
Giving the gift of flight part II

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Well, our employee liked his tandem. In fact, he says he wants to go through the AFF program.

We must be total softies... in addition to the 30% raise at his 6 month review we threw him a bonus: his student skydives are prepaid.

Why do we do this kind of thing? Well, the last job I had (8 years ago) I had a boss who made sure I saw cold hard cash every time I did something that made him extra profit. In exchange I made a real effort every single day to be more profitable. Everyone benefitted and I learned how well it works.

Now I'm an employeer and our employee works hard for us, thinks for us, and produces for us. To keep that happening, we make sure that he sees personal gain every time he succeeds.

Somebody tell me why every business doesn't understand this basic relationship.

First Class Citizen Twice Over

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wish my boss was anything like you, but no, he isn't..
Getting rewarded for what you do, makes you do things more efficently, and makes you want to go to work every morning...
As far as I'm concerned, if I don't get at least one jump for the evening, that makes me think that I don't want to go to work tomorrow, 'cause the boss is a dumb mf...a jump saves the next day 'cause the boss can't...

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Don't other employers recognize this? Our business depends on our customers WANTING to do business with us, and that means we need to be BETTER than all the other webhosts and web designers out there.

The only way to be consistently better is to make sure everyone who answers the phone/builds code/designs the network/builds the next server is doing his absolute BEST every minute of the day.

And the only way to get that is to feed their self interest. Good employees don't work for our good, they work for their own. So we make sure anyone who works for us, employee or contractor or vendor, knows that extra effort makes THEM better off.

Any other employers out there who feel like this?

First Class Citizen Twice Over

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Good employees don't work for our good, they work for their own

You must be one of the few employers on the planet that has figured this out. Most companies push the "Do it for the good of the company" line. Yeah right....as soon as the company does for me...I'll do for it. ;)

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I agree........management on my side has offered to cover my skydiving.....might explain why I am first in and last out...

Its become infectious......some of the other guys are now pulling finger as well....they also want to jump!:)

I am ready to meet my Maker. Whether my Maker is prepared for the great ordeal of meeting me is another matter

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You design web pages huh? Did I mention I know HTML and am looking for a job? I'll just work from here, and you can send me my paycheck and jump tickets. :)
Speaking of jobs, anyone wanna hire an aerospace engineer next May?


Beware Employers!

Pilotdave may be a bit rusty (and smelly). See attached.

I'm RICK JAMES! Fo shizzle.


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I have a skydiving habit and flying habit to support. I think I'll look elsewhere. Keep my resume on file though. I do wonders with a skimmer.

Did I mention I passed my biennial flight review last sunday? Took my first passenger up in nearly 2 years on wednesday. Felt sooooo good. Taking another friend up on wednesday, then on friday i'm doing a 120 mile cross country to pick up a friend at another school and bring him down here for the weekend. Flying is soooo much fun. :)

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My Boss at work is like that and what a great guy he is. The more I do for him, the more I get back. I show show up early, go out of my way to find fixes for th problems that we have at work.

You know, Business is like politics the more people like you the more they will do for you. In a market and society where image is everything saving face is all important. If more people had you mentality and your ideals the world would be a better place.


"Impossible is a word to be found only in the dictionary of fools." Napoleon Bonaparte

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