
2 weeks till AFF!

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2 weeks and counting.
Is it normal that I am not yet nervous? I am very calm (as I was during both my tandems) and really looking forward to it. Do you think I will get there and freak out then?
Skydivers...they're just plain cool!

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Remember....I drink Bud Light!

So do I! There'll be a nice cold case waiting for you! I will post when I graduate.
If you go down to SSC, just look for a convertible Volvo S70. You can just let yourself in if you wish.;)
Skydivers...they're just plain cool!

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Will you get nervous? Well I don't know but I have talked to many people who get nervous only once they enter the plane. If that happens to you though, there are relaxation techniques you can use on the way up to altitude. (That's assuming you have a while on the climb, I'm in a Cessna so it takes 25 minutes and that's quite a while to contimplate what you're about to do)
As for me personally, I do get really nervous when I have to wait around the dz, which I sometime have to do for hours before I get up. The training is calming though. Feeling prepared is once of the most calming things I think.
Either way, nervous or not, it will kick ass when you're done. I find you just have to get your ass out the door, once you're in the air, the training kicks in. Even when I was the most nervous BEFORE a dive, after sill was great.
Good Luck!
Life's not worth living if you can't feel alive

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I've never driven straight from SSC to Deland, but maybe about an hour or a little longer

That's not too far! If I have a chance, I will check out Deland.
Look for a guy in a convertible Volvo with a killer smile.;)
Skydivers...they're just plain cool!

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I will. Yoshi will be my instructor. Do they know you as Sebastian?

Yup they'll know me. To bad Chance has moved up to a Rhode Island or Maryland DZ recently but Patty, Greg, and Yoshi (& Yoshi's wife, can't remember her name right now) are way cool. Definately say hi for me!B|

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I was also pretty calm before the 1st jump... (not long time ago) .. But if u r still calm at 4000m (13000ft.) I would say not too good...
Its always healthy to be a little bit afraid. ( even if its yer 10.000th jump..) Respect for the sport at least if not afraid.. 8)

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I was also pretty calm before the 1st jump... (not long time ago) .. But if u r still calm at 4000m (13000ft.) I would say not too good...
Its always healthy to be a little bit afraid. ( even if its yer 10.000th jump..) Respect for the sport at least if not afraid.. 8)

I totally agree. I am not referring to that kind of fear. I am not a daredevil and have no interest in doing things that are just plain dangerous. I am not out to impress anyone. I just want to learn how to progress in this sport for fun. Safety is very important to me.
Skydivers...they're just plain cool!

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Like they say, deep breaths - oxygen relaxes you - keep breathing and you will be a calm as a Hindu cow :)Think of it this way, you already have experienced freefall - this time you just gotta force yourself to remember to arch, pull and flare on your own, and if you see a 'Big Ball o' Crap'(*) over your head, chop it - and all will be well. Breath and mentally review the dive flow and emergency procedures on the way up, and it's very unlikely you will 'freak out'.
*The definition of 'Big Ball o' Crap' will vary based on the FJC you undertake.

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Hell, 2weeks? You could come back with a B if you worked hard and spent a truckload of cash.
I wonder what the record is for something like that, the shortest time from FJC to A license.
A human cannonball, I rise above it all
Up higher then a trapeze, I can fly

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Here is a picture of Yoshi swooping a cow in Hollister CA. And Ironicaly the Nardi's who now own SSC used to own Hollister. Greg Nardi was my level one AFF JM. It is a small world. I plan on going out to Titusville to visit soon.B|

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