
feeling sorry for myself.

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Its been about 2 months since the last time I have jumped. Life sucks like that sometimes. I lost my job and am in transition back to school. Now that its winter in colorado I don't even know when I will be able to jump/ or even afford to jump again. I didn't even realize how sorry I was feeling for myself until I was coming home and saw a truck with a skydiving sticker on it. The truck turned into my complex and I decided to go intorduce myself. I walked up to the truck and the guy inside looked at me like I was a mass murderer or something, so I left without saying a word. I guess I forgot how much skydiving is so much more then just a sport, how much I miss "talking shop" and the great easy friendships. like I said, I guess I am just feeling sorry for myself and was hoping you guys could send some sympathy and good vibes.
-and to all my skydiving pals out there, I promise I will be back just as soon as possible. Luv you guys.

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Just keep posting here, we'll keep ya busy and entertained! If you can't skydive, at least talk about it. However, maybe not on this particular forum;), lots of Boobie and sheep talk on this forum!


Sometimes we're just being Humans.....But we're always Human Beings.

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I guess I forgot how much skydiving is so much more then just a sport, how much I miss "talking shop" and the great easy friendships. like I said, I guess I am just feeling sorry for myself and was hoping you guys could send some sympathy and good vibes.

Ahhh, cheer up. You can still visit the DZ and hang around with your friends. They will understand the financial situation. You might even pick up a few pack jobs or find somebody to cover a jump or two.

And don't feel too sorry for yourself. I lost my job (of 17 years) in August of last year. I was soooo depressed and sure nothing could be worse than my life, but I went to the DZ that weekend anyway. That day I watched a women go in, and I figured out my story wasn't that bad. A few weeks later September 11 happened, then the Enron mess hit the news. At least I'm a single guy without debt and a great opportunity to build a new life. Loosing your job isn't the worst thing that can happen.

In my case I was a chronic work-a-holic and really struggled with having nothing to do, but somehow I learned to relax. I still don't have a job (14 months later), but I'm far happier in life.

Along the way I managed to grab about six months of snowboarding in Vermont and two multi-week camping trips to Montana. I also wrote a book, and made a few skydives...but not as many as I would have wanted.

Your life could be worse, but it will get better.

-Tom Buchanan
Tom Buchanan
Instructor Emeritus
Comm Pilot MSEL,G
Author: JUMP! Skydiving Made Fun and Easy

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I'll give you the same advice i gave Viking on a different thread. Go start a fire or blow something up...that always makes me feel better

You know what, Sunshine, you are right! I have been feeling a little altitude deprived myself, and the just the idea of blowing something up makes me smile!!!

Good call!



I'm a Doll!!!!

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You know what, Sunshine, you are right! I have been feeling a little altitude deprived myself, and the just the idea of blowing something up makes me smile!!!

And if it gets outta hand, your bf is a fireman!! How perfect is that?!:)


I get a Mike hug! I get a Mike hug!

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wow, what a great outlook! Thanks!! Are you published?

Soon to be. The book is called "Jump! Make Your First Skydive Fun and Easy," and was actually contracted by McGraw-Hill. It is scheduled for publication in February and should be available at most book stores and places like Amazon.

The manuscript was delivered to the publisher at the beginning of September. I just received the edited copy yesterday and will return it this afternoon with my changes. From there they generate page proofs, then a final book. It's pretty cool.

Hey, this post was initially about the loss of a job and the depression that follows. I was feeling pretty awful when a lady I had never heard of at McGraw proposed that I write a book about skydiving. Somehow I managed to develop the book idea and then complete the project. Prior to this I hadn't written anything more substantial than a grocery list, and the thought of generating a 216 page manuscript was just not imaginable. Now, I've done it...never would have happened without that rotten day last year when I was fired.

-tom buchanan
Tom Buchanan
Instructor Emeritus
Comm Pilot MSEL,G
Author: JUMP! Skydiving Made Fun and Easy

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