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Aggiedave just gave me an idea. with this post.
"It would be funny to pull stuff like that off if you had a couple other coworkers who jumped. Like, lanch a 4-way out of the elevator when the door opens. Or go on a tracking dive, down the stairs. Use creepers in the lobby...the list could go on."
So i'm askin you what kind of skydive related pranks you would doin an office full of whuffos? hehehe :)

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We need to get Flying Ferret to tell his story about his interview with the company he works for. Another guy at the company is a jumper from our home DZ and...well, I'll see if he'll post it. It's hilarious. :)Success is how high you bounce when you hit bottom.-General George Patton-

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In an office full of whuffos there wouldn't be much point because no one would get the meaning of what you are doing but yourself. There have to be at least a few other people present who jump. Otherwise, you will just look stupid, for apparently no reason. :)"Can't keep my mind from the circling sky. Tongue-tied & twisted just an earth-bound misfit, I."

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Yeah I will post it, but it will take a bit of typing. I have a meeting on Active Directory services in 20 minutes. I will post it after lunch. It is pretty funny, involved dirt diving in the office, etc. And I think unlike the earlier, all it takes is a second jumper, and you will laugh like hell. Who cares if you look stupid :)Malachi

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Enter the board room.....
CEO - "Blah, blah, blah, yada, yada"
Bored employee "Must go to the toilet"
Two minutes later, door burst open, crazed guy/gal with rig bursts in....
CEO- "What... strange toilet break, what the hell is that"
Employee " I can't take this no more, im leaving"
CEO- "You can't resign! not at this moment of fantastic corperate takeovers..."
Employee "Fuck that, take my death cirtificate as my resignation, im jumping ship."
With that the employee Knocks the fat bastard off his chair (always nicked the custard creams before we went on break), smashes the window on the 40th floor...
"CYA Suckers"
Well i can dream can't i :)Blue skies, black death
Rooftops and sunsets

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>CEO- "You can't resign! not at this moment of fantastic corperate takeovers..."
>Employee "Fuck that, take my death cirtificate as my resignation, im jumping ship."
I always wondered about that. Do most people really hate their bosses/CEOs? If so, wouldn't you just quit? Our CEO is a pretty good guy.
-bill von

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Wish i could say the same had a couple of cool boss's (like my team leader when doing door to door) to some right upthemselves, loves to pull rank BEEP BEEP. Its just a case of whether they are the sort to act human and actually muck in and act like one of the lads OR all superior. The latter i can't stand and ive been employed by one (nearly punched him twice, all agressive body language and all comming at me). It not the job its the person.

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Do most people really hate their bosses/CEOs?

I know I'm not too fond of my former CEO. I got Lay'ed. :P
FYI. For those of you that are wondering, I have a job again, starting Monday. So I can once again jump with reckless abandon! :)"Zero Tolerance: the politically correct term for zero thought, zero common sense."

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Okay. here goes.
I go in to interview with my current employer. Of course most IT guys are the same, so even the interview was pretty fun. And one of my fellow jumpers, Trevor, recommended me. So everytime someone said how do you know Trevor, I said we skydive together on the weekends. So, this always started the "OH, really?" and the explanations.
Well, after the interview, I go over to Trevor's side of the floor and talk with him about the interview. I meet his manager and start talking. Turns out his manager is thinking about jumping and just has not had the time to do it yet. He and his wife both want to tandem.
So, Trevor starts telling him, that I am the best he has seen. That I pull off 'power docks' that are amazing. That is an a joke with our little group of jumpers, about my new found bootie abilities and high speed passes :)Hope you guys enjoyed the story.

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CONGRATS Zennie...where? what you doing? still IT?

A company called Air Liquide. They sell industrial gas (oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen, etc). I had interviewed way back in December and then out of the blue they call with an offer.
Yeah it's still IT, but sort of general purpose.... coding, troubleshooting, configuration management. Plus I can run Linux as my OS, so that's a bonus. ;) Good salary, sucky commute, but hey ya can't have it all. ;)
"Zero Tolerance: the politically correct term for zero thought, zero common sense."

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