
You boring people

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I'm bored at work.:|

A dozen people online and no one has anything to say? Just to amuse myself, here is the website of my homeDZ.:)
[URL "http://www.hameenlaskuvarjourheilijat.fi"]http://www.hameenlaskuvarjourheilijat.fi[/URL]

It's in finnish, so most of you wont understand a thing on the site. And the "In English"-link on the frontpage is broken again...:S

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Juuhei Erno!
Won't you be affraid someone really understand our language in HLUForum??? What about paraportaali??? Thank god Utin uutisryhmä is no longer in use...;)
Dam, try to be more carefull!
Eivuanmittää, nähdään joskus EFRY:llä

"You can call me Mike"

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>we're all usually bored at work, so get naked... that's interesting

Damn, there's an idea... I work at "The provincial state office of southern Finland", a government bureau. The people here are... let's just say "conservative". I can't imagine what they'd say or do if they found me naked sitting at my desk:D.

My contract does expire at the end of the month...(so I actually could try it) but there's a good chance that my contract gets extended(and I'm really not sure if that's a good or a bad thing:|)


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It's in finnish, so most of you wont understand a thing on the site. And the "In English"-link on the frontpage is broken again...:S

Why not write it in Swedish so you're poor neighbouring contries could read it too :P.
Hmm, and why don't we start speaking Icelandic all over scandinavia and start writing in runes again :)You'll find some time consuming links in this thread:
---Skydiving is for pussies! Playing scrabble rules! ---

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>Why not write it in Swedish so you're poor neighbouring contries could read it too

Därför att ingen vill göra nånting. We are having a constant problem with getting _anything_ done at my club. The most hard-working person seems to a guy called "Someoneelse" who hasn't been seen in a while...

I honestly don't know who is going to update the club-pages in the future... The guy who has been providing the content on the pages announced today that he's going to be too busy with his work from now on, and I(I've been responsible for the technical aspect of the pages) am going to move out of the country in the beginning of next year...

I guess they'll find someone.


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I have a great friend from SA, he lives in Somerset West. I have been planning on visiting for years. Jumps there must be amazing. I actually applied to University of Cape Town...got accepted, but started working, and couldn't make it...
Ugh, work stinks

The key to walking on water... Is knowing where the rocks are

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Writing in swedish? Hell no, finnish is much more beautifull language!
Try this; in finnish; saari saari heinäsaari. And same in swedish; öö öö höö öö (that was how they say it, I think)
Only thing I need to understand about swedish is "Hoppa inte till min potatisland". And that's only when I'm jumping in Hanko peninsula end meet farmer McNasty...


"You can call me Mike"

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that's not bad at all...i don't mind long travels, lets me see more things...
Ugh, work is not getting any better. Been sitting in the same spot for 1 and 1/2 hours now, and its not getting any more comfortable, and the scenery is not getting better... I think I'm falling asleep....

The key to walking on water... Is knowing where the rocks are

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