
How Australians were made

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We also have a different judicial system from the rest of the country.....

That's just because they have more criminals up there. ;)
(Oooh. Something tells me I'm gonna pay for that one. :S)

I stir feelings in others they themselves don't understand. KA'CHOW !

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"Another thing, how come the other three countries have their own parliaments, but Englands affairs are governed by English, Irish, Scottish and Welsh mps?"
Dunno, can't really see that situation continuing for much longer, kinda ironic though, hehehe...Having been ruled by London for the last 600 years or so, its kinda fun to see.

"What is so bad about England? "
Nothing really, its actually quite a nice place in parts, its just a friendly rivalry thing. I have loads of English friends, but I tend to be a 90 minute nationalist when it comes to sports and such like...

"Why is (was) it regarded as racist to display the St George's Cross when it is the country's flag?"
I don't think it is, its just that some tiny minded people have adopted it at right wing rallies, I think they need to emphasis and symbolise their true blooded 'Englishness'...I ain't got time for bigotry of that scale in my life.

THe rise in popularit of right wing parties in Europe is quite alarming though.

He who receives an idea from me, receives instruction himself without lessening mine; as he who lights his taper at mine, receives light without darkening me. Thomas Jefferson

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"That's just because they have more criminals up there. "

Naw Bilious dude, we sent them all to Australia years ago!:P:P

He who receives an idea from me, receives instruction himself without lessening mine; as he who lights his taper at mine, receives light without darkening me. Thomas Jefferson

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"That's just because they have more criminals up there"
Interesting. After conquering all the known world, the Romans realized that there were some people who were just too uncivilized and built Hadrians wall. Of course, painting yourself blue is just a matter of personal style and I can accept that. ;)

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Hey, the Romans had a go at Scotland too, they had a naval base in Inverness, which is a couple of hundred miles north of Hadrian's wall.

They sent the 11th legion to defend it but they disappeared.....Gawd knows where they got to, probably lost in the mist, or were washed away by rainB|, mebbe even poisoned by haggis;)

Besides, if being civilised means being enslaved and fed to lions, well paint me blue (or a nice shade of purple) anyday........

Rant, rant FREEDOM!, rant, rant......;););)

He who receives an idea from me, receives instruction himself without lessening mine; as he who lights his taper at mine, receives light without darkening me. Thomas Jefferson

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", the Romans had a go at Scotland too, they had a naval base in Inverness, which is a couple of hundred miles north of Hadrian's wall. "
Exactly, Scotland is north of the wall because they got an a---whipping every time they went there. The wall was built as a defense. I would call that bragging rights. B| The picts were the first to accessorize well for the battlefield. Blue was in that year. ;)

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