
Should I jump tomorrow?

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Ok, so the whole Florida thing didn't work out, but I refuse to give up. I'm thinking about heading down to the dz tomorrow and try to make a couple of jumps. Can't just let all that tunnel work go to waste. ( I actually would really love to jump with the jm that said I sucked and rub in his face how good I got!) Is that wrong? I'm wondering however if I should wait untill it gets a little warmer, or just head to the dz and see what happens. The winds shouldn't be that bad, but it will be in the lower 40's and partly cloudy. 40's can't be that cold can it? I really really need to jump! Plus did I mention that there's a really hot new rigger that they just hired that I wouldn't mind getting better aquainted with ;). OK, I just talked myself into going :D

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Heck yeah you should go!!! 40 is cold, but it'll make you tough!!!

Plus did I mention that there's a really hot new rigger that they just hired that I wouldn't mind getting better aquainted with

Screw the cold, go "hang out" with the new hottie!
Have fun!

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40's can't be that cold can it?

Are you kidding!! 40 is a heat wave!! Come to St. Louis.. were you greeted with Ice pellets at altitude... is that fun? HELL YA!!
work like you don't need the money, love like you've never been hurt and dance like nobodys watching.

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were you greeted with Ice pellets at altitude

That happened to me last Saturday. It was quite warm (around 60) on the ground but there was some ice from about 14000 to 10 or 12. It was small though....not painful...
"I'm a danger to myself and everyone around me!"-Clay

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I think the only answer other skydivers would give you is an unmittigated "GO JUMP!"
But I can tell you if I got to get the high of jumping while chatting up a local hottie wild horses couldn't keep me away from the DZ.
Life's not worth living if you can't feel alive

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should I jump tomorrow....YES ...can I jump tomorrw...NO....Stupid work....But my DZO is going to jump my new hornet!!! SO hell have fun...or maybe not...hes used to jumping "pocket rockets" so my 150 will probaly be pretty humble to him.........But at least I'll know if I set my breaks right!!!! ( I think last time i jumped I may have set them a little too deep!!)

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