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Forgive my ramblings, to begin with...a couple of drinks on a lot of work hours tends to make one 'philosophical' all of a sudden.

I want to express my thanks to a certain person, who will remain nameless unless he/she so chooses to identify 'themself' whom touched me deeply and really made my day. First thing this morning, while getting ready for work, Merrick yelled for me to come see something on the computer. He was checking PM's and had a message from another fantastic friend who still amazes me by his ability to be so down-to-earth and kind despite being absolutely bad-ass, who told him we had jump tickets waiting from us from a very close, dear friend whom we've never even met in person.

I know that our 'family' of skydivers is a close-knit one but this kind of generosity not something I see often anywhere in life. This person bought a ticket for myself, Merrick and our mutual 'bad-ass friend' because he/she knew that we were trying to be careful with funds with our current situation, using whatever extra for school clothes, things the family needed and so-forth. He/she not only recognized and empathized with our situation, he/she did something about it by offering such a grand gift.

I'm truly touched, especially coming in a time that has been particularly difficult for us. I don't know what more I can say, but thank you to our friends here, and overseas ;). I love you guys!!

Blue skies all and thanks for allowing me this moment of 'frou-frou' girlie stuff :)

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Pam & Merrick,

I can't think of two people more deserving of all the good that life brings. You two are the best!

I just wish I would have thought of doing that first. :)
All the best and tell Ty & Sammi I said, "Hola!"

Sky, Muff Bro, Rodriguez Bro, and
Bastion of Purity and Innocence!™

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I know that our 'family' of skydivers is a close-knit one

It takes a rare breed to become a skydiver, that's why we are all such a great big family... I"ve noticed in my short time around my DZ that everyone, and I mean EVERYONE has that special quality about them.
I am around hundreds of different people all day, and none of them, or maybe very few, have that quality that we all see around our DZ...
We're lucky to have one another... It is always nice to know that there are thousands of us, stick together and stay strong...
Blue Skies Forever, to each one of you... thank you for being who you, we, are!!!!!!!!!!!!:)

The key to walking on water... Is knowing where the rocks are

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It takes a rare breed to become a skydiver, that's why we are all such a great big family... I"ve noticed in my short time around my DZ that everyone, and I mean EVERYONE has that special quality about them.

Hope you don't get too disillusioned when you find out that this isn't true... :|

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and I mean EVERYONE has that special quality about them.
Hope you don't get too disillusioned when you find out that this isn't true...

Partly, it depends on your personal definition of "special quality". People that skydive have taken a big step out of the mainstream by participating in the activity. But I don't know that just that difference is enough to make such a diverse group of people into a family. Sadly, there are still egomaniacs, jerks, cliques, backstabbing and cruelty within the skydiving world. Like the whuffo world, you just need to find the place that is comfortable for you.

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Sadly, there are still egomaniacs, jerks, cliques, backstabbing and cruelty within the skydiving world. Like the whuffo world, you just need to find the place that is comfortable for you.

That is so true. Most of the people i have met are totally awesome. The jerks, skygods, etc. i just avoid.

And Pammi & Merrick, i'm so glad that you'll get to make a jump again. Whoever put that money on your account is an angel.


I get a Mike hug! I get a Mike hug!

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Sadly, there are still egomaniacs, jerks, cliques, backstabbing and cruelty within the skydiving world.

no matter where you are in the world, there will always be jerks, cliques,backstabbers, and generally cruel people... I'm far from dissolusioined, believe me... But for the most part, people who are involved in this sport have something special about them, and it shows... I guess i'm a bit more tolerant of the arrogant people seeing as how I work with about 300 of them... I always look for the good side of people and tend to find more good then bad when I'm at my DZ ;) but hey, no one is perfect...

The key to walking on water... Is knowing where the rocks are

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