
R U looking for a relationship or a short fling?

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Everybody wants their own life EVEN women. Some guys are too klingy also.

especially whuffos. Ever meet a guy that is just toooo nice? I know, it seems wrong it complain, but I need my own space..or is it just freedom to play? I dunno.:)
The mind is like a parachute--it works better when it is open. JUMP.

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I've quit looking, but I worked pretty hard to find what I was looking for. Sacrificed many "opportunities" because I wasn't going to compromise. If you know what you really want, don't waste your time with someone who can't fulfill the requirements - time spent with them could be time looking for someone who can.

The laws of physics are strictly enforced.

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not that this is relationship 101, but lets pretend it is. I like this whuffo while I am in whuffoland (my town), but as soon as I get to the dz (different town)I have nothing good to think about him. It doesn't help that the guys are mocking me .
The mind is like a parachute--it works better when it is open. JUMP.

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I tried the whole woffo thing. Turned out to be a huge compromise for me. It works for some - more power to them. I always ended up hearing "You're going to the Drop Zone again??? You just went there last weekend..." They never understood why I didn't want to go have a picnic on Saturday, or to the lake on Sunday. Faak that wuffo crap. I AM a skydiver. It's not just what I do. To not understand that is to not understand ME. And that is more than just a compromise...

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can you have something "in between" ???

How about this: I am not looking for ANYTHING, nada, no sir. The harder you look the more you are blinded. I just want to be happy with myself first and then maybe I can make someone else happy instead of driving them bonkers.;) hahaha I'm laughing but its true!!!!!:S

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That's cool. As I said I'm socially disabled. I don't know how to be politically correct. I don't know how to flirt. I'm very friendly to everybody except of those to whom I am not very friendly - so I just want to understand how people function:S

Me Jungleman! Me have large Babalui.
Muff #3275

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Of course you can have something "in between." If you are referring to in-between having everything you want and having someone who has some quality you don't want. That's the whole idea for dating. Spend time with someone to find out what kind of person they are. Find out if you have the basic compatibilities. I have heard "I'm not ready for a relationship" more times at a DZ than anywhere else on earth. Skydivers are independant. We are free spirits. We don't want to be caged. We are the rule breakers. That doesn't mean we can't be loyal. It doesn't mean we can't be trusted. It doesn't mean we have to be whores. It doesn't make us "better" than others - just different. No other sport or lifestyle I have seen or heard of has so many people who are so different, but still so very much alike.
If your "in between" is time spent with someone who you like; someone who shares common interest; someone who appreciates you; someone you see true potential in - then yes, chances are there are going to be a bunch of "in-betweens" you get to know, until you find someone worth committing yourself to.
If your "in between" is time spent with people you know cannot fulfill even your most basic needs, then that is your choice. We know the difference between someone to fool around with (and that can become a whole drama scene very quickly - that's the chance we take), and an honest attempt to find a quality person to spend time with.
We are all looking for something. All we can do is live our life with honesty and integrity. No one should place judgement on us if we follow those two ideals. If society didn't have all of the stigmas we carry with us, everything would be much simpler.

The laws of physics are strictly enforced.

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Before I started jumping...I was looking for a long-term relationship. I felt like at 29 I had outgrown the "just out to have fun" mentality. But now that I have been lost to the dark side ;) mypriorities have changed. Jumping is my priority now.
Plus, I don't think any whuffo would understand my life at the DZ. I like to go have fun...flirt with all the guys...and live free. And I don't want any whuffo guy I date to spend time with me at the DZ. That might mean I would have to be on my best behavior and what fun is that!!
So, now I am back in the mentality of "just out to have fun". And I am loving it!!

When you're going to extremes...you taste adrenaline!!

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...I'm socially disabled. I don't know how to be politically correct. I don't know how to flirt....

That is SO funny!
I think that everybody really does know how to flirt...It just when you try too hard to do so it comes across kinda weird.
Personally, when I want something "special" nothing seems to happen for me. It's when I'm really my "off-beat" spontaneous self and not self-concious that I meet the coolest people...Friends make for the best relationships. :)I think for me, flirting is natural. I like to joke around and have fun with those that I am with. But in more of an innocent way of flirting than in a blatantly sexual way.
But, maybe I better "watch it" a little more though:
This past Saturday, at the DZ where I'm training AFP, one of the guys asked me where "my other half" was. I honestly didn't know what he was talking about! I really can be so naive! Turns out, he thought I had something going on with one of the AFF JMs:$! Which is NOT the case. But I do tend to focus in on who I am training with, talking to, etc., joking around, flirting and just having fun.
So don't always "assume" about someone "availability". Ya really gotta ask them yourself.

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And I don't want any whuffo guy I date to spend time with me at the DZ. That might mean I would have to be on my best behavior and what fun is that!!

I know exactly what you mean!
The mind is like a parachute--it works better when it is open. JUMP.

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