take over the patio next to the school. We just sat there and drank. The rule is liquor in the patio only, so we made do as best we could, without rubbing someone's nose in it....
I think on of the reasons we got away with handing out beer (and we were handing it out) was because there was a party going on for Tanya and Craig O'Brien (that's their names, right?) who had just come home from the World Competition and there was about 300 people milling about. The Bombshelter made a lot of money from alot of people that night, and was too busy to even be aware of what was happening on the patio. And I made sure that some of the beer I brought was not what the Bombshelter sold, etc. I even gave one to the DZManager (Jack Gamley).
Other than that, there is no "California" beer law that I know of (Oh yeah, this one: don't drive drunk). PVSD is not a public space, so the public laws don't apply.
Hope that helps - just don't walk into the bar with beer, and drink it on the patio, and you should be o.k.!
"What of the dreams that never die? Turn to your left at the end of the sky".
~e e cummings~

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Thanks Michele! I'll keep it in mind next time I cross the Atlantic.
And of course, I'll get you a beer, or whatever else it is you drink.

there is no "California" beer law that I know of

Well, at the store I got "carded" for the first time in my entire life. Smacking my forehead, I realized that I had no ID whatsoever with me. Even though I went out with the sole purpose of buying beer, it never crossed my mind that I would need an ID. Good thing that I was with Tim :)Btw: isn't there some law against open containers of alcohol in a vehicle anywhere other than the trunk, even for passengers? I remember Tim telling me to dispose of my beer before getting onto the public road.

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Btw: isn't there some law against open containers of alcohol in a vehicle anywhere other than the trunk, even for passengers? I remember Tim telling me to dispose of my beer before getting onto the public road.

Depends on the state I think. I know it is illegal where I live in Maryland. Actually, I'm happy that it isn't allowed, as it is too easy to abuse. There just isn't any need to be boozing up in the car. Just my $.02.
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