
Dz.com-ers @ Perris last weekend...

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Its been a while since my last post, and this is my effort to stay current ...

I put down my gear on the carpet, stretched the lines, and began the only exercise most skydivers ever do... packing. Then this guy walks up to me and says: "You're Chivo right?", it was no other than SudsyFist! Yeah, apparently he recognized me from the photo on my posts in dz.com. Anyway, he invited me to a track&dive they we're doing later that day. Unfortunately I was unable to join them. At the end of the day he introduced me to other dz.com-ers. We asked around to see if we could get a group to go have dinner at a mexican restaurant. Ok, so he asked around and we got a small group going. The food was great, and there was a lot of it. I had a great time.

Sunday came by and after arriving at perris, he showed up and asked again. This time I did join them. It was a fun track&dive (about 5 ppl), he was leading it and we all stayed pretty close. I even got to dock with him right before breakoff. We did another track&dive with Quade. Quade was leading it, and he was wearing his camera suit (wings). What a cheater! :P Hehehe! J/k!

We did a freefly jump and another track&dive on sunset. It was awesome, the view of the sky and the sun between clouds in the horizon... was just unbelievable. Too bad my whuffo friends will never get to appreciate it to that extent. At least I can assume y'all know what I'm talking about.

I just wanted to say I was happy to meet all of you. It was a great weekend.


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It -would- have been cheating if it was a tracking -contest-. As long as I'm wearing a camera suit, about the only thing that can beat me will be a BirdMan suit. However, without the camera suit, I actually suck pretty bad. ;^) (Hey, at least I'll admit it.)

On further review of the tape . . .

Actually, I can think of maybe one or two folks that -could- beat me; me in a camera suit and them in a normal RW suit, however, those folks are just built for tracking; near 6 feet tall and weigh 100 lbs (or damn near close to it).
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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As I read this post, I must say, it bring to mind the story of a young skydiver who started jumping (very naively I must add) influenced by a malicious wrongdoer.

Ohh yeah but now the bastard moves away and think's he can jump!!!!! huh!!!!! >:( ok buddy you ain't going to arizona without inviting your buddies are u...

I'll guess I'll have to show up and teach you some manners boy!

Houston we have lift off! B|


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Sweet! La Putia makes an appearance on dz.com! Get your ass to CA and we'll find a way to get to AZ. And, I hope you haven't forgotten how to freefly... with all the rw you've been doing lately!

Oh, and I KNOW I CAN JUMP! Dunno if I can fly though, but for sure I can jump! LOL!


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free fly? is that where you getting in the plane without manifesting?

ohh you mean playing catch the fast falling bastard!!!!!!! yeah I think I can still play that game.....and beat you... on my belly. apparently I've upsized wingloading without downsizing canopy! :D

lets see ferris wheel out the door, followed by a spining bear hug... hehe.. is that how it goes....

I'm game for AZ with a pit stop in elsinore!



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