
Eventfull weekend

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This was an eventfull weekend for me and for ZHills as well.
Friday: Did my water training.
Saturday: Coach jumps with Boxman. Excellent experience, but the Sabre II, 190 I am jumping constantly gives me line twists. It's a brand new canopy, I am stable, the bag is not sponning and I have a stable heading. Have to figure out way (definitely not fault of pack job)
Saturday afternoon: passed my B License test. I HAVE A B LICENSE!!!!B|B|B| Cool.
Saturday evening: waiting for night jumps. Somehow (how did I know this would happen) the beer light went on. And so the ZHills night began. Case of beer from 17, case of beer from me, case of beer.....B|. First I went to the Fleefryer porch. Excellent trans music. Brews and tunes. Went to my truck to get wine I brought from home. As I was returning Janine arrived back from the food show at Orlando. I opened the bottle of Chateu la Tour. Very nice indeed. We were there in the middle of the road drinking wine plus whe blend of 7 fine single malts Janine mixed as an experiment. Went back to bar. Discussed beer induced super hybrid jumps planned for next day. More brews and tunes. Went to the bunker. Gabe and Randy were playing great music and singing. Very very cool. Whole bunch of us sitting around, drinking beers, BSing. Why did I gargle my throat with Jim Beam though. Returning from the bunker I did not notice a retention ditch and fell into it. To my defence I must say I was deeply engaged in a conversation with Jen and Trucker Geene. I was first so I fell in but PLFed so I had a happy landing. Went to sleep at about 3:30 AM.
Sunday morning: would not have woken up but needed to go;). I figured out it would be better to walk to the toilet than to wet myself. Human shadows were creeping from under every stone, getting out of cars they slept in, rolling out of trailers or picking up their carcasses from where they have fallen the night before. It was a true Day After. Imagine a battlefield. Burning wagons, human limbs strayed all over, rifles on the bayonettes stuck into the ground, an occasional cannon with a broken wheel. That's what it looked like.
Little later: Thanks to the wonders of aspirin, cold showers and Janine's breakfast (she runs the food concession) the first load went up. Barf bags were distributed before entering the Twin Otter.
Afternoon: why did I have to have a line dump. The moment I threw the pilot chute, the canopy was fully open. Imagine driving a car at 120 mph. You are in your seat belts and then you just hit a brick wall. Your body stops, but your internal organs fly all over. I actually saw stars. I could not catch my breath. I went down as fast as possible, landed, PLFed and just layed in the grass not able to breathe. I was affraid the opening broke my neck. My chest felt (still does today) as if someone hit me with a sledgehammer.
A bit later: I am not a sissy. What does not kill us makes us stronger! Did a great jump, just belly flying and looking at the clounds. Very enjoyable. It was a cool weekend.
How did you guys spend it?

Me Jungleman! Me have large Babalui.
Muff #3275

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Friday Night: Got a few drinks at the bar near the beach.

Saturday: jumped from sunrise well into and past sunset. 8 jumps day (vid work and Hop n Pop) 1 night jump into a beautiful full moon and clear skies (finally.) Had a few beers when the light came on (1:30 a.m.) and hit the sack.

Sunday: slow day from beers and night jumps, did two vids and spent the rest of the day editing and resting!

All in all a great weekend! Hope to do it this upcoming weekend with beach jumps and a visit to a new establishment in town!!!!!

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Well, I had a pretty relaxing weekend. Saturday I did absolutely nothing.
Sunday I made the stupendously dumb decision to visit a dropzone even though I still can't jump. Headed out to Skydive San Diego. Watched two loads come down and decided I couldn't stand it anymore so I went home.
I really need to get back in the air.>:(

You come from nothing. You go back to nothing. What have you lost? Nothing!

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Left work...had to go pick up my Jeep from the shop. Seems they didn't quite get a seal right and had to do it over. Then went and picked up a chick to give her a ride to the DZ. Dusted off to 40 Oz. Icehouse. Got pretty obnoxious with the new manifest chick. She is too cool....she throws it right back at me. ;) Drug out my sleeping bag and racked out in the middle of the hangar. Got up the next day to cloudy skies. Waited a couple hours and it cleared up. Got in one nice Free Fly dive with Lyle. Free flew the exit and filmed him letting go of this bouncy ball. Kinda funny....no idea where it went....:D 1 Sit dock and let Lyle work on his Head down a little. Fun jump with a right decent 180 carve and swoop. Had to leave for work at 2 PM. Sunday.....I put a new front drive shaft in my Jeep. WooHoo!!! Only broke off one bolt in the yoke that I had to remove. Danm Made in Canada junk!!!;) Worked 4 PM to midnight on Sunday too.....[:/]

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friday went canoing on the loxahatchee river and went to a 2 hour meditation/yoga class. saturday spent the day shopping. bought new living room tables and a new desk as well as some other things like shelves, pillows, etc. spent the day and wee hours of morning putting together furniture and rearranging. sunday was a continuaton of this.

next weekend i will jump. ;)

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You are not truly in the mix until you stumble home at 7am and piss in your cat's water bowl. Hey, it was ten feet to the bathroom.....

That's nothin!!! I watered a potted plant once in Korea. Even more funny was the fact that it turned out to be fake!!! D'OH!!!! :D Glad it wasn't my house....

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But the PLF into the retention ditch

Another memory from Korea. I managed to avoid it but many of my compadres ended up in the "Binju" ditch. One almost died after he rode his bike into the thing, in the winter time, snowing, he was knocked unconcious. Layed there for a couple of hours until some Army guys found him on their way to PT. Lost his sense of smell/taste because of the skull fracture. [:/] Ahh Korean memories...they are fuzzy but make me laugh often.

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Let me see,what did I do this weekend?

Friday I got up to go to class around 7AM. As I was walking to the truck, I notice my parents in the pen with the two new paint colts we bought the day before. Apparently,they were frightened by the other horses and ran through the fence.Both got pretty cut up and one was bitten by the "dominate mare"(which,for that incident,she will be on her way to the nearest auction) So I spent my morning skipping class and helping my dad treat the colts' wounds.Neither of these 5 month old colts have ever had human contact until we bought them,so it was interesting.The rest of the day was pretty uneventful.
Saturday, I got up around 7AM and got ready to go to the DZ. Sister and her kids(all 4 of 'em) showed up,so I left earlier than planned.Got to the DZ,hung out and BSed.I finally got on a load around 3PM. As I was gearing up I got to look at my JM as if he were nuts because he thinks I need a smaller canopy( a Nav200 instead of my Nav240 student gear that I'm used to)so I used the 200.Also JM didnt see the point in giving me a radio either.I'm not confident in myself or my landings,so I got one anyway.Do my LAST AFF jump and pass(woohoo!B|).I get undercanopy and hear over the radio"ok you have a nice canopy over you,fly her home and we'll see ya on the ground". Well,they let me have the radio..but didnt say they would actually talk me down with it.(thanks AggieDave!:P) I do a happy dance in manifest as I debrief and find out this was in fact,my last AFF dive and that I have been cleared for solos.I sit around the DZ a while longer,then start my 2 hr trek home.I get pulled over and get a speeding ticket.Proceed to think very unhappy thoughts about the officer for the next hour and take a nap on returning home.Get up from nap and go out by myself (couldnt find anyone else to go:()to party and celebrate my graduation from AFF.I end up very drunk and come home to pass out about 3AM.
Sunday I recovered from Saturday.

"...just an earthbound misfit, I."

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What did I do? Hmmm....
Got up early Saturday morning here in Central Wisconsin. Hopped in the car, and pointed it south. Turned off the ignition at Millenium Skydiving in Kankakee, IL. (Saw a cool picture of Val on the board there, but no Val...)
Jumped with 2 of the original Flying Elvises, who had flown in from Vegas for the weekend, and the infamous Tandmterry. Awsome group of people! Did a 4 way, and only managed 2 points, but GOD was it fun!
2nd jump one Elvis dropped, and we picked up Karen (the other Elvises cousin) and went up to do a horny gorillia. Elvis #1 and Karen dropped out early after being kicked, but Terry and myself hummed a 2 way down for a few thousand before it blew apart.
Beer light came on, and I had a couple, then we went back into Chicago, ate some steaks, drank some beer, and BS'd into the wee hours.
Awoke in the morning to a beer and vicoden haze. Drove back to the DZ, and watched. I had 2 great jumps and decent landings the day before, and was too broke to do any more.
Had a beer, and drove 5 hours back home. Got here at 10:30 last night.
Awsome weekend!
Mullins is 35 miles from my house this weekend, and I'm flying out to South Carolina for the Harvest Moon Boogie.......Life is GOOD!
Edited to add: I met a bunch of awsome people this weekend, and the typical comment was "Soooooo, you're Reverend Jim? You are NOT what I expected...."
It's your life, live it!
RB#684 "Corcho", ASK#60, Muff#3520, NCB#398, NHDZ#4, C-33989, DG#1

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Woohoo! Congrats on the B.

Lets see...
Missed a 50th B-day party Friday night at the dz when family stuff came up. Sounds like it was a goood time[:/]

Spent all day Saturday at the dz. Planned on two jumps, but when Norm offered to do a coach2 jump with me I couldn't say no and did a third. Very very sweet jump! Although, you know how a brand new foal struggles and fights to stand up, and they are all wobbly and uncontrolled when they do? I feel like that, especially when I'm in the air with someone like Norm!

Hit the pub for awhile that night, crashed out and got up early to go back to the dz. Told my hubby I was just going to hang out, wasn't going to jump. (So why then did I bring my gear, hmmmm?;)) Couldn't resist, did three more jumps. Only a few more and I'll have completed everything I need for my 'A'. Yay!

Today I'm still completely bushed, and sore all over. What a great weekend. :):)

Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea.
-Robert A. Heinlein

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