
mmm....... is this a worry??

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Im just a lazy bastard ................ cant be arsed with additional typing................
and are you a lazy bastard that does not want to copy and paste?!?!?!?....... ;op
"In a world where we are slaves to gravity I am pleased to be a freedom fighter"

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nope.... when I copied and pasted, the way my pc is set up, it opens a explorer window and loads up quicktime as the player, which doesnt have the right codecs.
If I right click and save as on the link instead, I can play it with whatever I want (real player in this case has the right codecs on my pc)
Muff 914

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No, it doesnt look good....
BUT, without having any info on what they are testing (couldnt find a write up, just the clip), I'm not 100% scared shitless...
The reserve briddle is pulling on the freebag in a very unatural fashion (in parrallel with the rig, as opposed to a pull from straight up for a normal deployement sequence). I'm not saying that its normal for the damm thing to stay in, but as soon as the rig touched the ground and made the angle the briddle was pulling change, the bag came out.
Muff 914

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hmmm. scary stuff. I hope they were trying to prove a theory right or something.
where was this footage shot? who are the riggers? I think i might know one of them and considering all the stories he's told me, I'd be surprised if it was him and he didnt mention THIS to me..
http://www.geocities.com/flynfroggie/skydiving_friends.html Updated!!

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its a vid of a couple of people picking up a rig by its reserve briddle, then spinning the rig around, still holding it by the briddle. The way the briddle is pulling isnt up (as it would be on a deployment) but rather imagine putting the rig on, laying on the floor in a RW position, and having the briddle pulling from in front of you.
The free bag doesnt come out until while they are spinning it, the rig touches the ground, and the angle of pull changes.
There is not explanation of what/who this is.
PS: its only 700 k.... I'm sure you've downloaded pics bigger then that! lol
Muff 914

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There is not explanation of what/who this is.

This is taken from a post by Avitarr in the Gear and Rigging forum:
The potential problem is that if there is too much volume packed into the top of the freebag, the freebag can(and has) be caught under some of the lips from the closing flaps and riser covers up at the top of the container....and to make it worse, the bridle is attached up there, so it continues to pull at such an angle(when belly to earth or head high) that the bag will not clear the reserve container.. Most riggers are aware of this, and deal with the problem by packing very little volume in the top of the freebag, and most in the bottom.. Go to the Jumpshack website, click download, then "spin test" to see a demonstration..
A couple of the local riggers in my area have had Vectors come in for repacks and been able to do the same thing you'll see in the spin test video..
I ain't happy, I'm feeling glad
I got sunshine, in a bag

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I still think its piss poor by Jumpshack to post this clip without THEM puting the background info.
And I still think I would have liked to see how much force was required to pull the bag when pulling in the proper axis. Not sure at all about that comment:
[qoute]so it continues to pull at such an angle(when belly to earth or head high)
Muff 914

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That is kinda strange, I am no rigger, but the first part where he picks it up is lame. He should put some more wait on the container. Whats it weigh, 30 pounds, i bet if he put 130 pounds of weight on the rig the reserve would have come out with a good tug. who knows. once again, i AM NOT a rigger.

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