
Who has an office job?

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Been a computer geek for 38 years. Now Internet Postmaster for the US part of a global bank. Responsible for 140 million emails a year. No, I don't write them all myself ;)B|


It's never too late to have a happy childhood.
Postal Rodriguez, Muff 3342

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If I'm not in the field, I'm in the office...and I hate being in the office.

Exactly my situation - except I am in Field Service, not sales. As much as I enjoy having the opportunity to visit dz.com, I prefer to be on the road rather than being in the office.

I intend to live forever -- so far, so good.

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Doesn't any one that posts on here besides me work in a non IT job. I work for a defence contractor in the sandbox. We produce on average 35000 MW hours of power a year and use 18000 gallons of oil. We also burn close to 2 million gallons of fuel per year. What ever it takes to be ready to kick Saddams ass. (not that I think it's the right thing to do at this point in time) At least the computer works. But as I tell them over here; without us your just camping.
26 hours till vacationB|

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I have a pretty cush office job. I live 2 miles from it, work 12 hour days, 3 days a week. 6 weeks vacation with only 5 yrs with the Company. High School degree only. I don't pay Social Security and have a great pension and matching 401K. Pretty unbelievable salary considering my qualifications. They also gave all of us 80 grand in moving money to move to CA when they opened this office and paid for everything on top of that, including all closing costs and realtors fees.

I tell about 100 people what to do and when all day long. I get 400 emails and 200 calls a day. If you know me, it would scare the hell out of you how much responsibility I have......


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I have an office job too. I am marketing intern for a software company. They dont really have much work for me ever, so I get a chance to lurk through the posts. I used to post like I was Clay :)

7 ounce wonders, music and dogs that are not into beer

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Just a hint, IT team lead, a BIG corporation, get the picture.

Yeah but can you cause a train wreck?? A REAL train wreck?

Seriously, I take my job very seriously. Im like Jeckyl and Hyde (Not Robin). Im Mr. Serious at work and a looney away from it. We are talking lives, not locked up PC's.



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[replyYeah but can you cause a train wreck?? A REAL train wreck?

Seriously, I take my job very seriously. Im like Jeckyl and Hyde (Not Robin). Im Mr. Serious at work and a looney away from it. We are talking lives, not locked up PC's.



Well...let me put it this way, I can kill someone if I don't recover a file worth MILLIONS of dollars, but who cares...it's just money huh? :)
Blue Skies and May the Force be with you.

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Well...let me put it this way, I can kill someone if I don't recover a file worth MILLIONS of dollars, but who cares...it's just money huh?

The freight train/ Metrolink accident in Fullerton,CA last year is rumored to cost 300 million....Quite a big hunk out of the bottom line and we are self-insured.

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What's the fun about whacking a ball 3 miles away and then go find it and whack it again?

Whats fun about riding an airplane 2 miles up and then jumping out it, pulling a parachute just before your death, packing it, and then doing it again? :D


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You forgot to add the fact that it costs large amounts of money :)
Major Geek here (bonus points for recognizing the reference). Part-time programmer for a component development company. We make the stuff you database people use to make your proggies;) Full-time CS student at a university (Waterloo). Lately became a post whore too:P

-- Toggle Whippin' Yahoo
Skydiving is easy. All you have to do is relax while plummetting at 120 mph from 10,000' with nothing but some nylon and webbing to save you.

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