
Who said Skydiving was dangerous??

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In terms of bears, I've read that in the case of being attacked by a grizzly or brown bear your best defence is to remain as calm and still as possible becuase the bear is either protecting its cubs or its territory or what not, but in the case of a "BLACK" bear attck your best chance is to fight back with everything you have because when they attck there purpose is to kill you!!!! This is what I've readd by people who have wittnessed acounts
am I close
this was written before your hint

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I have a funny story about taking a sh!t beside a tree and a cute little black bear cub walked up and wanted to play. I evaced quickly (literally) pulling up my draws in a "to the rear, march" Momma bear was snorting something fierce and I wanted nothing to do with her. The cub was tooooooo cute. I want one, but alas, I know my limits.
Think clear hair. And yes, I gave it away.
...red and yellow then came to be, reaching out to me...

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Actually, you may be interested in how many hunters have become the hunted every year thanks to those beauties of the northern rim. I am a self-proclaimed poor hunter and would rather hunt a black bear with a knife than a polar bear with a 300 win mag.
...red and yellow then came to be, reaching out to me...

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I will pay for one otter ride at Skydive Orange with the consideration that you pay no attention to the naked people and leave before the Jet fuel hits the pallets.
Just kidding. I got your ride up the next time you come to NoVa.
...red and yellow then came to be, reaching out to me...

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Do you mean your ground level starts at 400ft?
My bad I thought you were making a joke about jumping at 400ft!!!!!
That nice thick air beats the thin shit we have to flare in at at 4500ft msl.
When I was in CA I noticed a big differnce in the flare.

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I am a self-proclaimed poor hunter and would rather hunt a black bear with a knife than a polar bear with a 300 win mag.

While I said on another thread that I think PETA is a group of crazies, I just can't see why you would kill a magnificant creature for the fun of it. Yeah, sure, if you need to feed your family...but really -- why do you want to go and kill things?

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I think PETA is a group of crazies, I just can't see why you would kill a magnificant creature for the fun of it.

I used to be an avid hunter and gave it up for pretty much that reason. I just didn't see the point of it. I really didn't see any need to be killing something that wasn't posing any threat to me. I have lots of friends that hunt and if they want to do it, fine, but I just can't do it anymore. That's where I'm at with things. YMMV.
I do like to go out to the shooting range every now & then and target shoot. But that's about it.
"Zero Tolerance: the politically correct term for zero thought, zero common sense."

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ah, sure, if you need to feed your family...but really -- why do you want to go and kill things?

Take away hunting and you'd have a much poorer ecosystem in many states: hunting is a form of population control and the money from the licenses goes directly back into the environment.

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>Dude, I don't wanna burst your bubble but I lived next to the Savannah River Site (nuclear arms/weapons
>developement/storage site and the only place in the world where Tritium is made). There are frogs in the
>swamps there with two heads . . .
I agree that nuclear weapons manufacture has made a mess of things - heck, look at Hanford, it's a toxic waste nightmare. But I was talking about commercial nuclear power, and beyond the fact that they sometimes use the same basic material (uranium) they have nothing in common. For example, no commercial reactor uses tritium.
-bill von

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