
Eh? A!

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So I headed for the DZ today. Wrote the test, finished my requirements, and it's official! I passed my 'A' license! Woohoo! I'm set for Arizona in January. Yay!

On my second jump, I had God's rays shining on the lake behind me and snow capped mountains in front of me, soft clouds above and multicoloured fall hills below. I took a long moment under canopy to thank all the Powers for the chance to do this most amasing thing. This has been absolutely the best, most fabulous summer of my life. My long time friends are even commenting on how I've become so much more confident and sure of myself. I can't explain it to them; there are no words to describe what skydiving has done for me.

Is it possible to explain the moment of first letting go of that plane? Or of choosing to dive out into the wide open air, trusting oneself to defy nature so blatantly? My body is sustained with water and breath; my soul is sustained with air. My only sadness is that it took me so many years to learn this.

I feel like I'm on a precipice, with so much still to learn! Like a foal wanting to run, but still learning what it's like to walk. Life is good.

Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea.
-Robert A. Heinlein

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I feel like I'm on a precipice, with so much still to learn! Like a foal wanting to run, but still learning what it's like to walk. Life is good.

Hell yeah brother! I also just received my A and I feel the exact same way. I’ve accomplished many things in my small life but who would have thought this. I’ve got a ton of things to learn about skydiving, in fact I know very little, but I’m anxious and willing and DAMN IS LIFE GOOD.

Please weather gods clear up the Houston sky!


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Skip, congrats! It feels great, doesn't it.


I’ve got a ton of things to learn about skydiving, in fact I know very little, but I’m anxious and willing

And cursing winter for interupting it all!

And just to clear up an ongoing myth - this is the third time I've been mis-gendered

Hell yeah brother

This Snowbird is a sister, not a brother. :P Although after I got my 'A' this weekend, I was informed that I'm now 'one of the guys'...:S

Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea.
-Robert A. Heinlein

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Is it possible to explain the moment of first letting go of that plane?

I actually had that feeling the other day..but it wasn't while skydiving. I was driving and I heard a VERY loud squeal from the car next to me and I thought I was going to be hit. My stomach made that very weird feeling that I get when jumping out.

It was great!

That is the best way I can describe it. :S

Anyway...sorry to thread hijack. Congratulations on your A! I remember last year when I got mine. I think it actually felt better than when I graduated from college this past May. Ha! :)

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you should easily have your "B" requirements done by the end of Lyal's trip.

That's my plan.B|

The neat thing, is that it's been a long time since I set a goal like this and then pursued it with this much determination. It's very satisfying.


I thought I was going to be hit. My stomach made that very weird feeling that I get when jumping out.
It was great!

Yeeeaaah, sure.;)

Actually, I'd have to agree that the adrenaline hit is the same. But I'd rather get that adrenaline in the air!

Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea.
-Robert A. Heinlein

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